Any plans for other 40 mans to be scalable?

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Any plans for other 40 mans to be scalable?

Post by Yeahidkx7 » Sat Apr 08, 2023 3:32 am

I think it would be pretty cool if we could get BWL/AQ/NAXX 20 man

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Re: Any plans for other 40 mans to be scalable?

Post by Element19090 » Sat Apr 08, 2023 4:52 am

Would be cool if we could see 10 and 20 man versions of everything.
Alyn - Level 60 High Elf Mage

Amalar - level 41 - Night elf Rogue

Uada - Level 28 - Human Warlock

No I never played on Elysium, stop asking me. The name was from the name randomizer.

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Re: Any plans for other 40 mans to be scalable?

Post by Kairion » Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:27 am

They all have some scaling in place.

MC scales down to 20
BWL to 25
AQ40 to 30
And naxxramas to 35

Thing is it only scales numbers not mechanics in its current form. Making almost all bosses outside of mc significantly harder when downsized too much because you still need enough players for each class to play the mechanic. (X tanks, multiple melees to get mindcontrolled etc)

Someone like c'thun on the other hand is hard precisely because you need to have many players in the room and doing stuff. So if you downscalw him you would need to make his room tiny if you want to keep the same fight feel.

I think its in large parts impractical and and the little bit of scaling we have is an awsoms stwpping stone for guilds to build up their rosters, while naxxramas remains an epic place full of extremely deadly monsters a single player could never hope to solo ;)

So i think there is a practical limit to how much you can downscale

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