Hello. did a search and did not see a post for this. Is the DMF rep broken ?
i have turned in a number of objects (evil bat eyes, glowing scorpid blood, thorium widgets, etc) and i am not getting any more DMF rep. I seem to be stuck at 2500 of 3000 (neutral).
I thought it might be a WDB folder thing so i deleted that before trying. Same issue. I thought maybe there was a limit of how much you could donate per month. It is a new month. Same issue.
How do i raise my rep with Dark Moon Faire - and do they have a quartermaster ? what do i get for raising my rep to Friendly ? or Higher ?
Thank you.
Dark Moon Faire rep
- Posts: 33
Re: Dark Moon Faire rep
Honored and upper rep level only decks(Warlords , elementals , portals and Beasts) quests add more rep.
No quartermaster darkmoon faire
No quartermaster darkmoon faire
Re: Dark Moon Faire rep
so how do i get to friendly ? and which quests ? no one there has offered me a quest - just these turn ins.