Throwing Weapons

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Throwing Weapons

Post by Reathien » Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:09 am

I've been playing for a bit here on Turtle WoW and a major point I feel like I am missing is an expansion to the roster of Thrown weapons.
I understand they are not incredibly popular however I feel like adding some options around could improve the life of those that use them (Warriors and Rogues). Below I have some ideas, suggestions, or whatever you want to call them for some thrown weapons that could be added as craftables or random loot drops from certain dungeons. I want to eventually go through and add places where I think Quest rewards could be expanded to include a thrown option. Let me know what you think!

Thrown Weapon Ideas



Copper Throwing Knives
Skill Level: 30
Copper Bar (4); Weak Flux (1); Rough Grinding Stone (1); Light Leather (1)
[Copper Throwing Knives
Thrown - Uncommon
8-15 Damage Speed 2.00
(5.8 damage per second)
Durability 400
Requires Level 6]

Tiger Fangs
Skill Level: 70
Copper Bar (6); Tigerseye (2); Weak Flux (2); Rough Grinding Stone (2); Light Leather (1)
[Tiger Fangs
Thrown - Uncommon
10-18 Damage Speed 1.8
(7.8 damage per second)
Durability 400
Requires level 13]

Feathered Bronze Daggers
Skill Level: 110
Bronze Bar (4); Weak Flux (2); Coarse Grinding Stone (1); Medium Leather (1); Light Feather (2)
[Feathered Bronze Daggers
Thrown - Uncommon
16-22 Damage Speed 2.0
(9.5 damage per second)
+1 Agility
Durability 400
Requires level 19]

Heavy Bronze Tomahawk
Skill Level: 130
Bronze Bar (6): Strong Flux (2); Coarse Grinding Stone (2); Coarse Stone (10)
[Heavy Bronze Tomahawk
Thrown - Uncommon
17-25 Damage Speed 2.0
(10.5 damage per second)
+2 Stamina
Durability 400
Requires level 21]

Silver Darts
Skill Level: 160
Silver Bar (8); Strong Flux (4); Heavy Grinding Stone (4); Moss Agate (2); Heavy Leather (2); Light Feather (6)
[Silver Darts
Thrown - Rare
+2-4 Arcane Damage
20-28 Damage Speed 1.4
(19.3 damage per second)
+10 Shadow Resistance
Durability 400
Requires level 28]

Iron Hatchet
Skill Level: 175
Iron Bar (6); Strong Flux (2); Heavy Grinding Stone (2); Heavy Leather (2)
[Iron Hatchet
Thrown - Uncommon
19-37 Damage Speed 1.7
(16.5 damage per second)
+3 Strength
Durability 400
Requires level 34]

Golden Glaive
Skill Level: 200
Steel Bar (8); Gold Bar (10); Thick Leather (10); Citrine (3); Emberstone (3); Aquamarine (3)
[Golden Glaive
Thrown - Rare
+3-6 Nature Damage
+3-6 Fire Damage
+3-6 Frost Damage
29-41 Damage Speed 2.0
(24.3 damage per second)
+5 Fire Resistance
+5 Frost Resistance
+5 Nature Resistance
Durability 400
Requires level 39]

Mithril Darts
Skill Level: 225
Mithril Bar (4); Strong Flux (2); Solid Grinding Stone (2); Delicate Feather (4)
[Mithril Darts
Thrown - Uncommon
27-49 Damage Speed 1.8
(21.1 damage per second)
Equip: +12 Attack Power
Durability 400
Requires level 42]

Solid Mithril Hatchet
Skill Level: 240
Mithril Bar (6); Solid Stone (6); Solid Grinding Stone (6); Thick Leather (2)
[Solid Mithril Hatchet
Thrown - Uncommon
39-51 Damage Speed 2.0
(22.5 damage per second)
+4 Stamina
Equip: +7 Defense
Durability 400
Requires level 44]

Skill Level: 250 [WEAPONSMITH]
Mithril Bar (14); Truesilver Bar (8); Solid Grinding Stone (6); Breath of Wind (8); Vibrant Plume (10); Thick Leather (10)
Thrown - Rare
63-97 Damage Speed 3.0
(26.7 damage per second)
+6 Agility
Equip: Improves your chance to hit by 1%.
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical hit by 1%.
Durability 400
Requires level 45]

Truesilver Daggers
Skill Level: 255
Truesilver Bar (10); Star Ruby (4); Dense Grinding Stone (2); Rugged Leather (2)
[Truesilver Daggers
29-37 Damage Speed 1.4
(23.6 damage per second)
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike with daggers by 2%.
Equip: Increases Daggers +6
Durability 400
Requires level 47]

Thorium Throwing Axe
Skill Level: 275
Thorium Bar (4); Dense Grinding Stone (4); Rugged Leather (4); Large Opal
[Thorium Throwing Axe
Thrown - Uncommon
33-67 Damage Speed 1.7
(29.4 damage per second)
+7 Agility
Durability 400
Requires level 53]

Dense Thorium Tomahawk
Skill Level: 280
Thorium Bar (6); Dense Stone (20); Dense Grinding Stone (6); Rugged Leather (4)
[Dense Thorium Tomahawk
Thrown - Uncommon
63-79 Damage Speed 2.3
(30.9 damage per second)
75 Armor
+3 Strength
+8 Stamina
Durability 400
Requires level 55]

Furbolg Hunting Spear
Skill Level: 295 (Pattern: Furbolg Hunting Spear requires Timbermaw Hold Revered)
Thorium Bar (18); Essence of Earth (6); Essence of Air (6); Cured Rugged Hide (6)
[Furbolg Hunting Spear
Thrown - Rare
74-95 Damage Speed 2.4
(35.2 damage per second)
Equip: +20 Attack Power
Chance on hit: Wound the target for 80 damage over 12 seconds.
Durability 400
Requires level 59]

Dark Iron Francisca
Skill Level: 300 (Pattern: Dark Iron Francisca requires Thorium Brotherhood Friendly)
Dark Iron Bar (4); Enchanted Leather (2); Essence of Air (2)
61-86 Damage Speed 2.0
(36.8 damage per second)
+12 Stamina
+10 Fire Resistance
Durability 400
Requires level 60]

Zandalari Hunting Axe
Skill Level: 300 (Pattern: Zandalari Hunting Axe requires Zandalar Tribe Revered)
Thorium Bar (20); Souldarite (10); Massive Mojo (1); Powerful Mojo (6); Elder Raptor Feathers (20); Enchanted Leather (6)
{Note: Elder Raptor Feathers are a Junk(grey quality) item dropped in Zul’Gurub, would need to be changed to Common}
[Zandalari Hunting Axe
Thrown - Epic
105-127 Damage Speed 2.9
(40 damage per second)
+11 Agility
Equip: Improves your chance to hit by 1%.
Equip: Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 2%.
Durability 400
Requires level 60]

Ornate Arathi Throwing Axe
Skill Level: 300 (Pattern: Ornate Arathi Throwing Knife dropped from bosses in Lower Karazhan)
Thorium Bar (20); Arcanite Bar (2); Azerothian Diamond (6); Pristine Black Diamond (6); Enchanted Leather (10); Dense Grinding Stone (40)
[Ornate Arathi Throwing Axe
Thrown - Epic
133-154 Damage Speed 3.4
(42.2 damage per second)
125 Armor
+14 Stamina
Equip: Increases Defense +8
Equip: Increases your chance to dodge an attack by 2%.
Durability 400
Requires level 60]


Star of Elune
Skill Level: 180
Gold Bar (4); Pure Moonstone (4); Heavy Leather (2)
[Star of Elune
Thrown - Uncommon
12-34 Damage Speed 1.3
(17.7 damage per second)
Durability 400
Requires level 36]


The Simple Solution
Skill Level: 100
Arclight Spanner (3); Coarse Thread (2)
[The Simple Solution
Thrown - Common
15-24 Damage Speed 2.4
(8.1 damage per second)
Durability 400
Requires level 11
Requires Engineering 75
*Sometimes the simplest solution is the most effective*]



Ragefire Chasm - Oggleflint
[Trogg Throwing Rock
Thrown - Uncommon
8-12 Damage Speed 1.4
(7.1 damage per second)
Durability 400
Requires level 13]

Deadmines - Defias Taskmaster/Overseer/Blackguard/Pirate
[Balanced Defias Shortblade
Thrown - Uncommon
16-22 Damage Speed 2.0
(9.5 damage per second)
Durability 400
Requires level 15]

The Stockades - Hamhock
[Bloody Cleaver
Thrown - Rare
19-31 Damage Speed 1.6
(15.6 damage per second)
+1 Strength
+2 Spirit
Durability 400
Requires level 25]

Gnomeregan - Any Mechanical
[Electrified Gear
Thrown - Uncommon
+9-14 Nature Damage
9-14 Damage Speed 1.7
(13.5 damage per second)
Durability 400
Requires level 29]

Mauradon - Razorlash
[Razor Leaf
Thrown - Uncommon
51-87 Damage Speed 2.9
(23.8 damage per second)
+5 Nature Resistance
Durability 400
Requires level 45]

Lower Blackrock Spire - Quartermaster Zigris
[Blackrock Throwing Axe
Thrown - Rare
49-75 Damage Speed 1.8
(34.4 damage per second)
+12 stamina
Equip: Improves your chance to hit by 2%.
Durability 400
Requires level 55]

Molten Core - Garr
[Shard of Garr
Thrown - Epic
77-89 Damage Speed 2.1
(39.5 damage per second)
200 Armor
+8 Stamina
Equip: Improves Defense +10
Durability 400
Requires level 60]

Ruins of Ahn’Qiraj - Rajaxx’s Generals
[Ancient Qiraji Javelin
Thrown - Rare
47-61 Damage Speed 1.3
(41.5 damage per second)
+12 Strength
+6 Agility
Durability 400
Requires level 60]

Naxxrammas - Instructor Razuvious
[Lesson of Mortality
Thrown - Epic
155-178 Damage Speed 2.9
(57.4 damage per second)
+18 Strength
+24 Stamina
Equip: Increases your chance to block by 2%
Equip: Increases Defense +15
Durability 400
Requires level 60]

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Re: Throwing Weapons

Post by Snkx » Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:48 am

I agree, also think they should have rogues revolve around Thrown weapons rather than bows or guns, They actually only take 0.5 to throw, rather than 1.5s using a bow or gun, so are better for pulling mobs quicker.

Unfortuantly there's just not enough green or blue ones in the game.

Also there's a finishing move at 60 for thrown weapons only, I think this should be made available at like level 20 as it would be fun to finish a running mob off by throwing an empowered version.

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Re: Throwing Weapons

Post by Sinrek » Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:16 pm

Reathien wrote: Tue Feb 04, 2025 8:09 am I've been playing for a bit here on Turtle WoW and a major point I feel like I am missing is an expansion to the roster of Thrown weapons.
I understand they are not incredibly popular however I feel like adding some options around could improve the life of those that use them (Warriors and Rogues). Below I have some ideas, suggestions, or whatever you want to call them for some thrown weapons that could be added as craftables or random loot drops from certain dungeons. I want to eventually go through and add places where I think Quest rewards could be expanded to include a thrown option. Let me know what you think!

Thrown Weapon Ideas

I like the idea, despite some stats are just OP (mid-level) and variety you brought in. Perhaps you'd be willing to come up with the same meticulous and well detailed list for BS shields crafted as well? smiling_turtle
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Re: Throwing Weapons

Post by Snipesta » Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:40 pm

Ninja Stars gotta be a must for thrown especially at lvl 60.

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Re: Throwing Weapons

Post by Reathien » Sat Feb 08, 2025 3:24 pm

Sinrek wrote: Wed Feb 05, 2025 6:16 pm
I like the idea, despite some stats are just OP (mid-level) and variety you brought in. Perhaps you'd be willing to come up with the same meticulous and well detailed list for BS shields crafted as well? smiling_turtle
Admittedly, I am not a balance expert, but I would rather apply my autism towards putting a baseline idea out there turtle_tongue

I could take a crack at shields, but a big difference I feel like is the overall presence of shields. Throwing weapons are uniquely rare and hard to find outside of general goods vendor whites which lead me to this idea of adding a few more for people to use if they prefer them. I like them thematically personally especially when leveling my troll warrior, I feel like it makes more sense for him to chuck and axe than to line up a gun shot.

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