Interface / Saved Variables

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Interface / Saved Variables

Post by Dannic » Tue Jul 12, 2022 3:04 am

Hello everyone,

I have this problem everytime i come back in the game i have to disable vanilla damage in Interface Options / Advanced Options / Show Target Damage / Show Periodic Damage ( i use msbt addon ).
Everytime i disable this come back on the next launch.

The SavedVariables.lua files in my turtle folder was never modified ( the main one as the account one )

I notify it's impossible to change a file directly in my turtle wow folders, always have to make a copy outside, make change then copy past for replace the old one.

Also vanilla xp gains is impossible to disable, include in game.

If anyone have ideas and can help i will be appreciate smiling_turtle_head

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Re: Interface / Saved Variables

Post by Gurky » Tue Jul 12, 2022 3:25 am

Did you make sure you exited the game in the correct (for addons) manner?

Log out wait for the timer and then quit game?

If so the addon might not be writing the saved variables correctly. Do you have a link to the addon?

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Re: Interface / Saved Variables

Post by Dannic » Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:17 am

I quit the game correctly and i have an msbt find in this forum for be compatible with turtle wow, anyway the probleme it's to can't save the advanced options interface change when i log out / on

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Re: Interface / Saved Variables

Post by Dannic » Tue Jul 12, 2022 5:18 am

I don't find any line in the SavedVariables.lua for change advanced options interface : Show Target Damage / Show Periodic Damage also

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Re: Interface / Saved Variables

Post by Gurky » Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:07 am

It sound like the addon might not have flags to save those settings. I am not sure on that thought without looking at the code.

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Re: Interface / Saved Variables

Post by Geojak » Tue Jul 12, 2022 6:25 am

Check msbt settings carefully , I think there is something that auto turns then on/off.

I had the same issue for a while and was also wondering

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Re: Interface / Saved Variables

Post by Jolikmc » Tue Jul 12, 2022 7:48 am

I have a really dumb question, but please, humor me.

You don't happen to have some of your settings files in read-only mode, do you? Personally, I always keep my "chat-cache.txt" file locked so that way certain AddOns can't muddle up my channel and chat interface settings, as they're prone to do.
Not currently playing. Just skulking and snarking~

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