vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Jammyxx » Fri Jan 27, 2023 12:04 pm

Is there anyway to reduce the fog in the distance so you can see more terrain? Or is this restricted in 1.12?


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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Icedtea12 » Sat Jan 28, 2023 12:00 am

Any chances to get the cataclysm style raid frames that Classic has?

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Skate » Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:44 pm

Is there a way to make it work together with vanilla fixes?

Kind Regards

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Shamma » Fri Feb 10, 2023 6:41 pm

Skate wrote:
Fri Feb 10, 2023 5:44 pm
Is there a way to make it work together with vanilla fixes?

Kind Regards
It works differently and hence they can work independently together as well.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Geojak » Fri Feb 10, 2023 11:17 pm

Use vanilla tweak to make new wow exe, then launch with vanilla fixes. Works for me

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Rukopashka » Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:22 pm

Hello there, I looked at your code and here are some tips to improve it:
  • Use Result type:
    Instead of returning ExitCode which is just an integer, consider returning a Result type that can indicate success or error with details about the error. For example, you could return a Result<(), Box<dyn Error>>.
  • Use a logger:
    Consider using a logging crate, such as env_logger or log4rs, to help you debug your application. With logging, you can print out debugging information and helpful messages to the console or a file.
  • Use PathBuf instead of OsString:
    The PathBuf type is more convenient than OsString for working with paths. You can easily append and concatenate paths with PathBuf, and it automatically handles the platform-specific path separator.
  • Use Path instead of String:
    Instead of using String to represent file paths, consider using Path. This can help avoid conversion errors and make the code more platform-independent.
  • Use serde for serialization/deserialization:
    Instead of writing custom value parsers for command-line arguments, you can use serde to serialize and deserialize Rust data types to and from JSON, YAML, or other formats. This can make it easier to update the argument format in the future.
  • Use match instead of if let:
    In your code, you use if let to handle some of the cases where an Option is Some or None. It may be more concise and easier to read if you use match instead.
  • Use std::path::Path::exists():
    Instead of checking if a file exists by opening a file and checking if there is an error, you can use Path::exists() to check if a path exists.
  • Avoid hard-coding constants:
    Instead of hard-coding constants like file names and values, consider using configuration files, environment variables, or command-line arguments to make the code more flexible and easier to change.
  • Use unwrap_or_else() instead of unwrap_or()
    In your code, you use unwrap_or() to provide a default value for command-line arguments. However, unwrap_or_else() may be more efficient, especially if the default value is a complex expression.
I hope these tips help you improve your code!

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Templar1 » Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:40 pm

Hi! New to Turtle WoW, and I wanted to apply this patch. I followed the directions and have a wow-tweaked.exe but I cannot get the extra options to appear - I have no resolution or FoV options beyond the base client and adding --help property doesn't bring up any information when I start the client. Can anyone assist?

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Shamma » Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:27 pm

Templar1 wrote:
Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:40 pm
Hi! New to Turtle WoW, and I wanted to apply this patch. I followed the directions and have a wow-tweaked.exe but I cannot get the extra options to appear - I have no resolution or FoV options beyond the base client and adding --help property doesn't bring up any information when I start the client. Can anyone assist?
I think u are misunderstanding what vanilla-tweaks does. There are no new options ingame. The options are silently applied in the background when u launch the tweaked.exe

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Templar1 » Thu Feb 23, 2023 10:09 pm

Shamma wrote:
Thu Feb 23, 2023 9:27 pm
I think u are misunderstanding what vanilla-tweaks does. There are no new options ingame. The options are silently applied in the background when u launch the tweaked.exe
For some reason the game remains unchanged though? Even when I launch the tweaked client I have the same resolution/FOV as the unmodified client. The instructions state using the --help property is supposed to bring up a list of tweaks but this doesn't work.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Lescot » Sat Feb 25, 2023 12:32 pm

Hi! The game crashes regularly after changing graphics settings.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Albusturt » Mon Feb 27, 2023 2:29 pm

Does this change client's version from 1.12.1 to 1.16 so it's only usable for turtlewow?

I'm trying to use it on another vanilla server but I'm getting version mismatch error upon login. It's either because of this tool changing the version or perhaps the other server has an additional protection against tweaking the exe?

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Nandiebs » Sat Mar 04, 2023 2:46 pm

how do I run this on Mac OS? dragging the wow.exe on top of the vanillin-tweaks doesn't work
I tried to run "open vanilla-tweaks --args wow.exe" in terminal, but didn't work either

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Detrol2k » Sat Mar 04, 2023 9:45 pm

Working good so far, the only Issue I have is sometimes the mouse pointer starts to rapidly fade when moving it in certain areas or disappears almost completely, if I do 1-2 alt tabs it gets fixed temporarily.

Anyone faced a similar issue?

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Mrrabbit » Wed Mar 08, 2023 2:18 pm

I have the File Vanilla-Tweaks, I drag the wow.exe onto it and nothing happens? I know I am doing something wrong but I am a 486 guy and need some help scared_turtle_head thank you

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Kooldudester » Thu Mar 09, 2023 4:45 am

Using WoWFoV.exe, is there a simple way to disable the sound while tabbed out? I like everything else about the modified client except that one aspect.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Brndd » Sat Mar 11, 2023 5:36 pm

Rukopashka wrote:
Wed Feb 22, 2023 11:22 pm

Hello there, I looked at your code and here are some tips to improve it:
  • [snip]
I hope these tips help you improve your code!
Thank you Mr. ChatGPT.
Templar1 wrote:
Thu Feb 23, 2023 8:40 pm
Hi! New to Turtle WoW, and I wanted to apply this patch. I followed the directions and have a wow-tweaked.exe but I cannot get the extra options to appear - I have no resolution or FoV options beyond the base client and adding --help property doesn't bring up any information when I start the client. Can anyone assist?
For some reason the game remains unchanged though? Even when I launch the tweaked client I have the same resolution/FOV as the unmodified client. The instructions state using the --help property is supposed to bring up a list of tweaks but this doesn't work.
The command line parameters are for the patcher itself, not for the modified WoW executable. The patcher is basically just an automatic hex editor -- everything it does could also be done by hand using a hex editor. Essentially it just changes some hardcoded values in the client, plus minor logic changes for things like the autoloot reverse patch.
Albusturt wrote:
Mon Feb 27, 2023 2:29 pm
Does this change client's version from 1.12.1 to 1.16 so it's only usable for turtlewow?

I'm trying to use it on another vanilla server but I'm getting version mismatch error upon login. It's either because of this tool changing the version or perhaps the other server has an additional protection against tweaking the exe?
It does not change the client version, and should be compatible with pretty much every server. I have had reports of issues when users have replaced their original WoW.exe with the modified one, but I have not been able to replicate those -- I think they are probably related to the update download process (which is also used on Turtle). It's safest to keep the patched executable besides the original executable, and then simply start the game from WoW_tweaked.exe.

Make sure that you're using the patcher on the other server's WoW.exe and not on the one from the Turtle WoW client.
Nandiebs wrote:
Sat Mar 04, 2023 2:46 pm
how do I run this on Mac OS? dragging the wow.exe on top of the vanillin-tweaks doesn't work
I tried to run "open vanilla-tweaks --args wow.exe" in terminal, but didn't work either
I don't use Mac myself, but I would assume you would run it from the terminal like this: ./vanilla-tweaks WoW.exe. If you want to use any of the optional parameters, put them between vanilla-tweaks and WoW.exe in the command.
Kooldudester wrote:
Thu Mar 09, 2023 4:45 am
Using WoWFoV.exe, is there a simple way to disable the sound while tabbed out? I like everything else about the modified client except that one aspect.
If by WoWFoV.exe you mean this patcher, you can do that with the command line parameters. If you're on Windows, the easiest way to do this is to go into your Turtle WoW directory, select File (top left) -> Open Windows PowerShell, and then in the command prompt that appears, type (or copy and paste): ./vanilla-tweaks.exe --no-sound-in-background WoW.exe. You can then run the game from WoW_tweaked.exe.
Mrrabbit wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 2:18 pm
I have the File Vanilla-Tweaks, I drag the wow.exe onto it and nothing happens? I know I am doing something wrong but I am a 486 guy and need some help scared_turtle_head thank you
Dragging WoW.exe on top of it should create a new file called WoW_tweaked.exe. It should look like nothing else happens, or at most a command line window will pop up and then quickly disappear. The patcher is purely a command-line application, so dragging WoW.exe on top of it is essentially just a shortcut for running it from the command line with the file path of WoW.exe as a parameter.

If the drag-and-drop method doesn't work for you, you should try running it from the command line. One reason it could be failing is that you have your game installed in the Program Files directory, and that directory is write protected without administrator privileges. A workaround for this could be to put vanilla-tweaks.exe on your desktop and then drag WoW.exe on top of it there; this way the patched executable will be created on your desktop. You can then move it into the Turtle WoW directory from there.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Zuuhl » Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:19 pm

Geojak wrote:
Fri Feb 10, 2023 11:17 pm
Use vanilla tweak to make new wow exe, then launch with vanilla fixes. Works for me
This didn't work properly for me. Here's what I did to use Vanilla Tweaks and Vanilla Fixes together correctly:

1. Install vanilla-tweaks.exe (as described in this forum).
2. Delete the original Wow.exe and WowFoV.exe files.
3. Rename the Wow_tweaked.exe file to Wow.exe.
4. Install VanillaFixes.exe.
5. Launch the game with VanillaFixes.exe.

Enjoy the game :)

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Geojak » Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:09 pm

well i thought stepts 1-5 were clear. my bad

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Brndd » Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:45 pm

Zuuhl wrote:
Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:19 pm
This didn't work properly for me. Here's what I did to use Vanilla Tweaks and Vanilla Fixes together correctly:

1. Install vanilla-tweaks.exe (as described in this forum).
2. Delete the original Wow.exe and WowFoV.exe files.
3. Rename the Wow_tweaked.exe file to Wow.exe.
4. Install VanillaFixes.exe.
5. Launch the game with VanillaFixes.exe.

Enjoy the game :)
The best way to use VanillaFixes with vanilla-tweaks is to launch VanillaFixes with the parameter "WoW_tweaked.exe". The easiest way to do this on Windows is to create a shortcut to VanillaFixes.exe, then right-click the shortcut, choose Properties, and in the "Target" box, after the file path of VanillaFixes, type WoW_tweaked.exe

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Luclar » Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:52 pm

WOW Thank you! This was the itch I needed scratched for so long! <3

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Manjus » Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:22 pm

Lescot wrote:
Sat Feb 25, 2023 12:32 pm
Hi! The game crashes regularly after changing graphics settings.
Anyone got a fix for this issue? I'm now getting this problem and can't launch the client at all. I even tried totally reinstalling a new TWoW folder and it still doesn't work. Non-stop crashing now.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Brndd » Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:39 pm

Manjus wrote:
Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:22 pm
Lescot wrote:
Sat Feb 25, 2023 12:32 pm
Hi! The game crashes regularly after changing graphics settings.
Anyone got a fix for this issue? I'm now getting this problem and can't launch the client at all. I even tried totally reinstalling a new TWoW folder and it still doesn't work. Non-stop crashing now.
What graphics settings did you change?

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Lescot » Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:41 pm

Manjus wrote:
Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:22 pm
Lescot wrote:
Sat Feb 25, 2023 12:32 pm
Hi! The game crashes regularly after changing graphics settings.
Anyone got a fix for this issue? I'm now getting this problem and can't launch the client at all. I even tried totally reinstalling a new TWoW folder and it still doesn't work. Non-stop crashing now.
I had a slightly different problem – the game launched and crashed after a few seconds. I solved this problem by simply using the modification to the original WoW.exe file again.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Manjus » Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:06 pm

Brndd wrote:
Fri Mar 17, 2023 2:39 pm
Manjus wrote:
Thu Mar 16, 2023 10:22 pm
Lescot wrote:
Sat Feb 25, 2023 12:32 pm
Hi! The game crashes regularly after changing graphics settings.
Anyone got a fix for this issue? I'm now getting this problem and can't launch the client at all. I even tried totally reinstalling a new TWoW folder and it still doesn't work. Non-stop crashing now.
What graphics settings did you change?
I didn't change anything, literally clicked on the exe and it created a Wow_tweaked. Then I tried to open client and I get this message automatically. I then just tried using a normal client and now I get the crash before the client even opens. I just can't play TWoW at all now pretty annoying...

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Brndd » Sun Mar 19, 2023 11:25 pm

Manjus wrote:
Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:06 pm
I didn't change anything, literally clicked on the exe and it created a Wow_tweaked. Then I tried to open client and I get this message automatically. I then just tried using a normal client and now I get the crash before the client even opens. I just can't play TWoW at all now pretty annoying...
That doesn't sound like it has anything to do with the patcher. I would suggest trying the usual troubleshooting steps; reset your and make sure your antivirus isn't fucking with you.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Xigbclutchix » Mon Mar 20, 2023 3:23 am

Manjus wrote:
Sun Mar 19, 2023 9:06 pm
I didn't change anything, literally clicked on the exe and it created a Wow_tweaked. Then I tried to open client and I get this message automatically. I then just tried using a normal client and now I get the crash before the client even opens. I just can't play TWoW at all now pretty annoying...
Make sure you have Vertex Animation Shaders enabled in the video options. I was getting crashes constantly when that was disabled and couldn't figure it out for hours.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Closer » Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:07 pm

Why you would disable shift loot with this is beyond me lol. Makes it too annoying to play with. Any way to re-enable shift loot?

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Brndd » Fri Mar 24, 2023 9:02 am

Closer wrote:
Wed Mar 22, 2023 7:07 pm
Why you would disable shift loot with this is beyond me lol. Makes it too annoying to play with. Any way to re-enable shift loot?
Shift loot is just loot now, so try not pressing shift while looting. You can change it back the other way around by passing the --no-quickloot parameter.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Belphegore » Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:36 pm

Redmagejoe wrote:
Sun Oct 30, 2022 5:13 am
There's already an official version of this you can find at

It has the FOV, increased RAM usage cap, and sound playing when in background tweaks applied.
A bit of a Necro, bit since I have the same specific ultra wide resolution: unfortunately no, the FOV increase provided by this fix and the exe that comes with the current turtle client are both for a fixed FOV of 1.925.
This is suitable for wide screen (16:9), but not for ultra or super wide screen (21:9).

In 21:9 the FOV fixed version still looks stretched, and at the same camera distance provides the same 3D view horizontally.

From a UI perspective, which I assume are elements rendered separately from the 3D game world, there still seems to be more 'real estate' but the scale UI function doesn't work anymore.

In short, ultra wide screen in vanilla is an ambitious mixed bag :) I think that only Wotlk and upwards were 21:9 friendly.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Draky » Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:29 am

Hi. Just installed this, works great, but for whatever reason i can't change the resolution back to 1440p. It defaults to 1080p no matter what which is of course not a good thing on a 1440p moni

any tips?

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Brndd » Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:10 am

Belphegore wrote:
Thu Mar 30, 2023 2:36 pm
A bit of a Necro, bit since I have the same specific ultra wide resolution: unfortunately no, the FOV increase provided by this fix and the exe that comes with the current turtle client are both for a fixed FOV of 1.925.
This is suitable for wide screen (16:9), but not for ultra or super wide screen (21:9).
You can increase the FoV further with the command line parameters. I don't know what a good FoV for 21:9 would be.
Draky wrote:
Tue Apr 18, 2023 7:29 am
Hi. Just installed this, works great, but for whatever reason i can't change the resolution back to 1440p. It defaults to 1080p no matter what which is of course not a good thing on a 1440p moni

any tips?
At least on my machine the resolution dropdown in the video settings is totally broken because there are too many resolutions for it to display. I suggest changing the resolution in directly and then simply not touching the in-game video settings.

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Mujumbura » Thu Apr 27, 2023 7:32 pm

I am getting disconected after a couple of seconds playing sins I started using this patch any idea as to why ??

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Duckwarrior » Mon May 08, 2023 3:36 pm

thanks for u work!
i have a question , after use that tool, it make my game fps drop down to 70~80, and my gpu 3060ti usage rate just 20%, anyone have same question?

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Duckwarrior » Mon May 08, 2023 6:47 pm

i solve problem after search keyword fps

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Re: vanilla-tweaks — patch the executable for FoV, grass distance, sound in background & more

Post by Casavir » Wed May 10, 2023 5:25 am

Thanks alot! I tried to find grass distance patch since Nost!

But i have another request. Is it possible to fix processaffinitymask in wow.exe? Wow.exe process always use third core of my CPU (i7-2600k). And commands doesnt work properly. Can you make for example constant SET processAffinityMask "15" or anything like this? ... finityMask

P.S. I know i can set 3 and 4 cores in wow shortcut

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