- Medivh's Foresight: 14 Intellect -> 6 Intellect, Added 11 Spirit, 20 Spellpower -> 16 Spellpower
1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
They nerfed the elemental cat build too. It looks like the proc has an internal cooldown now or the on-hit effects are somehow counted as only one. Before the patch I could powershift fairly often without running oom. Now i go oom in about a minute.Twinking wrote: ↑Thu Oct 31, 2024 5:19 pmWill this change affect the feral elemental cat build?
This build is based on item effect - "Adds 2 fire damage to your melee attacks".
And with a large amount of elemental damage from 7-9 items, the blade could work twice from one hit, making it a staple for such builds.
So my question is, will the blade work as before on one target or is it now only 1 trigger per hit?
ps: ( I spent a lot of time and gold on the implementation of this build and it is not even an op in raids and pvp, this build only gives the opportunity to replenish resources in protracted battles without losing much in dps. And I will be very upset if you break one of my most favorite builds for feral)
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
I created a ticket in the bugtracker because I think it's a mistake since the nerf description didn't specify one target.Gruffy wrote: ↑Sat Nov 02, 2024 7:26 pmThey nerfed the elemental cat build too. It looks like the proc has an internal cooldown now or the on-hit effects are somehow counted as only one. Before the patch I could powershift fairly often without running oom. Now i go oom in about a minute.Twinking wrote: ↑Thu Oct 31, 2024 5:19 pmWill this change affect the feral elemental cat build?
This build is based on item effect - "Adds 2 fire damage to your melee attacks".
And with a large amount of elemental damage from 7-9 items, the blade could work twice from one hit, making it a staple for such builds.
So my question is, will the blade work as before on one target or is it now only 1 trigger per hit?
ps: ( I spent a lot of time and gold on the implementation of this build and it is not even an op in raids and pvp, this build only gives the opportunity to replenish resources in protracted battles without losing much in dps. And I will be very upset if you break one of my most favorite builds for feral)
You can write your opinion in the comments if it won't be difficult for you.
I hope the turtle team will make the blade great again...

Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
PLEASE Rework Balance T3. Only 4% spell hit on the whole 9 piece set? I suggest rework on gloves, belt, and boots. We don't need 4% haste and 10 spell pen. Replace those with either crit or hit PLEASE. I can't get hit capped without using brimstone staff, Nelth's Tear, and selling out my neck slot for the ES hit neck? DO BETTER.
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Love love LOVE the new Resto Druid T2.5! It's a tad light on raw healing power, but makes up for it by being tailor made to pair with Nature's Grace Moonglow Healing Touch builds! Pair it with the newly buffed Eye of Diminution (3% spell crit) and you've got a powerful base from which to build out. Better not nerf that set!
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
You completely destroyed the interesting build.
Demon Hunter build for Hunters:
Many people are fascinated in this build.
its so sadness for the people who worked hard to get it.
is the BoED any imbalance in PVP or PVE?why you nerf it?
Demon Hunter build for Hunters:
Many people are fascinated in this build.
its so sadness for the people who worked hard to get it.
is the BoED any imbalance in PVP or PVE?why you nerf it?
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Why? A demon hunter is a melee and melee hunters got buffed, now you can burn your demonsWwall1982 wrote: ↑Fri Nov 08, 2024 12:44 am You completely destroyed the interesting build.
Demon Hunter build for Hunters:
Many people are fascinated in this build.
its so sadness for the people who worked hard to get it.
is the BoED any imbalance in PVP or PVE?why you nerf it?
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
I'm not sure why off-hand item [Waters of Vision] spell does not work anynore (CD +300 mana)
Was the use spell removed on the new patch ?
Was the use spell removed on the new patch ?
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
add +axe skill to more axes. I just had to downgrade from the Emerald Sanctum axe to Doom's Edge. This is the bis off-hand axe now for dwarves. We should have gotten mace/axe skill anyways. Swords have tons of +weapon skill variances.
Think about the dwarves bro.
Think about the dwarves bro.
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
the BoED is nerfed for AoE farming,but it also works for solo targeting.each melee attack can only trigger a maximum of 1 proc of BoED。its nerfed so much that the damage of the BoED is much lower than before.Calli wrote: ↑Sat Nov 09, 2024 4:52 pmWhy? A demon hunter is a melee and melee hunters got buffed, now you can burn your demonsWwall1982 wrote: ↑Fri Nov 08, 2024 12:44 am You completely destroyed the interesting build.
Demon Hunter build for Hunters:
Many people are fascinated in this build.
its so sadness for the people who worked hard to get it.
is the BoED any imbalance in PVP or PVE?why you nerf it?
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Hey guys, as i revisited the game and also the adjusted tier sets, maybe think about the SOD way of dealing with to strong set bonuses and let people chose 1 specific set bonus they would like to add to their playstyle through a shoulder enchant or a glyph or whatever. im just mainly speaking for warriors but t2 set looks busted af i would fucking eat every of those bonusses for the rest of the game 
while t3 only the 8/8 seems to shine
having 30+ attack dmg on almost every attack (if it has no hidden cd) is also pretty busted as this is quite a powerful stat. but all the other bonuses are trash AF and i mean AFFFFFFFF threat reduction? threat is no more issue at guilds who clear naxx, 10 rage on HIGH CD ABILITYS LOL what where u thinking especially if the updated t1 has this set bonus 
what sounds better to you guys spending 10 less rage on your main dmg abilitys which are ready every 6 seconds or so, or on the 3 min and 2 min abiltiys (dont quote me on the numbers its in that realm of cd but there are also some new talents i think which reduce cooldown of death wish. but anyway even skilled i think its an 1 minute cd anyway which also is an skill you use AT THE START OF THE FIGHT AFTER POPPING BLOODRAGE AND POT (old dad tank speaking here), man how come an tier 3 set bonus is way worse than an t1 setbonus and also why are someof them downright useless like the threat one. also why seem the khara sets to be some kind like t2.5 sets trying to merge everything in one set? why dont keep that trend up and make specific tier sets for everyspec, this merging every spec into one set never worked especially not for the healer/caster specs or the pala specs. ok but stop the critizing here are some sollutions: add the thing which SOD implants in their new phase which lets you keep one setbonus of all available setbonuses. for warriors: swap the t1 5 bonus with t3 2 (who cares about t1 right?) also change the wording of the 4 set t3 bonus from "rend" to "deep wounds" (no warriors are still not using rend in their rotation as their is literally no incentive for it, no free overpower procs or whatever) delete the threat reduce directly or give it to the t1 set its literally a skill issue if you get threat at naxx lvl and also it almost never happens anyway as everbody knows what their doing at naxx right, tanks and dps and also this setbonus benefits an encounter in that instance where you have to watch your threat and offtanks also need to be in the rotation most of the time (what were you guys thinking when designing this
) also the t2 ones are broken meta will essentially 1 or 2 tanks with full t3 for melee groups and the other ones wear an mix of t2 with off pieces or t3/t4 pieces idk as there is sadly no sim for turtle but as i can tell flat % dmg and aspd (attack speed) are the most broken stats for warri as sod has shown us. idk how the +5 to all weapons will affect this but warriors get like +8 weapon skill for every weapon for free with that bonus right? i heard that it got nerfed but it is still usefull until +9 or? yea man would love to sim this but my prediction will be 3/5 t2 pieces with off pieces or set ones if your an warrior which is not the "group t3 8 piece bot" and also what would be nice to sim with all the new oppurtunitys to stack aspd what is better to stack your aspd high or go for hit/weapon skill maxxing as there is also new opportunitys to stack some absurd amount of weapon skill and trying to get to that 15% hit cap to literally miss only 1% of the attacks as this was not possible before but with this busted dual wield talent which lets you miss like 10% less on your offhand i think that is in the realm of possibility now. or as i said before try to look what is possible to get as MAX attack speed now with the new items and set bonus (30% flurry almost active all the time 15% set bonus also almost on whole time, if i remember correctly and overpower has a 5 scd cd, that is 45% already 3 from enchants (head legs gloves ) is 48% and 2 +3 from trinkets if i remember correctly one gives 2 crit 2 aspd and the whip out of stv vault with 3% so where at 53% attack speed which will be PERMANENTLY ACTIVE, the new blacksmith set gives i found the bracers with one no? so were at 54 another 2 from the jewelcrafting amu is 56 3 from leather pants i found from leatherworking would be 59 the belt of that set even has good stats for a war and 1 so at 60% already 2from boots of displacement which is whooping 1.5% crit and 2 aspd is 62% another 2 from new bufffood were already at 64% permanently (just trying to theorycraft here at this point i know your missing out on alot of stats but how much hit do i need if i get 8 weapon skill for free? maybe this makes sense at all lol) also what i totally forgot aspd was so busted on turtle because of windfury totem available for everyone, now just imagine 62% aspd on the best weapon ig which is gressil atm) or just take gressil and hungering cold which is another 6+ on swords (were at +14 now with permanent + 64% aspd uptime) hungering cold only has 1.5 speed so were talking about -0.96% aspd here which would make it slap with 0.64 speed permanently imagine the wf procs not counting in items which give a temporary boost or racials (did the turtle wow dev team just overlooked it and with the right itemization created another META class for warrs without even knowing it -> let me introduce THE TROLL another 15% aspd for 10 secs :D) and also kiss of the spider with 20% for 20 sec we can get to 97% for 10 seconds (why did they nerf the troll "sadface" there was an actual oppurtunity to get into negative aspd reduction without that nerf loll -112% attack speed!) yea so, dont know if this all was so well put together. ( JUST SAW THAT THE PALA KARA SET GIVES +6% ASPD FOR 15 sec for the WHOLE GROUP, SO THERE IS AN ACTUAL POSSIBILTIY TO GET 103% ATTACKSPEED REDUCTION FOR BRIEF 10 SECS IN THE GAME, MAKE IT HAPPEN BOiS BEFORE IT GETS NERFED) mean, the warr sets miss alot of nice +hit% for my feeling which was also a big issue for the alst sets in sod which blizz created but they fixxed that instantly while the PTR was still on. what about you guys and the other classes are the set bonuses also not making to much sense?

what sounds better to you guys spending 10 less rage on your main dmg abilitys which are ready every 6 seconds or so, or on the 3 min and 2 min abiltiys (dont quote me on the numbers its in that realm of cd but there are also some new talents i think which reduce cooldown of death wish. but anyway even skilled i think its an 1 minute cd anyway which also is an skill you use AT THE START OF THE FIGHT AFTER POPPING BLOODRAGE AND POT (old dad tank speaking here), man how come an tier 3 set bonus is way worse than an t1 setbonus and also why are someof them downright useless like the threat one. also why seem the khara sets to be some kind like t2.5 sets trying to merge everything in one set? why dont keep that trend up and make specific tier sets for everyspec, this merging every spec into one set never worked especially not for the healer/caster specs or the pala specs. ok but stop the critizing here are some sollutions: add the thing which SOD implants in their new phase which lets you keep one setbonus of all available setbonuses. for warriors: swap the t1 5 bonus with t3 2 (who cares about t1 right?) also change the wording of the 4 set t3 bonus from "rend" to "deep wounds" (no warriors are still not using rend in their rotation as their is literally no incentive for it, no free overpower procs or whatever) delete the threat reduce directly or give it to the t1 set its literally a skill issue if you get threat at naxx lvl and also it almost never happens anyway as everbody knows what their doing at naxx right, tanks and dps and also this setbonus benefits an encounter in that instance where you have to watch your threat and offtanks also need to be in the rotation most of the time (what were you guys thinking when designing this

Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
The bonus set for classes leaves much to be desired. Not for everyone, there are very interesting bonuses, but some are really bad. In t2.5 hunters from poison the proc is 40 mana, I'm of course terribly sorry, but hunters hang poison once and not always in PVE
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
My guess is that this bonus is tailored specifically for Survival hunters, since one of the new talents applies serpent sting whenever you hit with mongoose bite or the fire traps. So poison uptime for them is quite high.
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Set bonuses don't necessarily need to be good, and in fact i think we have an overabundance of good setbonuses.
The Custom sets are all incredibly well stated to the point where they are in the vast amount of cases bis or near bis for their respective content level even without setbonuses. This not only devalues the non tier set item drops from raids but also narrows down itemisation choices to an oversimplified "always wear set". Setbonuses being the powerful part also means you will have to grab new pieces that individually are just gathering dust in the bank until you reach that all important setbonus.
Strong setbonuses should be on bad set and vice versa. We don't need more good sets with strong bonuses
The Custom sets are all incredibly well stated to the point where they are in the vast amount of cases bis or near bis for their respective content level even without setbonuses. This not only devalues the non tier set item drops from raids but also narrows down itemisation choices to an oversimplified "always wear set". Setbonuses being the powerful part also means you will have to grab new pieces that individually are just gathering dust in the bank until you reach that all important setbonus.
Strong setbonuses should be on bad set and vice versa. We don't need more good sets with strong bonuses
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
in this case you need to do several sets for specialization
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
a set that gives pet resistances looks very cool, only in the real world, the pet dies almost instantly. Starting with BC, they made the pet very good, and the most important thing is to restore life as a positive effect and you don't have to stand and cast.Atreidon wrote: ↑Fri Dec 27, 2024 2:51 pm Set bonuses don't necessarily need to be good, and in fact i think we have an overabundance of good setbonuses.
The Custom sets are all incredibly well stated to the point where they are in the vast amount of cases bis or near bis for their respective content level even without setbonuses. This not only devalues the non tier set item drops from raids but also narrows down itemisation choices to an oversimplified "always wear set". Setbonuses being the powerful part also means you will have to grab new pieces that individually are just gathering dust in the bank until you reach that all important setbonus.
Strong setbonuses should be on bad set and vice versa. We don't need more good sets with strong bonuses
- Posts: 2
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Was this eventually added? It's not mentioned in the description, and I did about 200 casts and got 0 heals. For comparison, the heal from Shadow Bolt procced twice in 15 hits (around 10%, which matches the expected result).Warlock Tier 3 (2 Set): Now has a chance to trigger from Searing Pain with half the chance of Shadow Bolt.
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Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Don't worry, their golden child will remain the kings of AoE among a half dozen other actively promoted niches and alternative playstyles. I can't imagine what it feels like being a Rogue and having all 3 of your pure DPS specs beaten by an ultrahybrid tank.Wowplayer9 wrote: ↑Fri Nov 01, 2024 6:17 am They are killing AOE playstyle that is what is going on here.
Solo players are paying a price now for raid bullshit.
Just like Blizzard, fuck the solo player, we only care about raids.

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Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
I mean.... same for feral, pure feral dps gets beaten by prot pala... "fair"
No wonder threat sucks as feral now... everything got nerfed to ground threat wise for feral tanks...
No wonder threat sucks as feral now... everything got nerfed to ground threat wise for feral tanks...
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Same for Shadow priest and Smite priest (so all priest dps^^)Shockoladetwo wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 6:01 am I mean.... same for feral, pure feral dps gets beaten by prot pala... "fair"
No wonder threat sucks as feral now... everything got nerfed to ground threat wise for feral tanks...
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Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
At least those are hybrid classes with multiple roles and some amazing utility.Tibi64400 wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:57 amSame for Shadow priest and Smite priest (so all priest dps^^)Shockoladetwo wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 6:01 am I mean.... same for feral, pure feral dps gets beaten by prot pala... "fair"
No wonder threat sucks as feral now... everything got nerfed to ground threat wise for feral tanks...
Imagine being rogue, a pure damage dealer with zero raid utility and getting beaten on meters by hybrids.
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Can you add a spell power version of this cloak? Or just give it a attribute of intelligence and spellpower. Also, can it be included in the set?
Additionally, could the rings from the Blood Ring rewards be added to the Blood Ring set?
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Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Well a cat dps should be still equal or close to rogues with dps.Gantulga wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 9:58 amAt least those are hybrid classes with multiple roles and some amazing utility.Tibi64400 wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 8:57 amSame for Shadow priest and Smite priest (so all priest dps^^)Shockoladetwo wrote: ↑Sat Feb 01, 2025 6:01 am I mean.... same for feral, pure feral dps gets beaten by prot pala... "fair"
No wonder threat sucks as feral now... everything got nerfed to ground threat wise for feral tanks...
Imagine being rogue, a pure damage dealer with zero raid utility and getting beaten on meters by hybrids.
But no paladin tank should be higher then a rogue... if you look at statistics where bear tank is in dps/threat they are not even close as cat nor as tank.
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Why is the shaman's R13 skill on the shoes, while other classes have theirs on the gloves? Please move the shaman's skill to the gloves as well. The shoes not only conflict with the engineering boots but also with the Arathi Basin shoes. Please.
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Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
Because this 15% bonus effect gives your wolf form 15% speed. Such speed does not stack with items like rocket boots, same as travel form with the 3set bonus of druids for 15% speed. Plus you get this bonus with 1 item, which is already super strong.
Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
What's important is not whether it can stack, but whether it conflicts. If possible, I would rather let it become a 3-set effect than occupy the position of the rocket boots. Moreover, it also occupies the position of the Arathi 3 set.Shockoladetwo wrote: ↑Mon Feb 10, 2025 5:06 amBecause this 15% bonus effect gives your wolf form 15% speed. Such speed does not stack with items like rocket boots, same as travel form with the 3set bonus of druids for 15% speed. Plus you get this bonus with 1 item, which is already super strong.
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Re: 1.17.2 Final Itemization Changelog
If it becomes a 3set bonus i would totally agree with you, yes987004590 wrote: ↑Mon Feb 10, 2025 6:00 amWhat's important is not whether it can stack, but whether it conflicts. If possible, I would rather let it become a 3-set effect than occupy the position of the rocket boots. Moreover, it also occupies the position of the Arathi 3 set.Shockoladetwo wrote: ↑Mon Feb 10, 2025 5:06 amBecause this 15% bonus effect gives your wolf form 15% speed. Such speed does not stack with items like rocket boots, same as travel form with the 3set bonus of druids for 15% speed. Plus you get this bonus with 1 item, which is already super strong.
Maybe instead swap then swap boots bonus with the 3set bonus. that it currently has.