Silvermoon Patch Concerns

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Silvermoon Patch Concerns

Post by Hir3 » Tue Jul 05, 2022 5:45 am

Now I don't know how you are writing the Blood Elves.

But I have concerns over this Silvermoon raid. Refreshing myself on lore I am reminded that in the wake of all the pre-WoW blood elf lore, it seems as though they are not this antagonistic race that would warrant a raid.

After leaving the Alliance, they were not particularly spiteful of the Humans. They are simply an arrogant and inward race. The main contention point is with Kael'Thas, however in venturing to the Dark Portal and him sending Rommath to Silvermoon, all this drama has been internal.

At best I feel like you can make the case that the Horde and Alliance actually are the invaders for once in lore, that is, we are suspicious of a kingdom of fel users being established, and pre-emptively invade. But with the Horde being forced to tolerate Warlock magic, and the Alliance's history with the elves, I don't know if you can push this as a reason.

Rewriting the Blood Elves as antagonistic would do just as much of a lore jump as TBC did to them.

Alternatively, you could center the raids and dungeons around a civil conflict and scourge remnants.

As a fan of elven lore, despite not playing one, I am very worried about writing them as a threat to Azeroth. I would much rather see Quel'Thalas as a peaceful RP zone without the burdens of dangerous high-level mobs. TBC did the zone quite well as a former idyllic paradise, with content rarely endangering even early level blood elves just exploring along.

My suggestion would be to implement the zone as a high elf questing one; Remember that not all high elves were exiled, and the condition can be that public dissent of fel siphoning is forbidden. Low level adventurers work towards reclamation efforts in this scenario.

Additionally or alternatively, raid or dungeon content can be added around the Sunwell and attempts to finish securing it to prepare for restoration. This reinforces the elven ties to the Alliance, and displays publicly their history of treachery in foregoing formal relations with the Horde despite these efforts. (At least to Horde players).

Please do not reduce a core Warcraft race to loot tables and punching bags.

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Re: Silvermoon Patch Concerns

Post by Jolikmc » Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:47 am

I'm not entirely sure what gave you the impression that there was going to be a Raid Instance set in Silvermoon City… I'm also not entirely sure why you think Turtle WoW is treating the blood elves like villains. From what I can tell, the high elves have basically decided Kael'thas doesn't exist, anymore.

On the topic of blood elves being "evil", I suppose there's Lethtendris and her magic-sapping device, Telmius Dreamseeker, if you count him trying to learn about the Highborne, and Magus Rimtori in Azshara, who turned out to be a jerk to everyone, but especially the Horde. Otherwise, there's a blood elf ambassador trying to get the Alliance to help in the fight against the Burning Legion and two siblings stationed in the Blasted Lands, looking for adventurers. Not exactly a threat to anyone.

It's possible that Kael'thas might pop up, down the road, and since he's a begrudging minion of Kil'jaeden, it's very likely that he could cause some trouble. But, I'm not so sure the prince would have the entire populous of Silvermoon behind him. This isn't Retail, after all~ I guess we'll see?
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Re: Silvermoon Patch Concerns

Post by Hir3 » Tue Jul 05, 2022 7:50 am

A lot of players have mentioned a Silvermoon raid, and I believe someone from staff did somewhere. Then again, my memory is from December.

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Re: Silvermoon Patch Concerns

Post by Gheor » Tue Jul 05, 2022 8:37 am

We have yet to decided the fate of all Quel'thalas.
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Re: Silvermoon Patch Concerns

Post by Swiftie1313 » Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:18 pm

Lore wise the team could still make a Silvermoon city raid work

You have to remember that in vanilla the Blood elves were still a part of Illidan's Forces with Prince Keal'thas still serving as one of his Generals in outland

Because Grand Magister Rommath was sent back to Quel'thalas from outland by Keal'thas that would make Silvermoon city a Illidari outpost with the blood elves occupying the city all a part of Illidan's Forces

Due to this a Silvermoon city raid could still work lore wise because Illidan and his Forces are still enemies of both the alliance and horde during vanilla

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Re: Silvermoon Patch Concerns

Post by Hir3 » Thu Jul 21, 2022 11:25 pm

They're not enemies really, but a similarly cold war faction with some quest givers being antagonistic. This was a contention point in early TBC on retail, some wondered why we were even fighting Illidan - Blizzard's response was quite literally "Because he drops loot".

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Re: Silvermoon Patch Concerns

Post by Adunai » Sun Jul 24, 2022 1:40 pm

Where can I learn of this upcoming patch? I don't see it in the announcements? Does Turtle-WoW have a Discord?

But indeed, I would agree, and would go even more - afaik, High Elves cannot be Warlocks? I would love for High Elf Warlocks to be added as a representation of the Blood Elves. I honestly never had an itch to play on Turtle because I cannot go for this race-class combination reminiscent of the Blood Mage from Warcraft 3.
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Re: Silvermoon Patch Concerns

Post by Galendor » Sun Jul 24, 2022 5:23 pm

Blood elves are in pretty bad relationships with high elves to have representatives among them, I believe.

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