PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Nerasw » Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:57 pm

Coun wrote:
Wed Oct 13, 2021 5:19 pm

[*] Create World PvP events, quests or generally incentivize world PvP.

  • New cross-faction battlegrounds, potentially with model swapping or completely different themes (e.g. Scarlet Crusade against Scourge).
Shut up and take my money!

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Rakura » Thu Oct 14, 2021 12:50 pm

Lower requirement for rep only turn ins to be 1 token instead of 3. As it stands you are better off turning in for honor plus rep than rep alone. 50 plus 398 as oppose to 75 for just rep. This would allow us to make a choice on how we want to spend our tokens and significantly reduce the grind for everyone.

Present grind with 3 turn ins:
233 wins to get from neutral to exalted (best case scenario)
2520 losses to get from neutral to exalted (worst case scenario)

1 token for rep only implemented at 75 rep:
127 wins to get from neutral to exalted
560 losses to get from neutral to exalted

1 token for rep only implemented at 100 rep:
103 wins to get from neutral to exalted
420 losses to get from neutral to exalted

As you can see just this simple change would allow us to feel like we are progressing even if we are not the victors all the time and would also allow casuals the opportunity to farm gear in between raids. This should be combined with the removal of only being allowed to have 1 stack of 20.

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Sinrek » Thu Oct 14, 2021 3:05 pm

Finally some constructive feedback and ideas! Good work.
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Bazog » Thu Oct 14, 2021 5:21 pm

Hi everyone, I just created my first character in Turtle Wow yesterday and it is my first post in this forum. I never played on a private server before, and I actually hesitated joining this server because I mostly only do PvP in end game, but seeing all the "classic+" features and respect/love for the warcraft lore and atmosphere I decided to give it a try.

Funnily, I also played on a RP/PVE server back in 2004. And let me tell you there was a lot of PvP going on on that server. There wasn't any battlegrounds yet, nor any honor system. But players grouped together anyway and tried to conquer other factions' towns quite often, just for the fun of it. You could regularly see raids of 30 characters, none of them max level yet trying to hold a quest hub. Then the defenders called for help and you could see another pack of players from the other faction gathering to reclaim the town. It was for me the golden age of WoW. Most players didn't care much about getting max level or BiS, they had fun doing some "unrewarded" pvp/pve conquest.

Later, with the addition of honor, battlegrounds and dishonorable kills, nobody dared attacking hubs and towns anymore, I PvP mostly only took place in BGs. Don't get me wrong, I like BGs, but they don't feel "organic" like city raiding, and have much less role play value.

So here are my proposals:

-I think dishonorable kills shouldn't affect honor anymore. But the stat itself should remain, as well as the pariah title (great role play addition). The most dishonorable characters should have a bounty on their head proportional to their dishonorable kill stat. Other faction players could have a big honor reward by tracking and killing them.

-Reward more honor for killing other faction leaders, and a few honor for killing other important and well guarded ennemy NPCs. On the other hand, successfully protecting your leaders and other important NPCs of your faction should also reward honor.These additions could foster city sieges/city defenses.

-Adding some World PvP objectives in the world would also be great.

These additions wouldn't bother strictly PvE players, as they only affect ennemy NPCs. But for players not hermetic to PvP it could lead to great world PvP events.

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Deathduck2 » Tue Oct 19, 2021 5:30 pm

Here is how to keep BGs lively and active at almost all times of the day: cross faction battlegrounds. I'm not talking about merc mode, I mean the game automatically ques alliance and horde on the same side based on the order people que up. This does a few great things:

1. One side is not dominating. With a small PvP population, depending on who's queing, one faction will end up dominating the battleground. When this happens the other faction will stop queing up and bang, no one gets to PvP anymore. In cross faction BG this doesn't happen.

2. There are no que times. If your faction has many PvPers queing up and the other faction doesn't, well it doesn't really matter because the game will pop as soon as 8 players que in total.

3. A more fair winrate. If your on the weaker faction it's okay, because now you understand your win rate should be around 50%, more or less depending on your skill. You got a bad team last time but you are willing to que one more time because everything will be different.

This is really the change that will make BG players happiest whether they realize now or not for one simple reason: in this system BGs are always popping. And the one thing we want more than anything is to be able to actually play.

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Warmane » Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:48 pm

While at it's beginning turtle-wow was a niche server where only RP focused players would gather, it is undeniable that now it is slowly becoming the main reference point for anyone who wants to play on a vanilla Pserver. Recent months have alredy seen a doubling of the online population, and if 1.15.2 is promoted well after the launch we'll easly get 1k online pop.
I am sure the devs are aware that they cannot simply ignore the massive number of player they would lose if they keep the server so unappealing to PVPers. As i said, turtle is becoming THE reference point for anyone who want's to play non blizz vanilla, you are not a niche server anymore.
That said i'm not suggeting you put any developer's effort into pvp, cause i know you want to run a pve/leveling oriented server, and that's absolutely fine. Simply push the "Allow world pvp" button, and that should open the door to the massive number of players who have not joined yet cause of lack of pvp.
If this change will bring bad /unwanted results in the server, you can always push the "kill world pvp" button again.

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Mcnair » Wed Oct 20, 2021 3:16 pm

Simply push the "Allow world pvp" button
I really hope they never ever enforce world PvP in here. All of you so desperately wanting to get ganked have the option to enable your PvP any time. If you want, you can even announce on /World your position and ask for it, maybe someone will comply. But please do not think that the majority here wants to get ganked. Especially the HC players.
1. One side is not dominating. With a small PvP population, depending on who's queing, one faction will end up dominating the battleground. When this happens the other faction will stop queing up and bang, no one gets to PvP anymore. In cross faction BG this doesn't happen.
I don't really see how would cross-faction BGs decrease the one sidedness. The number of people with high-end gear is still quite small compared to the total population, so those 1-2 in top gear will dominate the group they are in regardless of the opposition. And what would stop them to just group-join the queue?

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Deathduck2 » Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:28 am

Yes I also am for removing group-que as this is another thing that ruined lvl 60 PvP in vanilla and in classic. That change has proven far more controversial in my experience, so I just want to focus on the biggest step that needs to be taken 1st: automatic cross faction teams in battlegrounds.

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Valadorn » Sun Oct 24, 2021 9:59 am

Deathduck2 wrote:
Sun Oct 24, 2021 12:28 am
Yes I also am for removing group-que as this is another thing that ruined lvl 60 PvP in vanilla and in classic. That change has proven far more controversial in my experience, so I just want to focus on the biggest step that needs to be taken 1st: automatic cross faction teams in battlegrounds.
What about if you are palying with your brother ? your significant other or just your best friend ? you wouldnt want to be on the enemy team would you ? I think removing that may kill the incentive for couples and real life friends to play PvP altogether

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Deathduck2 » Mon Oct 25, 2021 3:39 am

That's a good point, duo queing may be smart to keep. I'm sure you can at least agree that pug stomping needs to go away forever.

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Vaporizer7 » Tue Oct 26, 2021 7:25 am

such good ideas , especialy the one for a glyph that, when worn during honor calculation, prevents a character from being included in the ranking calculations at all could work well enough.

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Dooshez » Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:31 pm

Coun wrote:
Wed Oct 13, 2021 5:19 pm
In this post, I will link postings from this or other threads where (I think) people gave very detailed and interesting opinions on what could be improved, and how.

General PvP experience PvP progression
Last edited by Dooshez on Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Dooshez » Tue Oct 26, 2021 8:32 pm

Coun wrote:
Wed Oct 13, 2021 5:19 pm
In this post, I will link postings from this or other threads where (I think) people gave very detailed and interesting opinions on what could be improved, and how.

General PvP experience PvP progression
All of the above mentioned ideas sounds really appealing and great, especially those who address world pvp (without enforcing pve'rs to participate). Why is world pvp important, and, in such case as "letter to thrall" post, even a key component to immersion? Because world pvp makes the game feel more dynamic and alive, as events and clashes happen between the horde and the alliance, as it should be in the world of warcraft. And, it also serves as a complementary component to some of the RPers, as they can establish their identity of being hostile to the other faction. Imagine, (again, I'm using the "letter to thrall" thread) going in swamp of sorrows knowing that there's a viscous clan of orcs lurking in the swamps and waiting to kill any alliance adventurer in sight, or imagine gathering your guildies and other random people to defend a town or a city against an other faction's raid.

While it should not interfere with pve, I do think that there's a room for such vibrant world pvp and immersion, and most (if not all) of the ideas linked above can promote that.

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Re: PvP suggestions: An attempt to collect and systematize

Post by Rakura » Wed Feb 02, 2022 1:56 pm

  • Allow pvp marks to be traded for other marks or sellable via AH to encourage bg progression and rotation
    Allow full rewards to both sides regardless if vanilla based sitpulations are met ie 10 minute game or 150 rss reached. A loss should be counted as a loss and 1 mark should be earned always if winning team gets 3 marks. Server pop is too low not to do this as the statistical probability of winning the next match is slim to none. This ensures progression continues and matches continue to Q.
    Reduce Arathi Basin Q requirement from 5 to 4 as half or more games are closing early due to not enough players.

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