General Drakkisath has been defeated, but this has only been the beginning of the problems that the residents of Azeroth are going to face from now on...Four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the Burning Legion. Though Azeroth was saved, the tenuous pact between the Horde and the Alliance has all but evaporated.
However a few in number have maintained their past relationships ever since. Jaina Proudmoore of Theramore and Thrall, Warchief of the Horde see the looming dangers threatening their people's existence to this very day. Thus have they appointed diplomats of both faction to rally those who are still willing to fight under the same banner in the coming battles ahead. Two of very good capabilities have been tasked with executing the navigation of the new alliance. Namely Tarun Swifteagle, a veteran warrior and general of the human army stationing in the Stormwind Keep and Karn Deepeye in the Valley of Wisdom who now serves as a scholar for the Horde leaving his warlock past behind.
Seek them out if you heed their call!
Many are the voices that want to leave behind banal battles and join forces, finally, to survive the dangers that threaten the world.
Those brave heroes who desire to be united, may become diplomats speaking with Karn Deepeye in Orgrimmar or Tarun Swifteagle in Stormwind.
They will be able to group, speak and trade with members of the other faction.
Diplomacy channel: If you are a diplomat, you can join a cross faction channel by doing /join Diplomacy.