Ask Us Anything!

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Ask Us Anything!

Post by Torta » Mon Sep 10, 2018 12:32 pm



We've had such an overwhelming response to our launch video from dedicated WoW players — thank you so much! We can't wait to launch Turtle WoW on October 6th!

Ask us anyhing in this thread! The summary with all answers will be published on Friday afternoon (September 14th).

Stay turtled!

Edit: The publication date has been changed to Friday.

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Mary » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:08 pm

I know that I have been asking this before, but I like the ide of level capping for people that don't have as much time for gaming as others. That way people can stay togther for a longer time and people wont rush for mid maxing. Maybe 10 level per week or even more. I have never leveled a charecter with below x1 exp so I have no ide how long time it will take to hit max level.

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Mary » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:24 pm

What do you guys think about RP names? Is it a must to have a RP name or could you name your self what ever like on other servers? If so, are we going to be able to reserve names for the futrue launch?

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Edo » Mon Sep 10, 2018 2:27 pm

One more vote for temporary level caps. Should it cap only for kill xp, you could still get the quest xp while helping others with quests you can complete, or fully cap? If latter, maybe an increase in amount of cash/greys dropped from mobs would be a nice compensation (increased blue/green drop rate would be too much imo) and would motivate you to be online while its in place.

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Spiritseeker » Mon Sep 10, 2018 4:55 pm

Where are the servers going to be located?

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Kat » Mon Sep 10, 2018 5:53 pm

This is looking a lot further than launch but will Dire Maul and ZG be disabled? I also want to throw in a vote for level caps tho the time frame might have to be variable as something like 1-10 being a week long will be way different than say 30-40 being a week. Also since XP is only lowered for mob kills maybe we could even go lower like .6 xp rate for mob kills?
Last edited by Kat on Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Namedrew » Mon Sep 10, 2018 6:17 pm

Okay. I'll just be straight forward. Most of us know there were some jerks that worked on the two biggest vanilla private servers of the past few years. That is Elysium Project and Light's Hope. For those who don't know, individuals were selling gold, characters, items, un-bans, etc. for personal gain, behind the community's back. This obviously violates the integrity of the servers, and fosters a sense of distrust between players and server administrators.

So what does the Turtle WoW team have planned to prevent such unethical behavior from taking place, and ensure the community that we can trust you?

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Pantera » Tue Sep 11, 2018 12:52 am

Will multiboxing be allowed on this server? I hope not! It ruins the experience when you see players doing so, and is overall not a "fair" way to play imo. Especially since it's free to could end up seeing full 5man groups that are one person. Not cool!

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Lazyfrogrobot » Tue Sep 11, 2018 5:28 am

Hi! Longtime RPer on retail WoW, so I'm really looking forward to seeing how this private server will turn out. I can tell you plenty of riveting stories about in character escapades by the fireplace or over a flagon of mead, from Emerald Dream to Moonguard! Roleplaying on WoW has always been a fun experience for me when fully immersed in the world, and no doubt many people trying to RP for the first time will enjoy it very much if they have the opportunity to try it on this private server.

However, there's several things I notice that'll hinder that experience for everybody. I'm here to play devil's advocate so that I can see how Turtle Wow plans to address these questions when they come up. Surely, as the (soon to be) best RP PVE Vanilla WoW server, you ought to be able to answer them all with confidence!

Firstly: the x0.8 leveling rate... I understand that the whole point of this private server is to take things slower to facilitate RP and quest completion, but there are a LOT of things you risk by making the leveling slower. Vanilla WoW leveling is already notorious for its grueling pace as it is. Do you really feel this leveling rate is necessary to have a stress/rush free experience? You risk alienating players who not only want to RP and level their characters at a normal pace, but players who just want to play on a PvE server, and players who want a Blizzlike vanilla server without any extra gimmick.

Why is this leveling rate even necessary? If it's too slow to level, there probably won't be many players on this server after they realize how grueling it is to progress, and less players ALWAYS means less RP.

Secondly: the necessity of a PvE server for RP. PvPers who want their fix of combat on Turtle WoW can join battlegrounds and flag themselves whenever they want, and they can talk to innkeepers(and I assume the battlemasters) to join them! I like that idea. However, I have always felt that RPPvP servers are the most fun and populous. Most private servers are PvP because world PvP, not just battlegrounds, are what make WoW notorious for what it is. Too many times do we hear mention of the battles between Southshore and Tarren Mill, how exciting and insane all of the battles were, and we won't be able to do that if we have to manually flag ourselves.

More players simply flock to PvP servers more than they do PvE servers because open world PvP is natural, doing it while RPing is even more fun, and my most fun memories of WoW are from RPPvP servers, not RPPvE. Will there be an option for players who want an RPPvP server? Is it too much to ask for one instead of what we're currently getting?

Thirdly, and finally: player population... Roleplay is entirely dependent on people being there to roleplay with. Because of the two other questions that I have, provided everything that you guys have planned for this server goes well, what makes you think this server will have a sizeable population after launch? My fear is that not that many people will be interested in Roleplaying and PvEing as you think. People want a fix of vanilla WoW until classic hits, and a small tight knit community on a private server that reduces over the course of time won't last that long.

Is Turtle WoW confident that it'll be able to rake in the population numbers to see thriving main cities, populated questing zones, and a prosperous world full of travelers to talk to? How's this server supposed to be maintained with donations and cash shop purchases if only a niche few of people are going to play it? RP and PvE servers are already a specific demographic as it is.

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Evermorne » Tue Sep 11, 2018 7:02 am

Can't you launch the server now?

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Cropunk » Tue Sep 11, 2018 10:10 am

- Speak to the opposite faction.
- Send tells to the opposite faction.
- Group with the opposite faction.
- Make guilds with mixed factions.

It would be interesting for being able to RP skirmishes between guilds or RP factions, friendships like the one that developed between Thrall and Jaina, spies, betrayers and the like.

or introduce a way for your character to learn other racial languages

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Foggsi » Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:22 pm

First off: I love the whole idea and am really looking forward to this server. I do however see one problem creeping up. Shifting the focus from grind to quests and making it viable to do lower level quests is a good idea, but ultimately there aren't enough quests in the game to get to lvl 60, especially if experience is turned down to 0.8, even if just on mobs.

I would therefore like to know what your plans are to make sure that the players do not face an even more grueling, even longer grind, but instead actually feel as if we are exploring the entire world and are leveling up on the way. Sure a little grind is part of any MMO and exploring the world itself, especially at a deliberate and calm pace, will automatically result in grinding, but I fear that from lvl 40 onward we will experience quest drought after quest drought, having to grind mercilessly for levels at a time to gain access to new quests.

Whereas, even if they give good experience, going back into zones 10-15 levels below you and doing leftover quests just isn't fun, as without challenge, so fades the immersion of being part of a living breathing world in which you, well, conquer challenges. I personally would also like to offer a possible solution, if it isn't too hard to implement. Jobs are part of character growth. And would especially offer something to do if you are capped for the week (If you decide to implement such a mechanic). Perhaps it would be a good idea to introduce small XP gains for obtaining proficiency, although only after reaching a high enough lvl in the profession (175 perhaps or somewhere around that) so this couldn't be exploited.

This is only an idea and if you already have something planned I would love to hear it. I will play on the server regardless, but this has been on my mind since I read the announcement.

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Dimetal » Tue Sep 11, 2018 2:37 pm

Hey, Turtles! This will be my, and possibly others, first time playing on an RP server. Since you are aiming for a unique feel, will you have guidelines(not necessarily "rules") on how we should conduct ourselves while enjoying the server?

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Mary » Tue Sep 11, 2018 8:02 pm

What do you guys think about Transmog, is it somthing you guys have been thinking about or just a big no for the whole thing? Me my self is 50/50 about the whole ide. I like how Vanilla looks but at the same time I love the Judgment set (Paladin Tier 2) and has allways wanted it on a Warrior. I would play Paladin if I could tank as it in raids. turtle_in_love_head

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Kez » Tue Sep 11, 2018 9:41 pm

Hey all. Love the idea of the server and can't wait to get stuck into the world! Where's the server based and what core are you using? Also from what I can tell the shop is basically cosmetic stuff will you be able to tell us all the things available? Id love a beta test only just to get my hands on the realm quicker! Don't change anything with the low xp rates unless it's going lower! Another poster asked about having quests always giving xp and maybe having all quests stay green so they give basic xp will let us clear all the zones without overleveling it too hard instead of just finishing zones just for the sake of it. Good luck with the launch cant wait to see you all there!

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Basileonardo » Wed Sep 12, 2018 12:07 am

Hi, I hope everything is fine, you have a good way to announce the server! I hope I can play. my question, I have an updated wow version (8.1.something), if I change the reamlist to yours, will it work? Is there any way to keep the wow updated and play on your server separately?
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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Bullgus » Wed Sep 12, 2018 11:03 am

1. What are the different drop rates. Besides xp 0.8?
2. How much of the quests are working in percentage?
3. How much of the instances and raids have been tested and working?
"Mess with the bull and you get the horns!"

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Plopkoek » Wed Sep 12, 2018 11:22 am

I also really like the idea of putting a cap on how many levels you can gain daily. Regardless of which rate you install, people will always rush, I think.

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Cgrome » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:32 pm

Please no weekly level caps. I totally understand the concept but I people want to play with friends but have different play times they can always create alts for that purpose. I like the concept of taking our time but I feel these level caps will be way to restrictive.

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Frostfang » Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:47 pm

I also think weekly level caps are a bad idea as it will leave everywhere a little too crowded. The game doesn't really support EVERYONE being in the same place at the same time.
Will there be some sort of beta? I wouldn't put too much faith in the server working flawlessly and a beta would help address issues that need to be fixed before launch.
Shouldn't the exp rate be something more like 0.6x? I haven't played a ton of vanilla but I can say for sure that I have often abandoned a zone just after running some dungeons because I outleveled it...I don't think 0.8x will be slow enough for altoholics like me as the rested exp is insane

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Tegas » Wed Sep 12, 2018 9:44 pm

I posted in discord, but I'll also post here. I'm in favor of some sort of daily level cap. Something like 10, 19, 27, 34, 40, 45, 49, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60. Which would mean 15 days before the first lvl 60. I don't think that's too restrictive. Frostfang does bring up an excellent point that the zones might be a bit overcrowded. Do you plan to implement some sort of dynamic spawns based on zone pop?

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Dandilion » Thu Sep 13, 2018 11:51 pm


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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Edo » Fri Sep 14, 2018 3:08 pm

Is there a chance of making available custom titles, for purpose of showing allegiance to a tauren or orc tribe- i.e. "of the Stonehoof tribe" or just as a surname, from one of the existing families ?

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Gorathsm » Fri Sep 14, 2018 4:11 pm

Hello, first time posting here. I totally support idea of getting x0.8 exp rates and buffed exp from grey quests, i always wanted to do all (or at least most) of the quests but it was a waste since i already leveled up too much and therefore didn't get exp for low lvl quests. So, basically that means we'll be able to complete and actually be awarded for all quests in game (on both continents!) if i understood it correctly? If you scale on some degree quests with char lvl that would be brilliant!

Please, no lvl cap per day or week, that would only make me stop playing. If someone want and can play 15 hours per day, let him be, he deserve that his char will be higher lvl than someone who plays 2-3 hours per day. If you decide to add some kind of restriction, maybe exp penalty after "cap limit per day or week" will do the trick. Example, if there's 10 lvls cap per day and i just hit my 11th lvl i'll get -20% exp for all action during the rest of day. But still, i don't support the idea of limiting people to this kind of stuff.

Will there be some custom npc's with custom quests/items? Nothing overpowered, just your stuff there added, maybe heirloom stuff that you can get from a special custom quest that gets stronger as you lvl up? Anything like that would make me excited.

Really looking forward to this server
Will try to be on ladder top 20 :)

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Cropunk » Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:51 pm

Frostfang wrote:
Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:47 pm
I also think weekly level caps are a bad idea as it will leave everywhere a little too crowded. The game doesn't really support EVERYONE being in the same place at the same time.
Will there be some sort of beta? I wouldn't put too much faith in the server working flawlessly and a beta would help address issues that need to be fixed before launch.
Shouldn't the exp rate be something more like 0.6x? I haven't played a ton of vanilla but I can say for sure that I have often abandoned a zone just after running some dungeons because I outleveled it...I don't think 0.8x will be slow enough for altoholics like me as the rested exp is insane

trust me, u cant outleved in vanilla...u will miss so much qs in vanilla.some qs are not in game in low versions. and in dungeon u get so minimum exp. in original wow its another on 1x is slow....

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Frostfang » Fri Sep 14, 2018 7:36 pm

Cropunk wrote:
Fri Sep 14, 2018 5:51 pm
Frostfang wrote:
Wed Sep 12, 2018 8:47 pm
I also think weekly level caps are a bad idea as it will leave everywhere a little too crowded. The game doesn't really support EVERYONE being in the same place at the same time.
Will there be some sort of beta? I wouldn't put too much faith in the server working flawlessly and a beta would help address issues that need to be fixed before launch.
Shouldn't the exp rate be something more like 0.6x? I haven't played a ton of vanilla but I can say for sure that I have often abandoned a zone just after running some dungeons because I outleveled it...I don't think 0.8x will be slow enough for altoholics like me as the rested exp is insane

trust me, u cant outleved in vanilla...u will miss so much qs in vanilla.some qs are not in game in low versions. and in dungeon u get so minimum exp. in original wow its another on 1x is slow....
You can’t seriously be telling me that something I personally experienced on a vanilla server didn’t happen. No where did I mention the EXP on said server was modified in any way too. To me it sounds like you think I haven’t played vanilla at all...anyway, sources
of EXP are plentiful and overleveling content is as easy as doing a little bit of farming in dungeons and out in the field.

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Re: Ask Us Anything!

Post by Torta » Fri Sep 14, 2018 8:41 pm

Thank you for your support and the great questions!

Turtle WoW Questions & AMA — Answers: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=21

