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Anyone have tips on leveling fishing?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2024 1:46 pm
by Drubarrymooer
IMHO, fishing is the slowest, most boring slog to level in all of WoW. I've sat and tried to level fishing 6 times so far, and I've fallen asleep at my keyboard 4 of those times. I apply lures and use boats and fish still get away or nothing is hooked, even in the lowest level zones. Pools, no pools, it doesn't matter. I've been fishing for about an hour now at 125+100 fishing and my base skill has only moved 1 point. Is there any way I can make this go faster? Glyph of Fast Fishing when? jk :-p I'd appreciate any tips or tricks. Please forgive me being whiny about it as well. Its just soooooooo boring to me lol.

Re: Anyone have tips on leveling fishing?

Posted: Sun Feb 04, 2024 2:00 pm
by Darktifa
Women can't understand the joy of fishing!
Here, after 5 sec of tough Google search ... lassic-wow