Relic Slot Class Quests and the Pally Problem

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Relic Slot Class Quests and the Pally Problem

Post by Siinda » Sun Nov 28, 2021 6:36 pm

Hello All,

I am not talented enough it seems to pull up the npc codes or build my own item to propose directly in the GM part of the forum. However I wanted to share an idea with you all about some class quests for those low level persons with relic slots. Specifically for myself this idea was to address the no taunt problem for paladins.
(Yes, I am aware a mechanic might be added in next twow patch).

So I intended to create a Libram item with an on-use to cast what essentially would be the "righteous defense". This has some caveats of course, that it would not be scalable to be abused in raids (diminishing over level 45?), a white item with no stat, and have a decent cooldown added (2mins?). This should help with the strong sentiment against making paladins warrior lite. It would be a helpful item to encourage paladins as tanks in levels they might otherwise avoid in LFT.

The quest I expected to be a obnoxious kill count which would be easier to complete by pulling aoe. Probably, name it "The Light and How to Swing it...At Yourself". Perhaps kill 50 or even 100 of a animal types in 3 zones at level 20.

BUT, this is unfair to only focus on Paladin. We have 2 other classes that also have a unique slot. First which came to mind was Shamans. For them I would recommend a totem which spawned a miniature elemental that would provide a small random utility (buff,heal,attack) for three minutes with a 5minute cooldown. At a certain level it would become nothing more than a fun item for RP, as it would not work in raids.

Since Druids already have the glyph system, I got a bit stuck on what a proposed benefit would be for them at low level for an idol. I did think a cosmetic change to cat form might be popular but an item already exists. Certainly something like being able to use potions without breaking form would be popular...maybe too OP. That would be up for the druids to give ideas. smiling_turtle_head

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Re: Relic Slot Class Quests and the Pally Problem

Post by Gheor » Mon Nov 29, 2021 11:26 am

With the class changes Paladins will get a taunt.

For the other stuff, we will consider it. Thank you for the time you've put and the suggestion.
Narrative Design for Turtle WoW

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