Surface Guide for beginners on leveling a warrior in the Classic WoW(Human)

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Surface Guide for beginners on leveling a warrior in the Classic WoW(Human)

Post by Rukopashka » Mon Feb 20, 2023 1:59 pm

Level 1-10: Elwynn Forest
Start off in Northshire Valley in Elwynn Forest and complete all the available quests there. This will give you a solid foundation of experience and gear for the next few levels.

Make sure to loot everything you can, as this will give you additional gold and items that can be sold for a profit.

At level 6, travel to Goldshire and visit the warrior trainer to learn new abilities.

Complete any remaining quests until you reach level 10.

Level 10-20: Westfall and Redridge Mountains
Head to Westfall and complete all the available quests there. This zone is full of bandits and thieves that will provide a good challenge for your warrior.

Make sure to take breaks from questing to kill mobs in the surrounding areas for additional experience and loot.

Once you've completed all the quests in Westfall, travel to Redridge Mountains and continue to quest there.

Take advantage of the nearby lake to grind mobs for additional experience.

Level 20-30: Duskwood and Stranglethorn Vale
Travel to Duskwood and complete all the available quests there. This zone is full of undead creatures that will be vulnerable to your warrior's abilities.

Keep an eye out for elite mobs in this zone, as they can drop rare items and provide a large amount of experience.

Once you've finished Duskwood, move on to Stranglethorn Vale and complete all the quests there.

Stranglethorn Vale is home to many different mobs, so be sure to mix up your killing strategy to keep things interesting.

Level 30-40: Dustwallow Marsh and Thousand Needles

Head to Dustwallow Marsh and complete all the quests there. This zone is full of dragonkin and murlocs that will provide a unique challenge for your warrior.

Take breaks from questing to grind mobs in the surrounding areas for additional experience.

Once you've completed Dustwallow Marsh, travel to Thousand Needles and continue to quest there.

Thousand Needles is home to many different kinds of mobs, so be sure to mix up your strategy to keep things fresh.

Level 40-50: Tanaris and Un'Goro Crater
Travel to Tanaris and complete all the quests there. This zone is home to the Gadgetzan faction and has a variety of mobs to challenge your warrior.

Make sure to take breaks from questing to grind mobs in the surrounding areas for additional experience.

Once you've completed Tanaris, head to Un'Goro Crater and continue to quest there.

Un'Goro Crater is full of dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures that will provide a fun and unique challenge for your warrior.

Level 50-60: Winterspring and Silithus

Head to Winterspring and complete all the available quests there. This zone is home to the Frostmaul Giants, who will be a worthy challenge for your warrior.

Take breaks from questing to grind mobs in the surrounding areas for additional experience.

Once you've completed Winterspring, travel to Silithus and continue to quest there.

Silithus is home to the Cenarion Circle and is full of insectoid creatures that will test your warrior's abilities.
1.Choose the right race: When creating a warrior in Classic WoW, it's important to choose a race that complements the warrior class. Humans, dwarves, and orcs are all good options for warriors.

2.Pick the right spec: Warriors have three talent trees to choose from: Arms, Fury, and Protection. While leveling, you may want to go with the Arms or Fury tree, as these provide more damage output.
3.Focus on strength and stamina: Strength and stamina are the two most important stats for warriors, as they provide damage output and survivability. Focus on gear that boosts these stats.

4.Prioritize weapons: As a warrior, your weapon is your primary source of damage. Upgrade your weapon as often as possible, and focus on weapons with high damage and speed.

5.Use defensive abilities: While leveling, it's important to use your defensive abilities like Shield Block, Shield Wall, and Defensive Stance to keep yourself alive in tough fights.

6.Don't be afraid to use consumables: Health potions, food, and other consumables can make a big difference in tough fights, so don't be afraid to use them.

7.Group up for quests: Warriors can struggle with some solo quests, so it's a good idea to group up with other players to complete them.

8.Take advantage of your AoE abilities: Warriors have several AoE abilities, like Whirlwind and Sweeping Strikes, that can be very effective when fighting groups of enemies.

9.Use Charge to start fights: Charge is a great way to initiate combat and get the jump on your enemies. Use it whenever you can.

10.Keep your gear up to date: As you level, be sure to upgrade your gear regularly to keep up with the tougher enemies you'll face.

11.Learn how to kite: Kiting is the art of using your ranged abilities to keep enemies at a distance while you attack them. Warriors can kite effectively with their ranged abilities, like Heroic Throw.

12.Get a good shield: A good shield can make a big difference in tough fights. Look for shields with high armor and stamina.

13.Use Hamstring to slow enemies down: Hamstring is a great ability to use when fighting enemies that move quickly, as it slows them down and makes them easier to fight.

14.Don't neglect your professions: Professions like blacksmithing and mining can provide useful gear upgrades and other benefits to warriors.

15.Use Berserker Rage to break crowd control: Berserker Rage is a great ability to use when you're under crowd control, as it breaks the effect and allows you to continue fighting.

16.Take advantage of stuns: Warriors have several abilities that can stun enemies, like Charge and Intercept. Use these to interrupt enemy attacks and gain an advantage in combat.

17.Use Thunder Clap to reduce enemy damage: Thunder Clap is a great ability to use when fighting multiple enemies, as it reduces their damage output and makes them easier to fight.

18.Learn how to tank: While leveling, you may want to try tanking dungeons to gain experience and gear. Learn the basics of tanking, like holding aggro and positioning.

19.Use Intimidating Shout to control enemies: Intimidating Shout is a powerful ability that can control multiple enemies at once. Use it when you're overwhelmed or need to control a group of enemies.

20.Practice, practice, practice: Finally, the key to leveling up a warrior in Classic WoW is practice. Keep practicing your abilities, learning new strategies, and exploring the world to become a master warrior.

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