Very strange latency issue (Please help!) MYSTERY!

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Posts: 9

Very strange latency issue (Please help!) MYSTERY!

Post by Randomlyryan » Fri Apr 14, 2023 5:43 am

Okay so, when I'm alone playing this I stay in the green around 172ms and I don't have issues.

However, whenever my fiance (whom sits right next to me) logs in, we both get flung into red latency (Around 1100, 1400ms).

We play other games just fine together, no issues with lag, but with Turtle WoW it seems to be another story. We read about an addon called Leantrix and that they had something for people with latency issues but no idea if it's safe/recommended or whatever... or if anyone has had success using it. (Should we try it?)

We're on the West coast of the USA if that matters, but I can't fathom how I have such a solid connection alone, and how it then wrecks us when we're both on SO hard, it makes no sense.

Please, any help with this would be greatly appreciated!

Posts: 9

Re: Very strange latency issue (Please help!) MYSTERY!

Post by Randomlyryan » Sun Apr 16, 2023 5:35 pm

PROBLEM FIXED: It was "one drive" causing the issue from her laptop. She didn't realize it was on and "uploading" data that was killing our connection to Turtle.

Lesson Learned: Make sure that one drive is OFF (Windows OS problem) when playing on Turtle WoW.

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