Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

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Re: Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

Post by Redmagejoe » Sun Jul 10, 2022 8:13 pm

Team is extremely apprehensive about giving even windows, because last time they did that, it fell through. Development cycles are inexact, things change, sometimes beyond the team's control, and so even if/when it looks like we're within literal days of release, we don't want to say even that much. I can vouch for that as someone who works in software development myself.

Because if a developer does that, then people will get angry if that deadline comes and goes because of something unforseen. Those who have information and desperately want to share an answer to your question won't for that very reason: What if the deadline passes? You'll feel "lied to" / "betrayed" / etc.

Know simply that the team is working on it and are just as if not more eager for the patch to come out than the players are.

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Re: Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

Post by Smokingrinch » Mon Jul 11, 2022 6:50 am

Jeez this is getting ridiculous, the devs have their own lives and problems , it doesn't matter if it's easy or not to implement the talents , it doesn't matter if they have or don't have time to do it or even if they want to implement them. What matters is that if you like the server as it is right now you keep playing or you can take a break from playing and take a look every now and then on the forum to see if the changes have been made.

If you think the changes are easy to do here you go make your own server and I'm sure a lot of people will flock there, here's where you can get them : ac-web. org/forums/forumdisplay.php?60-Releases (hope it's not against TOS to post links). You have repacks , binaries , scripts whatever you need to make your own server as you please , you can even implement the talents proposed in this section (mind blown). If not there are other servers and dare I say other games out there that you can play until the changes are made if they will ever be.

Also if any devs happen to be based in Ukraine then have a shred of decency and realise that their literal lives (and the ones of their families, imagine if they might even have children ) might be at stake depending on where they are and you are here complaining about some game. You might think you're a hero for complaining or being sarcastic but you're just a narcisstic prick at this point.

And to the devs , just try to implement the original changes you had in mind and you can fine tune it afterwards , I've seen pages and pages about pally talents but I think it's pointless to talk about them without test driving the new talents in the wild first ,and make changes afterwards since I doubt they can be perfectly balanced on the first try.

P.S. I've stopped playing in december after they announced the new changes and I want to play with those changes or not at all and until now I haven't died and I have a feeling I won't die if they don't implement the changes.

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Re: Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

Post by Gravelx11 » Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:09 am

The rogue changes look extremely weak. Detection? No one will bother with that, throwing weapon spec? Are you kidding? Rogues were ok up untill patch 0.9 the weapon speed changes really nerfed them into the ground, if you want rogues to feel good give them aoe attacks, and change how combo points work, or at least put them higher on the damage meter. They are currently the least wanted dps in any raid. They are out classed by warrior and should not be.

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Re: Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

Post by Redmagejoe » Tue Jul 12, 2022 1:07 am

Gravelx11 wrote:
Tue Jul 12, 2022 12:09 am
The rogue changes look extremely weak. Detection? No one will bother with that, throwing weapon spec? Are you kidding? Rogues were ok up untill patch 0.9 the weapon speed changes really nerfed them into the ground, if you want rogues to feel good give them aoe attacks, and change how combo points work, or at least put them higher on the damage meter. They are currently the least wanted dps in any raid. They are out classed by warrior and should not be.
"Should not be?"

I really hate to break it to you, but nothing anyone can do short of insanely buffing any one class or nerfing Warriors into the ground is going to remove Warriors from the top of the raid DPS charts (I don't even know why this matters other than for bragging rights). Fury Warriors aren't topping DPS charts for 80% of a boss fight, and then in the last 20% of boss HP, they're overtaking everyone because of Execute dumping. Without changing this ability (which I strongly urge against), there is mathematically nothing you can do to address this. It is the way it is, Execute is crazy DPS which is why it's reserved for <20% Max HP.

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Re: Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

Post by Flameroller » Tue Jul 19, 2022 4:57 pm

Gravelx11 this is not classic, this is not pure vanilla wow. You do not need to compete with anyone, the server does not have a very large population, I'm sure raids will still take you on any class/spec. They will need bodies, or won't be harmed by taking extra if they currently do not need bodies. Now unless I am just ignorant and every raiding guild on this server are full of elitists that only take the meta classes decked in the best gear, there really shouldn't be an issue here. Also, "They are currently the least wanted dps in any raid" is complete nonsense. Do you really think they are less wanted than ret pally? Feral druid? Enhancement shaman? Survival hunter? Come off it, they are not even close to the least wanted dps. They are only the least wanted dps of the few blizzard originally designed the game to function with and that does not at all equate to them not being wanted at all. Raids always have rogues, unless there are none available (fat chance of that ever happening, but I'm sure it has very rarely).

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Re: Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

Post by Flameroller » Tue Jul 19, 2022 5:15 pm

Redmagejoe, just ignore Elladar. He's beyond reason. I, too am very disappointed that the class changes aren't out and I also think that communication has broken down and the only source for it is discord, which not everybody wants to join, or even knows about. This is a mistake and certainly they can be forgiven in light of an unprecedented event in our lifetimes. Wars are not unprecedented, but that something being developed and distributed online has been affected, that right there is new.

I won't be playing on the server until the class changes come out and that's unfortunate. It's also unfortunate that communication is so disjointed and the consequences have to be lived with. It's not incorrect to point out that the first impressions given by the website and changes aren't good. Most people that stumble across it aren't going to necessarily assume Ukraine has anything to do with the delays. It certainly is logical, but with a very quick, uninvolved look into the server, most people will simply write it off and move on. If they want people to join, it may be beneficial (I strongly suspect it WILL be) to put the reasons for the delay front and center on the site.

I also want to acknowledge how telling it is that the server is still running and that it is being worked on at all, despite apparently not being able to get donations (not sure if true). Hence why I won't write them off and will continue doing exactly as has been mentioned; check up on the progress every one in awhile.

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Re: Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

Post by Bloodphobos » Tue Jul 19, 2022 9:30 pm

My proposals regarding rogue updates. I can propose much more changes, but as I know developers don't want huge class refactor.
1) Add axe mastery for rogue. Update appropriate talent improvement in combat spec.
2) make Combo Points (CP) not applicable to current target: allow target switching without CP lose
3) "Ambush" ability adds +2 Combo Points instead of 1.
4) Allow "Backstab" ability hit in face without strafe-dance. If it is not very difficult it would be good to implement it in the same way as in current wow: -20% if you hit into face and normal damage from backside.
5) Allow to use "Slice and Dice" without stealth breaking (makes good encounter start in PVE with "Premeditation")
Assassination (main idea: add some damage by poisons to make this build more viable in PVE in earlier progress. Make "Vigor" interesting):
1) "Improved Poisons" talent 5/5 adds 20% (was 10%) apply chance
2) "Vile Poisons" talent 5/5 adds 40% (was 20%) poison damage
3) "Vigor" talent adds 20 (was 10) energy and also grants +5% haste to character.

Combat (main idea: add Axe support, and Throw improvements for the build, make riposte talent cost more cheap):
1) "Deflection" make it 3/3. Parry could be 2 or 1 per point
2) "Sword Specialization" refactor to apply in addition the same bonus to Axe.
3) "Throwing weapon specialization" talent also adds xxx% dmg to regular throw ability. Throw should be weaker then SS + finisher rotation.
4) New talent 1/1 under "Throwing weapon specialization" adds "Deadly-throw" finisher from BC Upper talent is required.

Subtlety (main idea: allow all builds to use "Sap" in a proper way, finally create viable dagger PVE/PVP build based on "Ambush" and "Backstab" abilities. Add "Setup" leveling way. Make "Premeditation" interesting)
1) "Camouflage" talent makes 3 point max: 5% speed and 2 sec CD per point
2) "Slight of hand" talent makes critical chance reduce to 3% per point and add "Ambush" threat reduction -50% per point
3) "Setup" 15% -> 33% (100% at 5/5)
4) Move "Improved Sap" talent in tear 1 and make with 2 points max (50/100%)
5) "Deadliness" talent also grants 20% for "Backstab" strike to add +1 CP (100% +1 CP when 5/5). If logic with extra CP is hard it's also possible to reduce BS energy cost let's say -4 energy per point.
6) "Premeditation" talent also grants passive +5% agility to character.

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Re: Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

Post by Lorencor » Wed Jul 20, 2022 3:08 pm

Flameroller wrote:
Tue Jul 19, 2022 5:15 pm
Redmagejoe, just ignore Elladar. He's beyond reason. I, too am very disappointed that the class changes aren't out and I also think that communication has broken down and the only source for it is discord, which not everybody wants to join, or even knows about. This is a mistake and certainly they can be forgiven in light of an unprecedented event in our lifetimes. Wars are not unprecedented, but that something being developed and distributed online has been affected, that right there is new.

I won't be playing on the server until the class changes come out and that's unfortunate. It's also unfortunate that communication is so disjointed and the consequences have to be lived with. It's not incorrect to point out that the first impressions given by the website and changes aren't good. Most people that stumble across it aren't going to necessarily assume Ukraine has anything to do with the delays. It certainly is logical, but with a very quick, uninvolved look into the server, most people will simply write it off and move on. If they want people to join, it may be beneficial (I strongly suspect it WILL be) to put the reasons for the delay front and center on the site.

I also want to acknowledge how telling it is that the server is still running and that it is being worked on at all, despite apparently not being able to get donations (not sure if true). Hence why I won't write them off and will continue doing exactly as has been mentioned; check up on the progress every one in awhile.

You are complaining about communication on a server completely free and that receives constant updates over those 4 years?

Some devs have other jobs and personal life issues to take care of at the same time.
Just relax and play what we have so far. If you don't want to play just leave the server and go do something else besides pointless complaints.

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Re: Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

Post by Lev » Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:42 am

Dear administration!
Why add something new when you can just improve what you already have.
1.1 Spells Multi-Shot - Instant
1.2 Talent Efficiency (Rank 5\5) - reduce the mana cost of your Shots and Stings by 20%
2. Mage
2.1 Spells Arcane Missiles - 40 yd range
3. Druid
3.1 Spells Insect Swarm - transfer spell to balance
3.2 Talent Improved moonfire (Rank 5\5) - increases the damage and critical strike chance of your Moonfire spell by 20%.
3.3 Talent tranquil spirit - reduces the mana cost of your Healing Touch and Tranquility spells by 15%
4. Priest
4.1 Spells Shadow Word: Pain - reduce the required amount of mana per spell by 5%.
4.2 Spells Shackle Undead - 0.5 sec cast
5. Shaman
5.1 Spells Flame Shock - 35 yd range
5.2 Spells Mana Spring Totem - mana Spring Totem with 5 health at the feet of the caster for 5 min
6. Warlock
6.1 Spells Summon Succubus - no longer requires a soul stone
7. Rogue
7.1 Sprint - Increases the rogue's movement speed by 90% for 10 sec
8. Paladin
8.1 Spells Blessing of Wisdom - Places a Blessing on the friendly target, restoring mana every seconds for 20 min.
8.2 Spells Greater Blessing of Wisdom - Places a Blessing on the friendly target, restoring mana every seconds for 40 min.
8.2 Talent Improved Devotion Aura - Increases the armor bonus of your Devotion Aura by 25%.
9. Warrior
Spells Battle Shout - 5 rage
Spells Disarm - 5 rage
Spells Intercept - 5 rage

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Re: Final Changelog for Class Changes coming in 1.16.1

Post by Torta » Sun Jul 24, 2022 8:14 pm

Dear players, we thank you for your feedback and advice. I'm locking this thread as we're going to publish a newly updated changelog in the near future!
