H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

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H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Zazzi » Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:33 pm

The Wayfarers are a small, nomadic group founded to combat not the Alliance, but the existential threats that hide themselves in the forgotten corners of Azeroth. As the enterprise is still in its infancy, recruitment for talented but inexperienced (or eccentric) individuals has commenced, with the gathering point of Razor Hill. Word has been sent to Thunder Bluff and Undercity, and favours have been called in to point like-minded souls in our direction.

We are strongly affiliated with the Horde and follow the principles that bind the races together: freedom from oppression, from persecution, and the ability to forge one’s own path in this war-torn world. There must be, if not harmony, then at least tolerance of different walks of life. Nobody’s saying you’ve got to kiss a Forsaken, but at least try and make nice.

Wayfarers can be anyone, from a trainee to an old-hand –– all would-be adventurers chomping at the bit for a chance to prove themselves are welcomed. If you are such a person, whether you seek power, riches, knowledge or glory (or all four at once), you might find your calling with us.

But before you pledge your sword, shield or spells, know this: those who wander off the beaten path will find themselves in constant peril, surrounded by dangerous creatures and environments alike. The pay is adequate at best, and the road long, but the knowledge that your actions could save countless lives and allow the Horde to further advance into uncharted territory should be more than enough recompense.

And if it isn’t enough, well, there's always the treasure.
Join a campfire-sitting, dungeon-crawling, turtle-saving band of adventurers in their travels across Azeroth and go from zero to hero over the course of sixty levels and countless /emotes. Prior experience of roleplaying is unnecessary, so long as you take it seriously (but not too seriously!). Fans of Critical Role and The Adventure Zone will feel especially at home!

Other than bog-standard campfire roleplay, we will likely be using game mechanics to create ‘plotted’ roleplaying encounters quickly and efficiently. Party up to explore zones, complete quests, or gather resources while in character, or cut your teeth in a dungeon with other adventurers. (It might make Wailing Caverns a four hour dungeon instead of two…) If these dry up, there is always the possibility of running DM’d encounters or a mission board of some kind –– but that’s something to consider for the future.

House rules are pretty simple and nothing new to those familiar with roleplaying etiquette. Choose lore-friendly names, keep public channels clean (if your great, unbridled passion cannot be contained, take it to /whisper) and don't hate on others on the grounds of race, sexuality, religion, etc. Or for any reason, really.

Obviously, it is not expected for all guild members be roleplaying full-time, and not all dungeon and quest runs will require them to be fully-acted out. In fact, most won’t. For the roleplayers, one of the main goals of the guild is to recreate true, lore-friendly character arcs, something that seems to have faded in recent expansions. We also welcome anyone interested in ‘taking it slow’ in the true spirit of the server as socials, so long as they are respectful of the guild's main interests.

There's more ideas buzzing around that I'm not going to get into here, including a possible OOC gathering during the upcoming beta. Tag me on Discord (Holly#4732) if you have pressing questions or want to express interest in a more casual way than posting on the forums – I already have a list of people to chase up when the server goes live. I desperately wish there was more roleplaying discussion on the forum, as I think it's a nice niche for the server to look into, so here's hoping this sparks some!


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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Coffee » Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:23 am

This sounds awesome! Count me as interested.

However, I'm from NA and probably won't see you guys much in-game due to being about 5+ hours behind you. crying_turtle

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Valjan » Wed Sep 19, 2018 10:59 am

Color me interested satisfied_turtle_head

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Kat » Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:21 pm

Coffee wrote:
Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:23 am
This sounds awesome! Count me as interested.

However, I'm from NA and probably won't see you guys much in-game due to being about 5+ hours behind you. crying_turtle
Well there is a chance some NA people might be interested. I sure am!

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Zazzi » Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:43 pm

Kat wrote:
Wed Sep 19, 2018 12:21 pm
Coffee wrote:
Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:23 am
This sounds awesome! Count me as interested.

However, I'm from NA and probably won't see you guys much in-game due to being about 5+ hours behind you. crying_turtle
Well there is a chance some NA people might be interested. I sure am!
Plus some EU folk might keep odd hours at the weekend, if nothing else! Even if it's just one or two folk hanging out and not some big event, some fond memories can be made from campfire chat at 2am.

If there is a sizable contingent of NA players in the guild, I'll be on the lookout for an officer from an appropriate timezone. But that can happen post-server launch.

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Zazzi » Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:36 pm

Hi, all. During the beta tomorrow, I’m looking to hold an in-game ‘Session 0’ for those interested in The Wayfarers. This will hopefully answer any pressing questions from adventurers who might be on the fence, as well as discussing important things like player expectations, frequency of DM-led events, (potential) roll systems, social members, and more.

Tentative time is set for 21:30 (GMT+1), just over three hours after the beta launches, but don’t worry if you can’t make it – I’ll be writing up the minutes and posting them in the forum thread. Just to clarify, this will be fully out-of-character, and more of a 'getting to know you' sort of thing, as well as an initial numbers check.

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Orntz » Sat Sep 22, 2018 11:52 pm

I like what you're doing.

It is a great idea to help promote the growth of the community and gives an entry point for people that want to give role-playing a try.

Wish you luck!

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Jasonbracewell » Sun Sep 23, 2018 12:27 am

I wasn't going to roll Horde, but I'm gonna do it just for this, at least for the Beta test.

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Zazzi » Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:20 pm

Hi all! The Wayfarers’ Session Zero has concluded. Thank you Sinopa, Valjan, and Gundath for making it on such short notice –– I’m definitely looking forward to roleplaying with you over the beta and through into the launch. You brought many important questions and concerns with you as well as an interest in our roleplay, for which I’m very thankful. For all those who missed it, a full write-up of what was discussed can be found below.
Rolling for Initiative
I proposed the idea of some kind of /roll system for events, with the possibility of having character sheets and modifiers in true D&D style. Using /roll was overwhelmingly approved of by all members present, and there was support for creating a more specialised system on top of that for use in events, so long as it was simple and streamlined.

There is no system at present, but I’ll be starting work on one ASAP. It will likely involve racial traits and role traits (healer, tank, damage dealer) to better customise your character.

Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey Stuff
The members who turned up today are from an eclectic mix of timezones. We had two from EST, one from MST, and all alone in the Euro-corner, myself, in GMT+1.

We also discussed everyone’s preferred days of activity (for DM’d events). This has resulted in (tentatively) running events on Tuesdays and Fridays, at 6:30PM EST. These events will be scheduled at least three days ahead of time for people to say whether or not they’re attending.

The Heroes’ Journey
One thing promised to all members who join the guild and stick with us for roleplaying is the idea of personalised quest lines. Like any good DM, you can send me a private message if you’d like something to eventually be set up pertaining to your character’s background: an old enemy showing up out of the blue, family members in danger, etc. I am more than happy to set this up in a proper storyline.

Similarly, we discussed dungeon-crawling and what that means in-character. Any dungeons cleared will be considered an IC achievement, something to reference properly. To avoid situations like, ‘Yeah, we totally killed Lich King,’ it will be referred to in more vague terms. For example, when we run through Wailing Caverns, we will be clearing it of ‘druids of the fang’ rather than Cobrahn, Anacondra, etc., avoiding mentioning named NPCs.

A Home of Our Own
While we are a nomadic guild, the question was raised as to whether or not we would have a headquarters in the world. The Wayfarers will be travelling from zone to zone, setting up camp in scenic locations (outside of the main hubs), but due to popular demand we will have a base in one of the cities.

Where exactly that is, however, is up to you guys. Send screenshots of quiet places in Orgrimmar or Thunder Bluff as suggestions. We will be starting in Razor Hill and moving rather quickly into the more dangerous Barrens upon official launch of the server, so we may not see it until we double-back later on.

We have a Discord for the guild now, which is seriously bare bones (and won’t be updated until tomorrow afternoon) but if you would like an invite, you can DM me. My contact information is in the first post in this thread.

This is all very exciting. Looking forward to seeing what stories we can make together!
Last edited by Zazzi on Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Sinopa » Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:26 pm

Great Job! Really looking forward to joining everyone on some adventures across Azeroth!

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Valjan » Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:44 am

Thanks for all the work you've put in already happy_turtle_head

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Bellybutton » Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:52 pm

I've rolled Alliance for the beta but I'm planning on rolling Horde for this guild when the server officially launches, it looks like fun.
Last edited by Bellybutton on Mon Sep 24, 2018 2:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Zamba the Unruly
"Zamba be sensing the winds of change in da air. Can you be feeling it too, mon?"

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Lythandra » Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:57 pm

Send Oogg a ginvite if you make a guild for the test. Thanks.

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Mack » Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:06 am

Definitely interested.

Need to start to think about my shaman lore!

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Joestar » Fri Oct 05, 2018 8:11 pm

I'm very down !

Don't have that much time to play, but hopefully I'll have enough to get to know some cool peeps.

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Huszika » Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:01 pm

Great hype! Count me in!

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Bellybutton » Sat Oct 06, 2018 2:15 pm

When you get the guild up and running, could you invite my Tauren warrior, Huklo?
Also, are there going to be IC interviews/meet-up for characters joining the guild, or do you just join?
Zamba the Unruly
"Zamba be sensing the winds of change in da air. Can you be feeling it too, mon?"

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Elzabeth » Wed Nov 21, 2018 4:20 am

Does this guild exist anymore? I've been playing for the past week or so, and I never see anyone online. sad_turtle
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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Xdrazen » Thu Nov 22, 2018 5:39 am

Are you in the server or not anymore? I want to rol but my guild does not know what is that...

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Re: H-RP | <The Wayfarers> | Checking for interest!

Post by Tortuga » Thu Nov 22, 2018 10:10 am

They were very active on Beta, but now it seems defunct. Still saw some names familiar from Wayfarers joined BloodGulch now.

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