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[Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:24 am
by Orntz
Greetings, Turtles!

In order to encourage a strong role-playing community it would be great if we could standardize the AddOns that we use to facilitate role-play on Turtle WoW!

Both of the following AddOns work in the 1.12.1 vanilla WoW client and using them can greatly enhance your role-playing experience.


AddOn Installation Tutorial

In order to install AddOns you first need to navigate to your World of Warcraft directory.

Your World of Warcraft folder should look something like this:


Locate your Interface folder.


The inside of your interface folder should look like this:


Open the AddOns folder. It will currently only contain the default Blizzard AddOns. Keep this folder open.

We are going to need it later.

If you haven't downloaded the AddOns listed above you will need to download them for the next step.

When you download the AddOns they will arrive as a zipped folder.


In order to get them to work in WoW first we need to unzip them.

Right-click MyRolePlay and select Extract All...


You could extract them directly to your World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns directory but there is a small problem with this method (it will create an unnecessary folder that will prevent the AddOn from working).

Instead, extract them to the default path. You should now have two MyRolePlay_v2.2.2 folders.

Open the unzipped folder. You can tell that it is unzipped because it will no longer have a zipper on the icon.


The inside of your MyRolePlay folder will look like this:


In order to get the AddOn to work we are going to need to copy and paste it. My preferred method is to cut and paste.

Right-click on your MyRolePlay folder. Cut or copy based on personal preference.

Now you need to navigate to your World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns folder.
You should have kept this folder open from earlier in the tutorial.
It should look something like this:


Paste your MyRolePlay folder into your World of Warcraft/Interface/AddOns directory.

Repeat this process for the Outfitter AddOn. It will make switching equipment for role-playing a lot easier.

Your AddOns folder should now look like this:


We're almost done. The AddOns should now be in the right format and location for WoW to read them.

Next we'll need to launch the game. Navigate back to your World of Warcraft folder and launch WoW.exe


Log into your account. The final step awaits us on the Character Selection screen.
There should be a new button in the bottom-left corner.


Click the AddOns button.


Make sure Load Out of Date AddOns is checked for good measure.
Any AddOn with a checkmark next to it will load when you log into a character.

Verify that both MyRolePlay and Outfitter have a golden checkmark next to them and click "Okay".


You are now ready to Enter World and start Role-Playing!


I will cover how to use MyRolePlay and Outfitter in a future tutorial.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:44 am
by Dzigibau

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:13 am
by Eleison
Nice guide Orntz.

It's hard for me to imagine an RP server without an addon like MRP, it's just so convenient.
Nice to be able set your rp status so people can know at glance whether your IC, or looking for rp.(That was MRP right...? Or am I thinking of a similar one?)

Also it was pretty fun just reading everyone's character description as they ran through town, even the ones that made you think "Yeah...Don't think I'm gonna approach you for rp..." were at least entertaining in their own way.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 2:47 pm
by Neria
This is super helpful, thanks for posting this! I'll have to try this out during the beta.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 8:24 pm
by Valjan
Question, do you know if this functions properly Horde-side? I remember reading something a while bback that mentioned there were issues for it in the private server scene Horde-side.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 9:46 pm
by Leluch
Dzigibau it's sad.
But I'm no angel too.
I am use 2 addons:

The rest is not needed,because it's vanilla

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sun Sep 23, 2018 10:17 pm
by Orntz
Thank you for the kind words!

It does work on Horde side and it should allow you to set your RP status.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2018 2:57 pm
by Notrax
Great guide!

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2018 6:09 pm
by Talynderre
Thank you for the guide! I seem to be having some difficulties, however.

When I log into the game, I get the <MyRolePlay initialized> message. I can see myself, and other players, marked with the MRP tag. I cannot find any way to actually set my RP information or status, however - no icon, no command!

Am I missing something?

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sat Dec 15, 2018 12:34 am
by Deadcrow
Just go to your character screen. There should be a bar on the top you can click and it will bring up the window with the info you want to fill in.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 5:08 pm
by Thiccroy
I've been having the same kind of problem as the one above me-

it's telling me to go to the character screen (it being MRP), but I can't find any button that gives me that decision.

I may be used to retail add ons like Total RP and stuff like that, so don't yell at me, folks.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Thu Aug 08, 2019 3:56 am
by Morelardria
I'm having the same problem in that I follow the guild to the letter, yet don't see any addon button.

EDIT: I figured out the problem. You need to use the folder that's INSIDE the unzipped folder, not the whole unzipped folder itself.

1st, dl the add-on
2nd, extract the addon to a folder with the same name (7-zip is free and makes it easy to do this)
3rd, double click the new folder that will appear in your downloads and you should see another folder. THIS is the folder you want to copy past into the WoW AddOn folder

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Fri Jun 26, 2020 11:08 pm
by Amyloriley
As of writing, the download link to MyRolePlay doesn't work anymore. Or rather, the whole website seems to be down.

I've tried using the Wayback Machine, and I could access the download page for the addon, but the addon itself was never saved.

Can anyone give a mirror to this now on the internet unavailable addon, so we can still use it? Maybe by uploading your local MyRolePlay addon, so at least there still is a backup from the Turtle community.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Thu Aug 27, 2020 11:32 am
by Simas
@Amyloriley sorry, Im new to all of this and WOW. But I was able to find this: ... ay-classic
I hope this is what you were looking for.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:04 am
by Shamballah
Still interested in this Topic.

Would love to know how we could make MRP work on Turtle Wow.

Blessings of Elune be with you,


Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Mon Dec 28, 2020 8:39 am
by Sinrek
Shamballah wrote:
Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:04 am
Still interested in this Topic.

Would love to know how we could make MRP work on Turtle Wow.

Blessings of Elune be with you,


There was a link for Immersion RP addon in Discord, working and much smoother than MRP.


Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sun Jan 02, 2022 8:00 am
by Mrgrimm
Hey guys, trying to figure out my setup for MyRP. I couldn't use the link provided on this tutorial so i downloaded MyRP from a couple of different sources to test them out. I have it showing up in my addons list just before entering the game but then in game i can't figure out how to access any of the features. I looked on the character page, tried typing /mrp and all different combinations of that. any ideas? i really appreciate any help that can be provided.

ok, a little progress but still hitting a wall. so I went to Key bindings and at the very bottom i was able to bind a key to "character sheet" but now when I hit that button it responds with and ill put hyphens at the beginning and end -[string "CHARACTER_SHEET"]:8: attempt to access global 'mrp' (a nil value)- so what i am getting from that is there is no info for that to grab but the key binding is still there so I am not sure how to fix that. any help would be greatly appriciated.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Thu Jan 06, 2022 11:58 am
by Aquaria
It should be said that Immersion RP is more stable than Mrp. And more people seem to use it.

ALPHA 3 is the one. Unless someone has Alpha 4 and has tested it here on TWoW.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 1:21 pm
by Demonith88
some of the addons links are outdated can u guys keep it in one file and reupload it as a pack or just make your own and share to others will be fine

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Thu May 19, 2022 2:52 pm
by Demonith88
Also RP addons non of them working

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 5:03 pm
by Jolikmc
Here's some working links to the three – or rather four (as of Oct. '22) – roleplaying profile AddOns for Vanilla / Turtle WoW:
  • MyRolePlay (v2.2.2, v2.2.3)
    Add a detailed profile to your character and see other characters' profiles in WoW's tooltips.
    (AddOn automatically adds your character to "xtensionxtooltip2" and "MyRolePlay" chat channels, which is how it communicates.)
  • flagRSP and FriendList
    Add a simple profile to your character, see others' profiles in pop-up tooltips, and keep a database of roleplayers.
    (AddOn automatically adds your character to "xtensionxtooltip2" chat channel, which is how it communicates.)
  • ImmersionRP (Alpha 2 or Alpha 3 only)
    Add a simple profile to your character and see others' profiles in pop-up tooltips.
    (AddOn automatically adds your character to "xtensionxtooltip2" chat channel, which is how it communicates.
     Additionally, ImmersionRP can be set to add your character to "immersioncomm", instead.)

  • TurtleRP (Recommended!)
    A from-scratch "successor" to retail's TotalRP. Add a detailed profile, "at a glance" info, and IC and OOC notes to your character, as well as find other roleplayers* on the world map!
    * Or more likely, just people who installed the thing and didn't turn off tracking…
    (AddOn automatically adds your character to the "TTRP" chat channel, which is how it communicates.
     Note: Not currently cross-compatible with MyRolePlay or FlagRSP.)

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sat May 06, 2023 9:41 pm
by Troin666
well i done everything how you navigated,and downloaded everything from your sites,and addons are still not working. unhappy_turtle

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 5:06 am
by Xerilin
Troin666 wrote:
Sat May 06, 2023 9:41 pm
well i done everything how you navigated,and downloaded everything from your sites,and addons are still not working. unhappy_turtle
If you need help, jump on the TRP discord and ask there.

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Sun May 07, 2023 11:55 am
by Jolikmc
Oh, yeah. That AddOn's not in the first post or my post. At least… not until just this minute. (;

In any case, without knowing your exact file structure, it could be any of the following:

The AddOns aren't decompressed / "un-ZIPped"
When you download most AddOns, they come in a .zip, .rar, or on rare occasions, .7z file. For example, TurtleRP comes in a file called "". These are "compressed folders" which need to be decompressed before World of Warcraft can use the files within. The game won't recognize a compressed folder as an AddOn no matter where it's located:

❌ Interface\AddOns\
❌ Interface\AddOns\TurtleRP\

Windows operating systems can decompress most .zip files, itself. For other formats, I'd recommend 7-zip, as it's free, open-source, and can be used on Windows, Mac, or Linux.
The AddOns aren't in the right folder
World of Warcraft will only use AddOns it finds within the "Interface\AddOns" sub-folder of your game installation. For example, Turtle WoW\Interface\AddOns\TurtleRP. If the AddOn is in the wrong place, it won't be read by the game. If you check the AddOn's file folder and don't see a .toc file somewhere in there, the AddOn isn't going to work. Here's a "wrong" and "right" example, using TurtleRP as the AddOn:

❌ Interface\TurtleRP\TurtleRP.toc
❌ Interface\AddOns\TurtleRP\TurtleRP\TurtleRP.toc
✅ Interface\AddOns\TurtleRP\TurtleRP.toc

Just toss your downloaded and decompressed AddOn into your Interface\AddOns folder and you should be right as rain.
The AddOn folders aren't named correctly
World of Warcraft is very particular about how things are named. If the AddOn's folder and .toc files don't have matching names, the game will ignore the AddOn even if it's in the right directory. This is especially annoying as many AddOns downloaded from Github and the like come packed within a folder that's within a compressed folder. This is why a lot of sites warn users to remove the "-vanilla" or "-master" from their folder names, in fact. That said, here's a "wrong" and "right" example, using TurtleRP as the AddOn:

❌ Interface\AddOns\TurtleRP-1.1.1\TurtleRP\TurtleRP.toc
❌ Interface\AddOns\TurtleRP-1.1.1\TurtleRP.toc
✅ Interface\AddOns\TurtleRP\TurtleRP.toc

If the folder is named the same thing as the .toc file, everything should be fine. Otherwise, something needs to be renamed.
The AddOn is considered "out of date" and won't load in game
Just enable Out of Date AddOns on your "AddOns" menu. Simple as that.

The AddOn has dependencies
If your AddOn reports that it's "missing dependency", hover your mouse over the AddOn and it should tell you what's missing. You can then find, download, and install the missing dependency. (Or just enable it in your AddOns, if it's there and not turned on.)

Hopefully, the issue is one of these problems. It is very likely one of the first three, though. Hope this helped!

Re: [Tutorial] How to install Role-Playing AddOns

Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2024 12:00 am
by Juansaba
Hi man! Would love some rp addons but your links wont work for me at least