After seeing the class changes a few things came up. Lets break it into different aspects:
- Shadow Spec:
Shadow is missing a lot of synergy with other talent trees. Keeping in mind the change on spell coeficients and how you are planning the class to be played. The shadow tree is very uninteresting. As a PVE player you won't go for blackout, imp psychich scream, silence, Imp Mana Burn (unless you have new mechanics, other classes are better for this job). You end up having few options to choose. Meaning, you will end up going into the Disc or Holy Tree and the synergy gets even worse!
Lets start with Discipline: 1st row is very useless for shadow priest. You will get 2 points on wands because the other 2 options doesn't get you any benefit whatsoever. Second tree arguably you may choose different options. 3rd row Improved Inner Fire and Meditation or Inner Focus. If you get to this point, you'd still have 5 points, which you can finish the 2nd row talents you were looking for or go back into shadow spec and get the remaning talents you missed. This will only be for new players or levelers with low spell power, as they would highly benefit from the Imp Inner fire with the rework of inner fire you'd be with +96 spell damage. My recommendation would be to move Unbreakable will to 1st row this allowes better quality of life for shadow priests if they choose to go disc tree as well.
Holy Tree: The goal on this tree is to reach Spiritual Guidance for +30% spell power. This is vialbe if you have more than 384 spirit (this would give you the same amount of spell power that improved Inner Fire gives). Regardless of that, you had to spend 15 points on a tree that you don't get any benefit.
You may have a few variations from this talent tree according to what your necessities: ... BQAoBAA%3D
- Holy Spec:
With all base healing values being reduced by 15% for ranks above level 30, priests will need to delve deeper into the tree to get Spiritual Healing.
Lightwell has always been troublesome. Depending on other players to click on a spell to heal is very complicated. On theory is should be fine, but it isn't. Depending on the fight you have, if you are stacked or not... there are many variables and the biggest of all: Will someone stop what they are doing to move near a lightwell and click on it? TBC had a fix for that, which was Prayer of Mending. I am a little skeptical on this ability and also how it will interact. Could it maybe "auto cast" on players bellow 90% hp (prioritizing lower %) and within 30 yrds range?
It would be good to see Proclaim Hero ranks, scaling armor or maybe the all resist as well. It feel very weak the current form. The additional skill are very good.
Divine Fury, would be interesting to have prayer of healing added to it as well... Swift Recovery sells me the concept of priests being tank healers...
Being ableto get all the quality of life from disc makes it very good and interesting.
- Discipline:
Smite Spec? What? We Inquisitors now?
This feels like a very interesting concept. Using shield that breaks to increase spell damage + holy fire for more spell power... It requires a rotation that isn't only spell damage, but interactive with the encounter. This will make the spec not good on some encounters, for example Cthun or Viscidus. I also see a small problem on groups with more than 1 priest with smite spec, as both might not be able to upkeep the bonus from shield.
- Racials
How Dwarves go from the best PVE class due to their racial skill to now being the worse? Avatar is very useless other than PVP.
- It Cost mana.
- I am a caster, what benefit I get from gaining 25% armor (I wear cloth, that is +200 armor)
- I get resist bonus: if I am on an encounter that requires resist, I will get it regarless of having a buff for 15 seconds
For PVP I agree, this is decent. But PVE...
Please share your thoughts!