Random screen freezing

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Random screen freezing

Post by Jack4241 » Wed Mar 02, 2022 7:46 pm

Hey there,

I just started playing in the server and I noticed something weird, as Im questing, killing npc and such, my screen will freeze between 1-3 seconds randomly and I've not been ble to identify whats causing the issue.

I deleted the WDB folder as recomended, deactivated Hardware Cursor and Vsync, uninstalled all addons in case one was causing the problem, lowered the graphics to minimum (but, shouldnt bethe case as my pc is capable enough of runing wow classic on max) even re-downloaded the game entirely just to be sure, but, the screen freezing keeps happening.

Anyone has any idea how to fix this? I realy like playing here but its kind of anoying getting a screen and sound freeze every X seconds (Also, if I dare to alt-tab during a loading screen the game just crashes)

Thanks for reading

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Allwynd01 » Wed Mar 02, 2022 8:11 pm

I think there is something broken on your end. I've never had this happen to me before. Not on this server, not on any other server.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Glittergold » Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:31 am

Well that was totally unhelpful Allwynd01. It happens to me as well; so maybe not on our end at all?

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Jack4241 » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:47 pm

Been looking into it and didn't to solve the problem yet, but, not a problem in my end, I can run other games way more demanding no issue. Only happens here, for the moment I just assume its going to happen until I have any idea why, it happens.

The only thing I can add its that it seems to get worse at the beginning of a dungeon, after a few minutes it doesn't happen that often, and that a temporary small fix seems to be deleting WDB, WTF and Interface and starting the game again, but it only last so long, maximum a day or so and then the fps drops happen again.

If I find any solution or something I'll write it here as soon as possible


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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Feder » Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:46 pm

I used to get such freezes a lot and eventually turned out to by that the game is on my HDD and not SDD and that causes 1 sec freezes in sublime moments... probably not your issue bot worth the try.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Kharamba » Tue Jul 05, 2022 10:27 am

Same thing is happening with me and I have the game on a very fast SSD. Other wow clients (3.3.5 and up) are working just fine.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Pugwoof » Wed Jul 06, 2022 3:41 am

I am also seeing this issue. I've only been playing here a couple weeks but this is far from my first server on the 1.12.1 client.

I plan to check on my other PC if the same issue exists- I did run Deadmines on that PC the other day and cannot recall seeing this issue. However, on my primary Gaming Rig, I get these very brief 1-2sec freezes (almost like a lag spike) periodically. I would estimate this occurs maybe 1ce every couple min. Additionally, as noted in above post, if I 'alt+tab' while the client is loading it crashes (though this does not happen 100% of the time I can consistently trigger it while alt+tabing when load bar is on screen).

I've tired messing with the refresh rate, vsync options, hardware cursor, but the issue persists. I keep thinking I found the setting tweak that resolved it...then it will return. The odd thing is I don't recall noticing this the first few days I was playing on Turtle WoW...very weird.

Currently playing on a 1440p 144hz monitor (have tried setting monitor to 120hz via Nvidia panel).
--i7 8700k , RTX 2080 Super, 32GB Ram, NMVE SSD Drive

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Radito1 » Wed Jul 06, 2022 6:55 am

I started playing here couple of days ago and I have the same issue. At times it gets really anoying...

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Pugwoof » Wed Jul 06, 2022 3:44 pm

Yea it is deff bugging me. I've been messing with settings last few days to try and fix it. Friday I'll be back at my other PC and will be interesting to know for certain if it occurs there as well...if not then there should be SOME edit I can do in game or on PC to fix.

I really feel like I was not seeing this issue the first few days I played (on this machine). I've not added any additional addons either--I suppose I could have just not noticed it but seems unlikely.
--I'm going to try and revert my Nvidia drive back 1 version and check that.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Skartp » Wed Aug 17, 2022 12:18 pm

I got the same issue and it's getting worse and worse, if anybody in this thread found a solution....

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Feomatar » Sat Aug 20, 2022 5:26 pm


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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Darkpirox » Mon Sep 26, 2022 6:15 am

Same here, been there and tried literally EVERYTHING i played on this server for months now and i started having this issue last month or so, and i remain unable to fix it or to know why it happened. Like i said tried everything, uninstall, no addons, delete stuff, all config options and combinations possible. Nothing works, if anyone ever gets any idea, please Help.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Ultor » Wed Oct 12, 2022 7:04 am

I have same problem.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Nightfax » Fri Oct 14, 2022 3:00 am

Still a problem, pretty annoying

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Mechaslav » Thu Nov 24, 2022 6:58 am

I have also started experiencing this problem After 15-20 minutes I start getting 1-0 fps, tried clearing WDB that is not the problem. It was working fine last week and I have changed nothing.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Gladeshadow » Thu Nov 24, 2022 9:23 am

I've talked with some others in game. Certain places in the game seem to trigger this for different players. And it changes over time. For instance, the game predictably slows to 1-2 FPS when I enter Silverwind Refuge just north of Mystral Lake in Ashenvale. I have to exit the area, log out, and log back in for things to get to normal. This has only happened in the last few weeks; it was fine months ago when I was there on my other characters.
Talking with another player, he has the same issue when he goes to a specific part of Orgrimmar.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Ayn » Sat Dec 03, 2022 6:00 pm

I was having a similar issue.
Turns out my problem was being caused by DPSMate. I simply had too much stored data.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Energyreflect » Tue Dec 13, 2022 11:37 am

Came back from a break, and have this same problem now. Especially prevalent when entering new zones.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Massie2 » Tue Dec 13, 2022 1:52 pm

Damn for how old this thread is, only once was "Addons" suggested as culprit?
Not saying it's the definitive issue, but the first thing that comes to mind with those symptoms are cases like PfQuest/Questhelper locking up your client for a few seconds on each zone change/mob kill because you accepted a quest that requires a very common item i.e. Silk Cloth. If you accepted a quest like that, those addons will fill your entire map with every humanoid spawn node that drops Silk Cloth which can easily micro freeze your client for a few seconds. And each time you change zones, it reloads all the nodes again.
This also applies for combat, as iirc, upon leaving combat the quest addon has to go through every map marker again to track your progress on the quest.

This is not how it really functions but you can imagine that each time you kill a mob, your quest addon has to go through 5000 NPCs to check if you still need their quest item (Silk Cloth) compared to every normal quest that may only have at max 25 nodes on the map.

The 101 of troubleshooting would be disabling ALL addons and observing the framerate. A fresh client install does not equate to "no addons" as the Turtle Client comes with a default set of addons such as TurtleRP and LFTurtle.
Addons that passively scan players can also under circumstances cause massive fps lag, especially if any gear related scanner has to make sense of custom items or broken transmog tooltips.

If an addon free state solves the issue temporarily, then the next step would be grabbing an addon like KLHPerformanceMeter which reports the CPU usage of each addon and how much time they take up to load.
It basically literally tells you which addon is freezing your client.

TLDR: Disable ALL Addons, including Turtle ones - check if it solves the lag - if yes: grab a cpu monitor addon to track which addon is the culprit.

PS.: regarding loading screen alt tab crashes - IIrc this is an issue even with 3.3.5 clients, where any button after clicking on the loading screen, will close your client instantly without any error message. The solution is to not click into the client while it loads. However alt-tabbing itself should be exempt from closing the client, unless you fatfinger the Tab key alone.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Energyreflect » Tue Dec 27, 2022 11:38 am

I get these issues without any AddOns enabled. For example, music comes on, it freezes/stutters for a while. New zone: gotta go get a coffe to wait for the stuttering to persist. Pretty severe stuff, on a rig that should be more than plenty for WoW. Any other possible fixes? :-(

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Pashkazavr » Mon Apr 17, 2023 8:58 am

I'm on modern gaming pc with Win11 22H2 (22621.1413) and I've solved my freezes - I have two monitors connected - The ingame freeze occur on wallpaper changes, I had the interval set to 30 minutes, so I changed it to 1 day and DONE! Man, this clients 1.12.1 graphic api is ancient..

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Jarrick » Mon Apr 17, 2023 9:15 am

This happens to some while discord is running. Try killing discord from task manager, restart WoW and see if it continues.

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Re: Random screen freezing

Post by Gargzz » Mon Apr 17, 2023 10:19 pm

Feder wrote:
Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:46 pm
I used to get such freezes a lot and eventually turned out to by that the game is on my HDD and not SDD and that causes 1 sec freezes in sublime moments... probably not your issue bot worth the try.

Sorry for the necro, but I wanted to say thanks for this reminder. I had been having this issue, thought I had installed this on my SSD, but turned out I put it on my HDD instead. I moved this over and it's running great now.

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