Dolokhov's Journal 3 - "The Greysteels and the Scythe"

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Dolokhov's Journal 3 - "The Greysteels and the Scythe"

Post by Thiccroy » Sun Jun 30, 2019 9:41 am

Seventh of the seventh month, 30 ADP.


Where to begin?

As I rest in the lower bunk of a two bunked bed, above me the very 'heavy' Gallegund, I begin to draw my thought to the events that began a week ago, taking me to Silverpine and back. Making me face Worgen, Ghosts, the Undead, the Shadows of the past, all to find an elven Scythe and avenge the curse of the wild beasts that roamed those forests.

It all began in Darkshire. I was traveling around, collecting contracts that I could finish in these abandoned, dark woods. I made my way to the most western hamlet in the province, the cemetery town of Raven Hill. There, in the inn, I met and spoke with Gallegund, as others began to appear. It seemed to collect quite a crowd, to which I found out that they were the Greysteel Company. And by Gallegund's accounts, wanted by Stormwind.

I kept my calm as we inquired about a possible contract with them. We both found out we were looking for a Scythe that had been used by a powerful sorcerer called Arugal, called the Scythe of Elune, which summoned monstrous beings that I had never heard of before- the Worgen.

Our path would lead us to Silverpine, which I was surprised about. But twelve gold was twelve gold, and I and Gallegund accepted this mission.

Soon enough, as I, Gallegund and the company gathered around Blackmoore, their Captain, we became aware of the capture of one of their spies within Silverpine, who was looking for the Scythe and Arugal. What happened would haunt me forever.


I head eaten mutton, potatoes and drank it down with good Lakeshire Kvass. However, I had deposited most of it on the cobbles of a road not far from Pyrewood Village. We had teleported into hostile territory and we were all dazed as we continued our path. Our large party split up. As they always do in these kinds of stories...

One larger party traveled into the Village. Within it was Gallegund, to whom I told my goodbyes to as I traveled with a smaller, quicker and stronger party up the steps to Shadowfang Keep, the place of Arugal and his power, and possibly, hopefully, the Scythe. With me was a Kaldorei Druid called Barros, hell-bent on the destruction of Arugal. There was a senile, old priest, called John, who had insulted me and my people before, but we learned to cooperate with one another. Then there was Asta, a Lordaeronian Dame, who wielded shield and light. I, with my large two-handed blade, traveled into its deep halls and battlements with them.

It had been the first time I had seen Worgen. That I had seen ghosts of all things. I had not thought it would be so easy as to kill ghosts. Our first task was to get into the courtyard, forcing us to fight through hounds and bi-pedal hounds. The Worgen were mighty and strong but they proved naught enough for the four of us. John healed and invigorated us, as Barros took the brunt of the damage in his bear form, while I and the Dame took on dispensing justice and flanking attacks at the enemies around us.

The battle was long, but after killing a Worgen Alpha in the stables, we were quick to unlock a Wizard of the Kirin Tor from his cage. Not catching his name before he departed, he had promised and delivered his gratitude by opening the courtyard doors for us. There, we fought Ghosts, who put temporary hexes and spells upon us. On a small detour, the Dame Asta had a quest from a blacksmith to bring her a hammer within the courtyard's stables. She had, foolishly, thought it was... Inside one of the horses.

We killed them. Of course, they were hellish looking, but Barros did not approve. I thought nothing of it. I, Asta, John, and Barros continued up to the upper levels, dispensing justice upon the Worgen through the hallways and battlements. We were getting close to the Commander of the army of Ghostly Guardsmen upon the walls but were soon ambushed from the back by the ghost of the Baron Silverlaine himself, and some of his ghostly goons. The ambush was sudden, but not enough to halt us.

We pressed into the Commander's War Room and soon dispensed with him. I had found it interesting, that the Commander's ghost could 'heal' itself with what seemed to be the light. I shook this off, as the Dame Asta prayed for his lost soul, so he may go on from his eternal curse.

Soon came a battle against an army of ghost guardsmen, which we narrowly fell in, but after a small pause, continued our way into a tower of alchemic research, filled with tomes and libraries. Running up winding stairs, we came upon the biggest hound I had ever seen. It was the height of three Kaldorei Elves, and as we stood by, I manned up and charged in first, followed by Barros and the other two. It was quick to kill, considering its size, but the cage doors behind it could not be opened. It was a trap, as shadowy like beings appeared behind us and attacked us!

We quickly dispensed them and proceeded to the last enemies. A large worgen waited for us up some steps, and we swiftly killed it to proceed through a large gate. There, Arugal stood, with the Lady Ashlynn, tied and beaten. The priest, John, tried to coax him with rude behavior and vulgarity, but it was to no avail. I, Asta and Barros would run in and fight his 'Sons of Arugal', large, alpha Worgen, as John fought his darkness with his Light. Up above, we saw as John, by himself, dispensed with Arugal, a mighty mage, by taking the form of -pure shadow-. Incredible. terrifying.

As the others took care of Ashlynn's wounds, I scoured Arugal's perch for the Scythe.

The Scythe was gone.

We quickly ran from the Keep, as Arugal's disembodied voice laughed at us. He had not been killed, I gather... Or maybe he was. We left the Keep behind, and an angry Blackmoore screamed to the heavens. We had come for naught, almost losing two men, although I would not have been sad about one of those deaths, an Alteraci called Talvik.

So began our week-long journey home. We had walked through Southshore and I had departed to Stromgarde. There, for two days, I had stayed, before meeting the party again in Dwarven lands. Together, we took the Tram to Stormwind and made our way to Raven Hill, to be paid and rest. However, within the inn, we found out the treachery and madness of Blackmoore. The fool had recruited an undead! An undead! I had almost cut off both their heads, but we were distracted by the sudden appearance of these 'Dark Riders', holding the Scythe itself to them.

We tried to catch them, but to no avail, and as I and Gallegund said our goodbyes, we returned here to Darkshire.

I must sleep. And shave.
And count my money.

It is soon time to enact my ambition. My promise. My oath.

I swore I would return.

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Re: Dolokhov's Journal 3 - "The Greysteels and the Scythe"

Post by Ozkum » Sun Jul 07, 2019 7:56 pm

Dolokhov could you write more?

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Posts: 13

Re: Dolokhov's Journal 3 - "The Greysteels and the Scythe"

Post by Thiccroy » Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:53 pm

Will do so after the event I'm hosting for <The Red Fist>. The Journal will turn into the Chronicle of the Red Fist from then onward.

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