One Race per Class

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One Race per Class

Post by Headhunta » Sun May 01, 2022 10:59 am

Hi, I am planning my character's and I'm having trouble deciding some of the best race for each class, according to the lore. (I really dig the most iconic combos in the lore) Some are quite obvious and others I'm kinda stuck on...

In your opinion which one race goes with each class lore wise using only the race/class combos available to play on turtle wow.

Only ONE race is allowed per class and only allowed to be used once in total each.
Also, please do one list that includes both factions, not a lists for each faction: so if you choose Human Warrior for example then Warrior is locked to Alliance side. specifying gender optional too.

Lets see what you can come up with compared to mine! happy_turtle_head

Edit: here are the options for easy copy pasta usage:

1. Warrior -
2. Paladin -
3. Hunter -
4. Rogue -
5. Priest -
6. Shaman -
7. Mage -
8. Warlock -
9. Druid -

Alliance | Horde
Human | Orc
Dwarf | Undead
Night Elf | Tauren
Gnome | Troll
High Elf | Goblin

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Re: One Race per Class (Lorewise)

Post by Galendor » Mon May 02, 2022 9:32 am

1. Warrior - orc
2. Paladin - human (not so much choice)
3. Hunter - dwarf
4. Rogue - undead
5. Priest - night elf
6. Shaman - troll
7. Mage - high elf
8. Warlock - gnome
9. Druid - tauren (as long as I already used night elf option)

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Re: One Race per Class (Lorewise)

Post by Misargiride » Mon May 02, 2022 1:17 pm

1. Warrior - Orc
2. Paladin - Human
3. Hunter - Dwarf
4. Rogue - Goblin
5. Priest - Troll
6. Shaman - Tauren
7. Mage - High elf
8. Warlock - Gnome
9. Druid - Night elf

Being Human already used for Paladins, I thought about Troll priests because of witch doctors, voodoo and Loa stuff.
Orc Shamas are maybe more iconic than Tauren ones, but if you think about it (other than Orc already taken by Warriors) Mulgore is like the perfect zone for shamans.
Being 10 races and 9 classes, I didn't pick Undead. If anything, Undead would contest Gnome as Warlock choice.

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Re: One Race per Class (Lorewise)

Post by Reploidrocsa » Fri May 06, 2022 11:31 pm

All the answers are very similar in general, here's my list:

1. Warrior - Tauren
2. Paladin - Human
3. Hunter - Dwarf
4. Rogue - Goblin/Gnome
5. Priest - Troll
6. Shaman - Orc
7. Mage - High elf
8. Warlock - Undead
9. Druid - Night elf

Heavily inspired on warcraft 3 lore, the warrior could be orc, human or dwarf, but since there's a unit calles tauren warrior in w3 i sticked with it.
Paladin human, nuff said.
Dwarves hunters since they're good survivalists and adept at weapon handling and serve as the perfect infantry in their army with siege tanks and flying machines covering ground and air.
I don't know about many rogues in w3 except from maybe maiev, so i leaned more into the race background and both goblins and gnomes make the perfect stealthy spies looking for some tech secrets.
Since i've used high elves for mages, the second best option for priest is troll. Hell, there's a mercenary unit called troll priest with priest spells.
Shaman orc for the same reason human paladin. Both humans could go warrior, but shaman for orcs is more iconic for them.
With high elfs having such a magical background getting the mage class was obvious.
Undead warlock. Lorewise, undead should resemble their former living counterparts, so they could be considered more of a sentient zombie human/high elf. Since necromancer is not a thing, an affliction warlock is a very close alternative.
Druid night elf, while taurens learned about druidism back in the day, they forgot their ways long long ago. They just learned it back between w3 and wow timeskip, which sounds like an excuse for not to make it an alliance exclusive class. So, druid night elf

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Re: One Race per Class (Lorewise)

Post by Anjou » Wed Jun 29, 2022 2:25 pm

Here's what I would do.

Human - Paladin
Night Elf - Druid (make it a male)
Bronzebeard Dwarf - Priest (Light or Discipline)
Gnome - Warlock
High Elf - Mage

Forsaken - Shadow Priest
Orc - Warrior
Tauren - Shaman
Jungle Troll - Hunter
Goblin - Rogue

Of course, there are other good combinations for each race/class.

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Re: One Race per Class (Lorewise)

Post by Snakeman » Wed Jun 29, 2022 3:37 pm

In my (biased) opinion:
  • Warrior - Dwarf
  • Paladin - Human
  • Hunter - Tauren
  • Rogue - Goblin
  • Priest - High Elf
  • Shaman - Orc
  • Mage - Troll
  • Warlock - Forsaken
  • Druid - Night Elf
Explaining my bias:

Talking to Zanza in Zul'Gurub reveals that trolls were the first great magicians and enchanters, and that the arcana high elven magi use are mere bastardisations of more potent troll magics, hence my choice of troll for Mage. The Tauren are a nomadic race of hunters and gatherers deeply in touch with nature, and Orcs, before the rise of the first Horde, were deeply shamanic, in spite of all their clan quarrels (and as a troll shaman player the class fantasy seems mostly based around Orcish shamanism with the whole elements thing). This leaves the Goblins and the Forsaken for Horde races - they're pretty interchangeable in this list imo but I'll use TWoW racials as a tie breaker here. :)
Human (male) paladin is too iconic to choose otherwise - I almost went with priest for them, because it's very holy light flavoured, but dwarf and high elf being the paladin race seemed wrong. With trolls remaining the OG mages I've shoehorned the elves into being priests instead (they can spec shadow if they want it's fine), leaving gnome and dwarf to fill the warrior slot... Which feels better given to dwarves here, as much as I love the idea of gnome warrior tanks.

edit: forgot nelves lmao. As far as Vanilla is concerned, Night Elves originally were to be the only race who could be druids, but the class was added to Tauren last minute so the Alliance didn't end up with two faction exclusive classes (you can see this especially in the Tauren cat form), so that one's a no-brainer to me
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Re: One Race per Class (Lorewise)

Post by Jolikmc » Wed Jun 29, 2022 5:48 pm

Well-well-well.  Looks like another revived topic popped up.  Think I'll take a whack at this~

Class / Race List
PriestHigh Elf
DruidNight Elf
  • Tauren sort of fell into being the "warrior" race of this list.  Literally every race has a warrior type.  Now, tauren do have their spirit walkers, but the Tauren Chieftain hero class seems less spiritual and more of an attacker, so…
  • Human knights could become paladins in Warcraft II.  Additionally, Uther the Lightbringer was a major character in Warcraft III, being Arthas Menethil's paladin teacher.  It just makes the most sense, given that.
  • While both kinds of elves have been depicted as being the hunter class, I feel like the dwarves really made an impact in Warcraft III.  A dwarf hunter is even shown in the World of Warcraft cinematic.
  • Honestly?  The only "famous rogue" in Warcraft history, up to World of Warcraft, has been Garona Halforcen.  Even Zul'Jin was depicted as a generic axe-thrower in Warcraft II.  Really, goblins are only rogues in my list because of "process of elimination" and a lack of justification for gnomes to be rogues.
  • The role of "priest" would've gone to humans if "paladin" hadn't taken precedence.  So, why high elves?  Not to repeat myself, but Warcraft III made a thing of high elven priests.  That's about it.
  • Orcs have more of a history with dark magicks while trolls, aside from being axe-throwers, have more of a connection with nature.  There's also no "witch doctor" class, so shaman it is.
  • There's no real justification for making the Forsaken the go-to "mage" class.  Most famous undead have been "warriors" or death knights.  Though, there are probably a lot of risen Dalaran mages and the like in Sylvanas' army…
  • Orcs have been warlocks since the very first game.  A very powerful orc warlock also set the events of the second game's expansion into motion.  So, yeah.
  • Up until World of Warcraft, druids were a night elf-only affair.  And even then, only the men.  Pretty much a no-brainer, here~
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Re: One Race per Class (Lorewise)

Post by Lev » Sat Jul 02, 2022 10:12 am

Warrior - orc (DD)
Warrior - dwarf (Tank)
Paladin - dwarf (Tank)
Paladin - Human (DD, Heal)
Hunter - troll
Rogue - orc

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Re: One Race per Class (Lorewise)

Post by Adunai » Wed Jul 27, 2022 3:26 pm

In my original draft, I missed both the Dwarves and the Tauren, so I decided to show leniency and actually include all the races. (Yes, even the Gnomes, even though I would rather let them remain outside, as Blizzard themselves kind of forgot them in WC3).

1. Warrior - Human / Orc.
2. Paladin - Human / (Undead).
3. Hunter - Dwarf / Tauren.
4. Rogue - Night Elf / Troll.
5. Priest - High Elf / Undead.
6. Shaman - (Dwarf) / Orc.
7. Mage - Gnome / Undead.
8. Warlock - Blood Elf / Orc.
9. Druid - Night Elf / (N/A).

My rationale for both Dwarf Hunters and Dwarf Shamans comes from Gryphon Riders.
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Re: One Race per Class (Lorewise)

Post by Kingaderic » Thu Apr 20, 2023 6:40 am

Thank you for asking this question Headhunta! I’m a huge fan of Iconic Lore Race Class combinations! Below is my opinion on iconic lore class combinations for the races of Azeroth. My goal here is not only be iconic from a lore perspective but to also have it aesthetically pleasing for armor sets and class abilities as well. (I hope you enjoy my book length reply! LOL)

Night Elf Druid
Druidism originates from the teachings of Cenarius who instructed the night elf Malfurion Stormrage, who became the first mortal druid within Azeroth. Night Elf culture is deeply rooted in druidism in general. Their love of nature and keeping within its balance again, these are all concepts deeply ingrained within their society due to their leader Malfurion. Not only does the druid class showcase their deep connection to Cenarius it even references their patron Goddess Elune. For example you’ll notice the tattoo on the bear and cat forms in game have the symbol of the crescent moon which is the sacred symbol of Elune. The Tauren were only recently instructed on the art of druidism by Malfurion himself, specifically teaching Hamuul Runetotem. From a lore and class ability aesthetic night elves and this class are practically intertwined. One truly represents the other in this case.

Troll Hunter
In general Hunter is a neutral class that may fit with a variety of races. Troll on the other hand is unique in that its iconic classes from an RPG lore is the “Witch Doctor” or “Berserker” class. Now in a sense warrior could be considered a berserker, however, we are limited on cosmetic set options. Plus the warrior class is needed elsewhere for this list to be signature iconic. We have aspects of the witch doctor class within shaman and priest, therefore it's truly not one hundred percent complete. This points us to the hunter class as the remaining signature option for a troll. Here an official expert from Blizzard: “The (darkspear) tribe considers a raptor to be the purest embodiment of the hunter’s essence, and as such, a tamed reptilian is prized as a mount.” Plus there is a book within Dire Maul titled: “The Greatest Race of Hunters” which is told by a female troll and her tiger. Add the class's aesthetic abilities like “Raptor Strike” or “Shadow Resistance” and it's simply a chief’s kiss mix.

High Elf Mage
The High Elves originate from the Highborne nobles of ancient times and it was the Highborne who first discovered and then mastered the arts of the arcane. They fostered a mighty empire before the Great Sundering occurred. Afterwards, under the highborne under the leadership of Dath’Remar Sunstrider were exiled by the remaining Night Elves who now shunned the Arcane arts. Under his leadership the elves sailed across the Great Sea eventually landing in northern Eastern Kingdoms and founding the magnificent kingdom of Quel’Thalas. For thousands of years these elves continued not only their study but reliance on their magical addiction to the arcane power itself. It was they who taught the humans of Eastern Kingdoms the mysterious ways of mage. There is no other race more suited for this class than this race. If you compare racials and the class abilities they are one in the same with a long history to back it up.

Human Paladin
It was the race of humanity who the first ones discovered the enigmatic power known as “Light”. A potent holy energy capable of healing fatal wounds, miraculous or calling down divine wrath against the demon and the wicked alike. It was humanities missionaries that spread the teachings of the Holy Light to their High Elf and Dwarven allies. The Light is unique to wear; it operates via the user's faith rather than study as a mage does. During the events of the First War against the demonic orcish Horde many human clerics were slain during front line battles. As the Second War was fast approaching Archbishop Alonsus Foal devised a new strategy to assist their fragile healers for this next upcoming conflict. He would take the advantage of the full armored knights that fought during the first war as well as the noble clerics and combine their training to create the paladins. The paladins proved far more robust during the Second War against the orcs' strength. The Order of the Silverhand was founded and would continue on into the events during the Third War. In general even the human greeting in game “Light be with” is very much ingrained within their society. As High Elves have had a long history with the Arcane humans have had the longest history with the Holy Light.

Forsaken Priest
The forsaken were once humans of the kingdom of Lordaeron. The kingdom that was tragically turned into a zombie wasteland by its very own prince… Being part of that nation the forsaken have a very firm grasp of the Holy Light and its teachings. When they were freed from the will of the Lich King by the Banshee Queen, the now undead Lordaeronians grew extremely bitter at the fate that had befallen them. They continued their practice of the Holy Light, however, in their darkest bitterness they discovered the ancient records of the teachings of Priestess Seline. And the cult of the Forgotten Shadows was born. The priest class in World of Warcraft uses a mix of Void and Light magic. Of all the races that would be able to appropriately duology that, it would certainly be the forsaken. We have forsaken characters that lean towards one more than the other and we also have forsaken characters that understand the need for both and the proper balance for that. Overall, when it comes to aesthetics both gear and ability wise its an excellent feel.

Goblin Rogue
In general the society of goblins are very greedy, always hustling or swindling and will do whatever it takes to make that coin. What does that sound like? Well here is a brief description of the rogue class: “For rogues, the only code is the contract, and their honor is purchased in gold. Free from the constraints of a conscience, these mercenaries rely on brutal and efficient tactics.” When the race and class descriptions start to line up like that it's a no brainer! Plus I would definitely go engineering as your profession choice! This will enhance that almost secret agent feel using your gizmos and gadgets along with thief skills to assist you in your adventures!

Tauren Shaman
I’d like to start off with this quote by the troll hunter trainer: “They were strong already: strong in shaman ways; strong in warrior ways. But the hunter path will not be their path... then.” Here we see each of the Horde races being mentioned in their respective iconic roles: Orc Warrior, Troll Hunter and Tauren Shaman. In fact it was the Tauren who assisted the orcs' rediscovery of pure shamanism as well as guiding the troll witch doctors to a more noble power. Interestingly for an aesthetic standpoint the shaman totems in classic were Tauren themed only. We actually did not have the racial totem skin options until Wrath. Even the Tauren quotes “Winds be at your back” and “Our ancestors be praised!” Directly relate to the elements and ancestor worship which is what the shaman class is all about. Even in the class description the shaman is a spiritual advisor and the Tauren truly are the moral guiding compass of the Horde.

Orc Warlock
Now this combination is unique. First off I will say that the most iconic class for an orc is a warrior. All orcs are natural born warriors. Their cultural greetings and sayings and etcetera. However, the goal of this exercise is to essentially have a new face for each class and only have each class once. Due to this the orcs have the most meaningful history with arts of the Warlock. The most famous warlock being Gul’dan. I mean orc warlocks have been around even before human paladins! That’s crazy! Though this race class combo is definitely more Warcraft 1 or 2 themed instead of Warcraft 3 it is certainly the most signature and iconic. Though modern orcish society disdains them, it is truly the orc race that has had the longest history into the demonic arts. In retail there is even an ability now named after Gul’dan.

Dwarf Warrior
And now we come to a close with the warrior class. Dwarves in World of Warcraft are heavily Tolkien and Warhammer inspired based. Stocky and strong build. They are expert and renowned smiths; their very city is called “Ironforge”. The Mountain King unit in Warcraft 3 is a dwarf warrior. In fact many of that unit's signature abilities are now found within modern WoW, such as the ability known as Avatar. For armor aesthetics there are some fantastic sets for dwarf warriors. The very statue as you enter Ironforge is of Modimus Anvilmar the legendary Mountain King and founder of the Bronzebeard clan itself. The dwarven heritage set in modern times is even based on Muradin's armor in Warcraft 3 too! Overall the dwarf warrior is very iconic.

Now you will notice that I did not include gnome in this list. Though I love the gnomes, unfortunately, Blizzard never did put their iconic class as an option in the game which is the Tinker. For gnomes they do have a history with being part of the council of Tirisfal within Dalaran making them an option for mage, however, High Elves have such a deeper connection to the mage class then they do on a historical level. They could also be warlocks due to their bitterness at the fall of gnomeregan as the warlock trainer expresses in the questline but again orcs have a much richer history than that. And finally you do have Kelsey Steelspark who is a gnome rogue, part of the Gnomeregan Covert Ops, but in general the very race of goblins encompasses the very nature of what a rogue is better. Maybe one day we will get our tinker class….. (Gnomish sobbing in background)

If you made it this far then you're ready to read the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan! Good job! And thank you for taking the time to humor me. Either way Headhunta my friend, in the end do what feels right to you. What classes and races do you like best? Who would you consider to be your main character? There is lore to every race class combo in the end.

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Re: One Race per Class (Lorewise)

Post by Ornazca » Wed May 17, 2023 1:08 am

1. Warrior - Tauren
2. Paladin - Human
3. Hunter - Troll
4. Rogue - Goblin
5. Priest - High Elf
6. Shaman - Orc
7. Mage - Dwarf
8. Warlock - Undead
9. Druid - Night Elf

Gnomes not necessary.

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