Boaring Adventure Challenge - flaws and fixes!

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Boaring Adventure Challenge - flaws and fixes!

Post by Hardgamex » Mon Dec 09, 2024 4:37 pm

As the title says, currently this challenge has some serious flaws that can be easily fixed.
Although atm this challenge is totally achievable, it is far from good old "South Park" style boar grind with Paul Stanley's "Live To Win" on repeat.
I helped some friends to get it, as well as questioned some other ppl with this title, so clearly know what i'm talking about.

Here how it looks now:
1-21 goes on boars in starting locations + Westfall, Loch Modan, etc. (1-18 lvl)
20-30 - Razorfen Kraul Dungeon farm (24-28 lvl)
30-39 - Arathi Highlands (33-34 lvl)
39-55 - Blasted lands (48-53 llv)
55-60 - EPL (60 lvl)

The main problem is that there is a -HUGE GAP- in farmable boars in the outdoor locations!
Especially between 20-28 and 36-46 lvls.
This forces people aimed for "The Hambringer" challenge to do the following - farm Razorfen Kraul with 2 characters using mob tagging leeching, or ask a high lvl friend for help (again, the very same 2 characters mob tagging leeching, but with a friend).
Same situation happens when a person goes after Arathi Highlands to Blasted lands, as the mobs there are 48+ and thus unkillable for a lvl 40 character, unless a friend helps to finish them off. And there are no piggys to cover this 38/39 - 45/47'ish gap.
Ofc, there are poor 5-6 spawns in Thousand Needles (23-24) and the same 5-6 spawns in Hillsbrad Foothills (26-28), but it is just SIX pigs scattered all around the map, what makes their farm a joke!
So to make the challenge adequate, 20-28 and 36-46 lvl gaps need some more open world respawns, just like it was done in Arathi.
Probably some hardcore achievers would even pump this challenge in HC mode, but the lack of open world respawns currently make it undoable on HC.
Just want to make my favourite server better. Hopefully, this proposal would be noticed and taken into account.

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Re: Boaring Adventure Challenge - flaws and fixes!

Post by Alextuch » Mon Dec 09, 2024 5:02 pm

Totally agree. We need more boar spawns, nearly impossible to solo it.

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Re: Boaring Adventure Challenge - flaws and fixes!

Post by Mynamewastaken » Mon Dec 09, 2024 5:56 pm

I think that needing 2 windows to do a challenge is wrong. I support the suggestion.

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Re: Boaring Adventure Challenge - flaws and fixes!

Post by Erhog » Mon Feb 03, 2025 12:51 pm

I know at least one person who is doing this challenge on HC/Vanguard/Artisan warrior but he is asking for help other HC people to kill boars in Blasted Lands due to it's simply impossible while you're underleveled. Technically it's possible but still seems aren't right that' you're forced to rely on help of others coz it's very possible to waiting for help for days. Boars of ~40-43 level is really needed for this journey. There is already undead boars in RFD and Plaguelands so it seems very poissible to add em somewhere in the farms near Gilneas city for example.

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