Hello there,
I come from official classic and played before on Kronos.
I only played vanilla wow, i never went tbc/etc
On vanilla and classic, my rotation was pretty much AS (Aimed shot), MS (multi shot), AA (auto shot) full cycle or clipped cycle, depending of the weapon attack speed, and an added Serpent Sting on start (no debuff slot limit on HC realms)
Now I joined Turtle early december, and I discover a new tree and new talents. It also seems somes changes happened recently.
I asked a guildie and he said you just spam SS (steady shot) "like TBC", which seems so weird to me.
I went a bit into research, found a small youtube video that said :
- when weapon speed < 3.3 : AA MS AA SS AA SS
- when weapon speed > 3.3 : AA SS MS AA SS [Serpent sting/arcane shot/aimed shot]
but the video is a bit old also (10 months), I don't know if it's still relevant, because perhaps there were a talent revamp after the release of the video
Not including Aimed shot or just discarding it feels weird.
What is the current "meta" and correct rotation for a MM spec ?
I have some ideas, but I could be completely wrong too
Thx for reading this message
Hunter rotation (vanilla veteran but new to turtle)
Re: Hunter rotation (vanilla veteran but new to turtle)
Go to a training dummy in town. Make sure to use an addon like ShaguDPS to quantity your damage output.
Test out your old rotation. Then test using a Steady Shot after Auto Shot. See if it makes a difference or not.
Test out your old rotation. Then test using a Steady Shot after Auto Shot. See if it makes a difference or not.