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Post by Leverflick » Sat Aug 06, 2022 9:52 am

So, we all know meeting stones are just kinda there. Not really useful. But is there a way to make them?

Meeting stone's whole idea is to be a place of meeting, where a group awaits the lacking ones and such.
So, my proposition is to give a meeting stone some kind of a buff, that ticks up the more you wait next to it. I am not sure if that would be easy to impliment or not, but maybe for each minute of waiting next to the meeting stone you get a 5% to your stats for a minute, stacking up to 10 minutes. Or, you can make it so its a 1% to all stats for 10 minute, stacking 5 times.

Its a very raw idea and im open to other interpretations, but i bet making meeting stones give some kind of a positive effect would encourage people to actually meet up next to them

thats all. thanks for reading :)

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Post by Raukodor » Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:11 am

Time a go in wow alpha Stones were binding Stones. Each zone had one. They worked just like in rexxar campaing

When you die you appear (alive) in the binding stone

So no graveyards and no ghost wallking
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Post by Allwynd01 » Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:12 am

Just have meeting stones so that people at the stone can teleport other people so they don't have to wait for each other just to travel there. The meeting stone doesn't have to do anything else.

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Post by Sinrek » Sat Aug 06, 2022 11:44 am

Meh … ask warlocks. They should be monopolists on summoning.
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Post by Pringlesfan » Sun Aug 07, 2022 9:53 pm

not a fan of a buff since it kinda rewards just afking before every dungeon. Maybe something like a summoningstone-lite where if you have 4 people you can summon a 5th (idk how easy that is to implement lol) or if not maybe it can be a marker that shoes up on minimaps and the main map for people not super familiar with vanilla can at least see where the general area of dungeons are.

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Post by 0ri » Mon Aug 08, 2022 8:56 am

If there are at least 3 people from the party inside the dungeon 4th&5th can use them to teleport inside the dungeon.

This way it is easier to find replacement for low level dungeons
(You no longer need to re-clear all the mobs outside)

Make them Dungeon Stone's/Instance Stone's

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Post by Reploidrocsa » Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:15 am

Make a small area around the stone a rested place? like an Inn?

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Post by Bellybutton » Mon Aug 08, 2022 11:52 am

This is a really out-there idea, and doesn't really fit the "Meeting Stone" fantasy, but since "Meeting Stones" are basically worthless in Vanilla and provide practically nothing lore-wise, would it be possible to change them into something else entirely?
I'm just spitballing an idea, but what if the final boss of a dungeon drops a repeatable quest item, that, when brought to the Stone outside the instance, gives you and your party a temporary 30 minute, 1 hour long buff, or 2 hour long buff? Like after clearing Wailing Caverns, Mutanus the Devourer would drop what he normally does, but he also drops a new item (that everybody in the party can get, no rolling) that when brought to the Meeting Stone outside of Wailing Caverns, you get a 20% increase to movement speed for specified amount of time (an hour? Two hours?)
Or by killing Van Cleef, he drops an item which when brought to the Meeting Stone outside of deadmines, increases your dodge chance by a specific amount for an hour or two.
Or by killing Arugal, he drops an item which when brought to the Meeting Stone outside of Shadowfang Keep, increases your spell damage by a specific amount? Or maybe gives your auto attacks a chance to proc shadow damage for an hour?
And the higher level the dungeons are, the more powerful and rewarding the buffs would be.
The meeting stone buffs would be able to be gotten again and again, but it would require you to run that dungeon to get the item again.

It's just little flavor things that would give people something even more to look forward to after seeing a dungeon all the way through to the end. Of course, this is not a """serious""" suggestion but moreso an idea to make Meeting Stones more interesting.
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Post by Zulnam » Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:48 pm

I am new to this server, but i've played WoW for more than I feel comfortable admitting, and in my opinion the best proven usage for the Meeting Stones is for them to act as summoning stones, as they do in TBC and SoM.

It's the ideal QoL change: affects everyone in a positive manner, respects your time and does not affect the social aspect of the game.

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Post by Augustfenix85 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:56 pm

Bellybutton wrote:
Mon Aug 08, 2022 11:52 am
This is a really out-there idea, and doesn't really fit the "Meeting Stone" fantasy, but since "Meeting Stones" are basically worthless in Vanilla and provide practically nothing lore-wise, would it be possible to change them into something else entirely?
I'm just spitballing an idea, but what if the final boss of a dungeon drops a repeatable quest item, that, when brought to the Stone outside the instance, gives you and your party a temporary 30 minute, 1 hour long buff, or 2 hour long buff? Like after clearing Wailing Caverns, Mutanus the Devourer would drop what he normally does, but he also drops a new item (that everybody in the party can get, no rolling) that when brought to the Meeting Stone outside of Wailing Caverns, you get a 20% increase to movement speed for specified amount of time (an hour? Two hours?)
Or by killing Van Cleef, he drops an item which when brought to the Meeting Stone outside of deadmines, increases your dodge chance by a specific amount for an hour or two.
Or by killing Arugal, he drops an item which when brought to the Meeting Stone outside of Shadowfang Keep, increases your spell damage by a specific amount? Or maybe gives your auto attacks a chance to proc shadow damage for an hour?
And the higher level the dungeons are, the more powerful and rewarding the buffs would be.
The meeting stone buffs would be able to be gotten again and again, but it would require you to run that dungeon to get the item again.

It's just little flavor things that would give people something even more to look forward to after seeing a dungeon all the way through to the end. Of course, this is not a """serious""" suggestion but moreso an idea to make Meeting Stones more interesting.

Or perhaps a repeatable rep reward quest, not to big though, but something. They can be called “Recharging the ward, <location of dungeon>”
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Post by Kanto123 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:31 pm

I'd say making it a graveyard for those who died in the dungeon would be helpful

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Post by Gantulga » Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:47 pm

How about warlock-powered summoning stones?

Each stone would have a sacrificial pentagram into which a level 20+ warlock can be brought and sacrificed permanently, deleting that character. This would give the stone a certain amount of summoning charges (based on the warlock's level and the amount of soul shards he had in the bags during the ritual) that groups can use.

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Post by Kanto123 » Mon Aug 08, 2022 10:39 pm

Gantulga wrote:
Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:47 pm
How about warlock-powered summoning stones?

Each stone would have a sacrificial pentagram into which a level 20+ warlock can be brought and sacrificed permanently, deleting that character. This would give the stone a certain amount of summoning charges (based on the warlock's level and the amount of soul shards he had in the bags during the ritual) that groups can use.
That's interesting from a lore perspective, but from a gameplay perspective it would require someone takes one for the team and sacrifices a character they've spent hours playing in order to benefit the community at large; i believe it would be hard to find players willing to do that

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Post by B3tabob » Wed Aug 17, 2022 8:44 am

Leverflick wrote:
Sat Aug 06, 2022 9:52 am

Meeting stone's whole idea is to be a place of meeting, where a group awaits the lacking ones and such.
So, my proposition is to give a meeting stone some kind of a buff, that ticks up the more you wait next to it. I am not sure if that would be easy to impliment or not, but maybe for each minute of waiting next to the meeting stone you get a 5% to your stats for a minute, stacking up to 10 minutes. Or, you can make it so its a 1% to all stats for 10 minute, stacking 5 times.
Meeting stones should be exactly that - a place for meeting. Summoning is reserved for warlocks and should not be meddled with, because it's a huge incentive to play one.

I really like the idea that once you're in a party and next to a stone, a buff would appear that says something RP friendly along the lines of "You are waiting for your friends" and when everyone from a party shows up (which would be 5 people for dungeons), you get some minor buff for the dungeon, like 0.5-1% damage and the buff message reads "the combined strength of your party gives you courage". You could even make it so that every meeting stone has a different minor buff based on the dungeon.

This solution makes it so that:
1. you meet people at the stone;
2. you don't afk at the stone;
3. the buff works only in the specific dungeon, you can't use it elsewhere;
4. makes the meeting stones thematic and useful.


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Post by Zhilo » Sat Aug 20, 2022 5:51 pm

Saying that only warlocks should be able to summon people sounds nice and all, but there just arent enough warlocks to help most parties get to their dungeons quickly. And I doubt that people choose to play warlock because the prospect of playing party logistics excite them. Just make meeting stones work like in TBC i say. Its a quality of life issue. And while youre at it figure out how to safely get opposing factions into capital dungeons with them. (Stockades and RFC)

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Post by Mikeloss » Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:26 pm

I think we should drop the Looking for Turtle icon/shortcut and instead if you want to find other turtles to join you for a dungeon run you would have to walk to the dungeon in question, click it and automaticaly join the queue for that dungeon.
Do not kill me yet, listen to this:
1- By doing this you would not be wasting time walking there, you would actually just "MEET" a bunch of people in front of the dungeon doing the same! SO finding a party is even easier(If not you are queued anyway :D ).
2- It would LITERALY give meaning to the Meetingstone.
3- it would make sense RP wise because heros in search of the challenge would just naturally meet there.
4- It would boost World PvP encounters which could add a fresh flavour to PVP.

I know maybe it is crazy, but I agree with OP. We could do something about it.

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Post by Sinrek » Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:57 pm

Mikeloss wrote:
Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:26 pm
I think we should drop the Looking for Turtle icon/shortcut and instead if you want to find other turtles to join you for a dungeon run you would have to walk to the dungeon in question, click it and automaticaly join the queue for that dungeon.
Do not kill me yet, listen to this:
1- By doing this you would not be wasting time walking there, you would actually just "MEET" a bunch of people in front of the dungeon doing the same! SO finding a party is even easier(If not you are queued anyway :D ).
2- It would LITERALY give meaning to the Meetingstone.
3- it would make sense RP wise because heros in search of the challenge would just naturally meet there.
4- It would boost World PvP encounters which could add a fresh flavour to PVP.

I know maybe it is crazy, but I agree with OP. We could do something about it.

Big love turtle_tongue
That's what they did … at least they tried.
Here, have a read.

I'd personally like to see people queue from innkeepers and once the specific group gathers at the meeting stone they get a 15 min buff for 5% armor and 20 spirit for 10 mins inside the instance that Meeting Stone is bound to.

I'll let the team know though.
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Post by Feyfolken » Sun Aug 21, 2022 11:14 pm

How about turning Meeting Stones into Dungeon Stones which would basically be an ingame Atlas loot?
You click on it and you can see the map of the related dungeon, a few paragraphs about its lore, and why not, a list of the bosses with their major loots.
Something similar to the Dungeon Guide introduced in Cataclysm :)

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Post by Aiden2002 » Sun Aug 21, 2022 11:36 pm

What's the reason for them not being summoning stones? Is it just to prevent people from using them to get across the world quickly? You could make it so that it summons the whole group once everyone clicks ready and it only works with a full party. To prevent people from abusing it, make it give a debuff that kills them in X minutes if they don't get into the instance.

I also like the suggestion of it giving a buff while in the instance. Maybe make it so that it either teleports or gives a buff while in the instance? That way there's a benefit to everyone meeting up there, but you can forgo that to get someone there faster.

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Post by Thol » Mon Aug 22, 2022 12:12 am

They look out of place.They should be removed so players stop asking to turn them into summoning stones like in retail. They were added late into vanilla anyway and players could find dungeons fine without them.

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Post by Tedris » Mon Aug 22, 2022 11:36 am

What about making them to summoning stones which require an item per summon. This item is created by Warlocks and can be sold on the Auction house.

The materials for that "summoning scroll" could be like: soul shard, enchanting mat, and a blood item some wild beasts drop for example.

The quality of used ingredients (enchanting mat and blood item) will determine the level you can summon a character with.

For example "summoning scroll I" created via 1x Soul shard, 5x Strange Dust, 2x Young Wolf Blood, will summon one character up to level 20.

Higher level scrolls require higher level mats but can summon higher level chars.
Additionally the so summoned people will have a 5 min debuff "exhausted" which decreases stats similiar to res sickness so that you cant summon big grps fast for pvp related stuff.

Warlocks will still be usefull for summoning, can make some gold on it, meeting stone would have a lorewise "okish" use and actually having a warlock in your party would still be better.

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Post by Mikeloss » Mon Aug 22, 2022 6:41 pm

Sinrek wrote:
Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:57 pm
Mikeloss wrote:
Sun Aug 21, 2022 10:26 pm
I think we should drop the Looking for Turtle icon/shortcut and instead if you want to find other turtles to join you for a dungeon run you would have to walk to the dungeon in question, click it and automaticaly join the queue for that dungeon.
Do not kill me yet, listen to this:
1- By doing this you would not be wasting time walking there, you would actually just "MEET" a bunch of people in front of the dungeon doing the same! SO finding a party is even easier(If not you are queued anyway :D ).
2- It would LITERALY give meaning to the Meetingstone.
3- it would make sense RP wise because heros in search of the challenge would just naturally meet there.
4- It would boost World PvP encounters which could add a fresh flavour to PVP.

I know maybe it is crazy, but I agree with OP. We could do something about it.

Big love turtle_tongue
That's what they did … at least they tried.
Here, have a read.

I'd personally like to see people queue from innkeepers and once the specific group gathers at the meeting stone they get a 15 min buff for 5% armor and 20 spirit for 10 mins inside the instance that Meeting Stone is bound to.

I'll let the team know though.
Wow, I did not even knew that! Thanks for the piece of information. I can see the points they made more clearly now compared to mine. It could be a bad idea afterall.

Aside from that I like the Buff idea coming from OP . It also gives meaning to the meeting stone without breaking the game as long as the buff is not unreasonable. The one you suggested makes alot of sense to me. "...15 min buff for 5% armor and 20 spirit for 10 mins inside the instance that Meeting Stone is bound to." This helps get the party moving a bit quicker in the beginning to ease into the flow. I like it!

I hope this will be implemented.
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Post by Heimdallr » Mon Aug 22, 2022 8:01 pm

Hm, the meeting stone could provide some sort of buffs? or something, imagine that this would be as a tarvern, that people litrally be there to meet, form and go

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Post by Raekuro » Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:15 am

Last edited by Raekuro on Sat Sep 03, 2022 6:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Geojak » Tue Aug 23, 2022 7:45 am

I am very against allowing stones to work like in tbc. Why? Currently everyone knows they have to walk or bother a warlock.

With meeting stones that summon, its a, who walk. There is always someone gambling on being summoned.

I don't like this group dynamic at all rewarding the egoistic players counting on getting summoned

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Post by Nearl » Tue Aug 23, 2022 7:58 am

Kanto123 wrote:
Mon Aug 08, 2022 9:31 pm
I'd say making it a graveyard for those who died in the dungeon would be helpful
Great idea tbh

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