Connect Bael Hardul to more flight paths

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Connect Bael Hardul to more flight paths

Post by Steakhouse » Sun Feb 02, 2025 5:06 pm

As far as I'm aware Bael Hardul only connects to Astranaar. This is a bit silly when flying from Nijel's Point in Desolace for example: geographically, Bael Hardul and Nijel's Point are very very close, but the Gryph instead takes the following route: Nijel's Point -> Stonetalon Peak -> Astranaar -> Bael Hardul. Even in the case of Stonetalon Peak itself, connecting through Astranaar seems really silly to reach a taxi in the same zone. Lastly, despite being quite close to Ratchet, the lack of connection there means you can't fly from Astranaar to Ratchet until you unlock the Azshara taxi.

My suggestion would be to add connections from Bael Hardul to Nijel's Point, Stonetalon Peak, and Ratchet.

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