Glyph of the Orca isn't worth it

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Glyph of the Orca isn't worth it

Post by Deadeyecarriage » Wed Feb 23, 2022 8:01 pm

Very minor complaint but when you use glyph of the orca the model seems to be significantly lower than the player model, meaning it is barely visible even when swimming on the surface of water.


Regular aquatic form for comparison


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Re: Glyph of the Orca isn't worth it

Post by Jombo » Sat Apr 01, 2023 10:34 pm

Sorry for necro post, but I'd rather that than spam a new one.

Orca Glyph:
Devs, remember that we actually pay for this. The OP's mentioned issue should be fixed as it actually changes gameplay a bit: As orca, you can't even see surface camera, which you can with regular aquatic form. Thus, orca is at a weird disadvantage for no reason.

Ice Bear Glyph:
Another glyph which is slightly problematic, is the ice bear glyph. Everything is fine except one thing: no animation when skinning and looting. Now, I'm not even mentioning minor things like no dance animation. There absolutely has to be a skinning / looting animation, as they actually have a small gameplay impact - players near you see what you are currently doing. Only thing needed here is to add that missing animation from bear form to glyph bear form model I suppose. Again, may seem like small things, but actually both things alter the game in annoying ways, which is a poor way to say thanks to players who paid real money and want to support the server.

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Glyph of the Orca isn't worth it

Post by Orlymike » Sat Apr 01, 2023 11:00 pm

Is it really not mentioning something, if you mentioned it?

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Re: Glyph of the Orca isn't worth it

Post by Jombo » Sun Apr 02, 2023 7:49 pm

Very clever, pointing out one tiny, irrelevant, part of the post. You want a medal ? 😊

Anyway, it wasn't a 1 April joke. I am serious and hope you'll fix this, good developers. I bet it isn't too hard to do.

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