Quest storyline idea - The deep one's call (Darkshore)

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Quest storyline idea - The deep one's call (Darkshore)

Post by Roller3002 » Thu May 30, 2024 6:11 pm

Hiya folks! I'm a long time lurker who adores the teams iniative of growing the WoW classic mythos and provide a more immersive experience. I had some ideas for potential quests and i thought to post them, I just hope this is the right place so apologies in advance if not. The thinking was to keep it simple and achievable with a self contained story which could grow further if desired. Im aware of the wonderful tools Turtle WoW supplies however I wanted to feel out if folks liked this before committing time to learning them. I took this mini challenge on largely to learn more about Darkshore, a zone I feel is somewhat scattered but with loads of potential. At the very least this side project got me excited to see what else the team get together. I hope you enjoy what you read and i'm happy to recieve any feedback.

Im calling this questline: The Deep One's Call

Attached is a one-pager that gives a cursory view of content and flow with further details being below:

  • Improve Alliance BFD breadcrumbing incentivising the dungeon AND improving dungeon quest discovery
  • A closer Alliance centric point of interest to BFD for repairs and travel
  • Introduce and build existing Darkshore/Highborne lore with potential to grow further into the old gods mythos
  • Improve leveling within Darkshore so players have a smoother transition into Ashenvale with the level curve
Four treasure hungry opportunists stumble across the discovery of a lifetime. Will they be able to unearth its secrets or be consumed by them. Players will find themselves learning more about the lost city of Lathar'Lazal and the artifact used for its construct, The Scepter of Tides.

Ripped directly from the scepter of tides artifact book:
""Of the wonders our queen brought to this world, perhaps none was so great as Lathar'Lazal. As masons constructed the temple, Azshara shaped the waters around it with the Scepter of Tides. She spoke the names of the rivers and the seas, and they moved at her command. Salt water from the roaring ocean and fresh water from the mountain streams trickled to Azshara's side. With the flick of her wrist, the queen partitioned them into great lakes that hugged Lathar'Lazal's sturdy foundation.

""Creatures of all kinds populated these waters, and they were at Azshara's beck and call. Whenever she walked the bridges of Lathar'Lazal, nearby schools of exotic fish would array themselves in colorful patterns. She even kept a colossal sea giant bound to one of the lakes. She used her scepter to make him perform tricks and feats of strength, much to the delight of the watching Highborne. Curious night elves from the far corners of the empire journeyed to Lathar'Lazal to study the mythical creature and his habits.""
The questline aims to intergrate highborne lore more heavily into the classic experience whilst also looking at how the twilight hammer comes into play. I also wanted to provide more context as to why such things as "The master's Glaive" exist and what actually was causing the whispers to draw the cult into BFD. With these hints we can suggest there is more to be explored whilst providing a complete storyline. ... ers-glaive ... -book-text

Ransacked camp
I see this as a scattering of tents, campfires and maybe a wagon. It will sit outside the cave to add the environmental storytelling of civility being destroyed.

Trogg Hole
A cave in which the Troggs originate from. This location could provide more context to the Remtravel excavation site or be scrapped. I think a lot could be done with the cave making it a new destination within Darkshore to split its narrow feel and add more interesting spots on the southern side near ashenvale. ... Excavation

Sundered Sky Gate
This is where our crew and story primarily take place. Lathar'Lazal is known as the Seat of the sky, so naming it the sundered sky gate suggests something more in the common tongue and connects the threads suggested in the story.

The mythic city and largely the final destination. Whilst no new location will be needed to be made its heavily suggested that it exists and introduces some mystery.

Ashii Lighthand (High elf)
This character largely serves as a quest breadcrumb to the camp but could potentially be something more if devs wanted to grow the story further. Their desposition reads as innocent and excitable, ready to take on any venture laid before them. They also introduce the idea of Highborne having interests in archeology and scattering more elf npc's into the world.

Theo'Emal Lighthand (High elf)
They are flamboyant, excitable, charismatic and driven. Charm and pure luck get them by with a almost con artist like approach. While they mean well its often clear that what they desire remains paramount and this is the thread we pull on. Our goal with this quest is to show their slow corruption in the persuit of ambition. Elf players will naturally find themselves in darkshore so this adds a further intergration of that path AND the highborne influence on azeroth. This also focuses on elven history on a server thats already improving on that lore.

Hank "Tiny" Grimm (Goblin)
They love money and aim to get it via any means necessery. Alliance players will get a chance to interact with a goblin sooner to reinforce the idea of their existance and to understand the vibe of the race being money centric. Un-like Theo they aren't very shy about showing their true intent and act as a cautionary tale of avarice. Their shady nature allows the story to go in many possible directions so theres flexability in this character.

"Giggles" (Gnoll)
Our loveable but intimidating gnoll acting as the muscle for the roaming treasure hunters. I wanted to add an unconventional quest giver that mostly communicated non-verbally for the challenge of descriptive storytelling but also to add more immersion to the players experience. She acts as a guardian to Hank primarily but their loyalty to theo and Ashi has grown. The quests they provide sprinle in a level of innocence but also connect the player with the team on a grounded level. If the questline grew, she would act as our moral compass as they inevitably slip amongst the group.

Gerrig Bonegrip (Existing character) - ... g-bonegrip
This is a pre-existing quest giver who has ties to the elder gods and the black fathom depths dungeon. Their introduction to the story is to further bolster the elder god stories that exist in WoW as well as prompt the opportunity of grabbing more BFD dungeon quests.

Unique assets vs existing
For this to work we would need camp assets added to the front of an existing un-used ruin within south darkshore acting as the operations base and the main stage. We also would need either a cave added to the eastern mountain line populated by Troggs or some re-designs of the Remtravel's Excavation site. I believe we could use a lot of existing assets to dress up these spots. If there was room for environmental state changes we could do some exciting stuff but ultimately this quest is flexible with most of the work being done via text. Overall these changes provide more context to areas that are somewhat disjointed in their current state (the stone golems, cultists and murlocs).

Due to my inexperience i've not created the quests in the tool provided (something i can do if theres love for this) but here is the writing for the accept, progress and completion states for each quest listed above. I hope folks can get a taste of the vibe and approach. (Items/rewards still need adding).
1: Opportunity in every difficulty
Opportunity in every difficulty

Find Theo'Emal at the temporary base camp in southwest Darkshore

Anar'alah belore! What a chance opportunity! You look like a capable person, and my uncle is in dire straits. Our digsite was attacked by a band of very disgruntled Troggs. Everyone got away safely, but we're in need of someone to help us get up and running again. I have to secure supplies from Aubadine, but could you head over to the temporary basecamp while I'm away? Follow this road south and turn west at the fork. And don't be frightened by the company my uncle keeps; they mean well enough.

I shant be long, meet me at the camp south west of here. I'll see you there soon!
Oh, you come bearing tidings from my nephew? Fate brings good favour to these troubled times!

You arrived pricesly when needed, my new-found friend! Come, take a seat, and let me tell you more, for there is much to do and discuss.

2: A chance encounter
A chance encounter

Retrieve the lost equipment

0/5 Architecture tools

As you can see by the state of this cobbled-together camp, you have caught us in the midst of licking our wounds after being chased away by damnable and barbaric Troggs. But please, where are my manners? Let me introduce myself and my cohorts.

I'm Theobald Emallia Lighthand, Alah'Thalas's leading curator and pecurer of all treasures and trinket esoterically inclined. Across the way are my hired hands and fellow relic enthusiasts. The smaller one with the devilish grin and green complexion goes by Hank Grimm. Our larger but hairier traveling companion has the delightful moniker "Giggles" which I'm sure you will believe suits them perfectly once you get to know them. And somewhere out there is my darling nephew Ashii, whom you may hopefully get to know better upon their return from Aubadine.

Now with introductions out of the way, please, oh wandering adventurer, save us! We are desperately in need of our excavation tools, which we so shamefully abandoned at our site to the east. Retrieve what you can so we may continue our exciting but important work!

Once you have found our equipment, we can begin delving further into the mysteries of these newly found ruins! Was there any progress?
Ah, Anar'alah belore! I knew when you walked into our camp that our luck had changed. The moment you left we discovered markings nearby that suggest something more! Now let me see my equipment.

Nothing seems damaged beyond repair, although I could have done without the teeth marks and drool. Either way, you have done us a great service and for that, you have my eternal gratitude. We may have lost our first campsite but such an event led us to what I can only imagine will become a wonderous find!

I hope to unearth the secrets wrapped around this mysterious gate, but it may take some time...

3: Many hands make lighthand work
Many hands make lighthand work

Retrieve the stolen artifacts
0/10 artifact shards

I don't usually trust strangers, but I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. I'm missing out on a payday, so I'll take any help I can get. The names Tiny and you look like a <RACE> who can handle themselves. Fancy making a bit of coin?

We were making some headway at the site east of here and managed to find a fair few rare items when suddenly some knuckle-dragging thieves burst out from a nearby cave and chased us away. If you were to head over and get those back, we could recoup some of our investments and maybe salvage this damn trip.

I'd do it myself, but there are plenty of other threats in these woods and someone's gotta protect this expedition's investments or what's left of them. Just make sure your fingers don't get too sticky with those relics if you find them, or I might have to come find you.

Well, don't just stare at me; head to the site east of here and bring back my relics! They won't be worth anything if those slackjawed cavement have anything to do with it.
It looks like you're worth your salt after all. I had my doubts, but this is the first time I'm happy to be proven wrong. Let's have a look at the goods then.

Gah, these have all been trashed! Broken! A bag of shards not worth a copper.

*Tiny hands the bag to Giggles*

I've already sunk too much time and money into this fool's errand. I knew that elf was full of it. He fed me promises of a long-forgotten sunken city! Said wonderous relics of old littered its halls and gems the size of my head! All i've seen are cold rainy days and moss covered rocks!
*Tiny pauses for a moment then looks to you with renewed determination*
Well, maybe it's not all pointless; there might still be hope.

3.b: Whispers and "Tiny" rumors
Whispers and tiny rumors

Find something of worth in Mathystra

One of our contacts in Aubadine mentioned some ruins north of the village that the locals called Mathystra. Much like this place, it's said to be the remnants of an old Highborne city, so there might be something worth looking for. But the night elf also said they heard about this place from a tree called Onu during a mushroom-fueled experiment...

*Tiny's rubs his good eye in frustration*

It's not much to go by, but we're at such a loss that it's worth a shot. Plus, all we're doing here is waiting for Theo to figure out that damn door.

Head north of Aurbadine and have a nose around the place. See what you can find and bring back whatever stands out, and I mean anything. Who knows, maybe we will get lucky with a rare find so we can leave these forsaken woods.

*You see Tiny picking through the bag of broken artifacts solemnly.*

Yeah? Did you find anything? or are you just wasting my time?
Please tell me you have good news. Wait, you found something?! Give it here!

*Tiny snatches the mysterious object from your hand with a grin that eventually fades*

You went all that way and this was all you could find? A smooth grotesque statue that reeks of fish?! No self-respecting dealer will give this rock two looks! Even if we COULD sell it, I doubt we would make enough to cover Giggle's food bill for the week. Do you know how much meat she eats?!

*Tiny looks to the figure in his grip and then back to you angrily*

We only have one option left and that's whatever is behind that damn door. I hope for Theo's sake he figures it out soon; otherwise me and Giggles are out of here. Let's see how long he lasts without us stopping those murlocs.

*You turn and walk away, but are hit with a sudden sense of longing as if a part of you is now gone. As you look back you see Tiny pondering the sculpture. His thumb gently rubbing its pale green surface*

4: No laughing matter
No laughing matter

Show the Trogg's whos boss

0/10 Trogg's slain
0/20 Trogg teeth retrieved

*As you draw close you notice the Gnoll before you is adorned with all kinds of trinkets and trophies carved from white tarnished stone*

Heheh hEehehhhhEHEheh

*Giggles holds up what looks to be a tattered and frayed leather belt, then points towards a gash on their shoulder; a somewhat sorrowful
frown emerges through their gritted teeth*

Ehhhhhahaha hahah ahahahahh *sniff* *sniff* hahahh

*They point a sharp nailed finger at a toothy smile before thrusting their finger outwards east with a purposeful, intense stare*

Hehehhh, hehheheh *growl*

*A paw flashes before you showing four fingers multiple times and somehow, you know what has been asked of you: revenge*

*You watch as Giggles attempts to mend the broken piece of armour until eventually giving up*

Hehhehhehe *sniff sniff* hehhehehehe
*As you hand over the fist full of Trogg teeth you notice a fresh deep wound surrouned by what looks like wet inky fur*

Heheheheh ehhehehe

*The gnoll bares their teeth in what you assume is a smile of gratitude*

4.b: She who laughs last, laughs longest
She who laughs last, laughs longest

Get revenge on the murloc menace

*Giggles holds up a sodden and chewed rag that matches their now-torn cape*

Hehhe hhheh *growl* *sniff*

*With an intense glare you watch as Giggles points north-west with a tooth-filled paw and snarles wickedly*

Hheh hehh hhehhh *howl*

*Giggles rears their head up and shouts a gurgling battle cry amongst its chittering. Their intent is clearer than a sun-filled sky; more trophies are to be collected*

*The gnoll sits tinkering with the teeth and some tools before looking up at you.*

*Triumphantly you hand over the murloc tokens of justice to the grateful Gnoll*

Hhehhehrhehehe *sniff sniff*

*Giggles places the items on a table and turns with what you assume is a smile holding up a frayed leather strap and tiny green shards in your direction*

4.c. A gnoll is a pal's best friend
5: Axiom arcane alchemy!
Axiom arcane alchemy!

Retrieve the ingredients requested
0/5 Rough blasting powder
0/10 Mounds of clay
0/1 Elixir of Lion's strength
0/1 Arcane infused rock

Once more, you arrive with impeccable timing! While you were away I managed to unravel more truths from these illusive ruins. It would seem this gate served as an entrance to a vault and only those who held a key could enter. I am, however, at a loss as to where the key may be, or what the key is for that matter. But not all is lost.

*Theo points to a pile of boulders obscuring the entrance*

While it pains me to even think of such things, we must remove these obstacles if we are to learn more. And I may have just the thing...

My time in Quel'Thalas during its glory days provided me with access to the most talented alchemists and mages money could offer. Together, we discovered a rather powerful and explosive concoction that's perfect for the job!

Here, take this list. By securing these items you join us on a truly legendary adventure! So please, I implore you, return to me with these items and help us with the discovery of a lifetime.

I dont want to rush you but I sense Tiny is becoming somewhat impatient. Remember, I am in need of: list
You have returned! For a moment I was worried, but fear not for I will learn a valuable lesson in trust from this day forward.

Yes, yes, these items are perfect and in amazing condition. If you would be so kind as to wait a moment while I put my alchemic and arcane knowledge to the test. I shant be hopefully be long. After all, I've done this before...just never at such a scale.

5.b: When Preparation Meets Opportunity
When Preparation Meets Opportunity

Place the flask on the boulder

Finally, it's ready! The culmination of all my mentors talent and hard work. I believe this will be our finest moment yet.

I dare not, however, take this monumental event away from someone so integral to our discovery; you should have the honors. I have no doubt that your name will go down in history! I'm honestly jealous of such an opportunity, but this couldn't have happened without your help, so you deserve it.

*Theo speedily hands you a flask containing a mercurial liquid with an opaque-like rock set in wax on the lid*

I'll be right here, observing this historic moment. Onwards, my intrepid pioneer!

I'm absolutely brimming with excitement! Do make sure not to dilly-dally too much, as I am uncertain how potent the concoction might actually be...
Well, this is certainly unexpected. These symbols look elvish but...much older...and twisted.

*You look upon the symbols but struggle to make sense of them as they dance and undulate, never truly taking shape.*

I knew we would be stepping into undiscovered territory, but not to this degree. I dare not be so forward as to assume you have a moment spare, but if you can afford it, I may need a moment with these symbols. And perhaps a moment of respite to rid myself of this sudden headache.

Perhaps that blast was louder than I expected.

6: With a little help from my friend
With a little help from my friend

Speak to Gerrig Bonegrip in Ironforge

*As you approach, you notice the goblin staring intently into the figure's visage, their knuckles white. Tiny's features soften at your approach as they stow the idol away into a nearby bag.*

It would seem we are a bit closer to our payday based on the ruckus I heard earlier. Sounds like Theo relaxed their code of conduct...

*A grin emerges across the goblins face as you inform them of what happened.*

Well, we aren't "in" but it's something. And lucky for you, I know just the person to help us speed things up. An old friend, let's say.

*You watch as Tiny's hand reaches inside the bag to their side.*

Deep within the Forlorn Cavern of Ironforge, there is a shop owner named Gerrig Bonegrip. They primarily trade in oddities and books of interest that range from languages to ancient symbols. I couldn't think of a better person to help...for free.

*The goblins gaze lingers toward the newly discovered gateway until they notice your presence.*

The journey to Ironforge is long but worth it; don't waste any time!
Welcome to my hall of esoteric knowledge. I sense a determination on your face <Race>. Do you see something you like? Or perhaps you dont know what you seek and was merely drawn in by destiny. Either way, im almost certain we have what you desire.

7: Your first step to ascension
Your first step to ascension

Take the Apocrypha Epigraph tablet to Theo

I believe I have what you need and the cost

*Gerrig pulls out a small obsidian stone tablet covered in deep and erractic grooves.*

I seek no material trade for such a piece, only that it finds its way back to its master.

At a cost hands you a stone *Apocrypha Epigraph*

A greater understanding is but moments away. Seek your destiny and uncover your transendance. Open the gate, you must open the gate.
Well this is certainly an odd tablet, where did you come across such a thing?

*You explain your encounter with the shopkeep*

I wasn't aware Hank had such a contact...It might have been helpful to have known sooner but here we are. I suppose we all have a trick or two up our sleeves!

This will certainly speed things up so we should count ourselves fortunate. Lets get down to business.

*Theo rubs their forehead as they begin examining the symbols*

8: Key to the drowned city
Key to the drowned city

Retrieve the shard of tides from black fathom depths
0/1 Shard of tides

*Theo's gaze remains transfixed on the symbols as they grip the tablet for a few moments when suddenly they jolt forward, as if free from a trance.*

Apologies <NAME> for keeping you waiting for so long. Im afraid time got away from me...

*Theo's eyes meet yours with a steely gaze not seen before as they rise to meet you.*

Have you ever heard the tale of Lathar'Lazal? It was said to be a resplendent temple of gem-encrusted bridges and lakes nestled on the western edge of Kalimdor. A grand spectecle gifted by Azshara herself to the people and constructed using the power of the mighty Scepter of tides. People traveled across the world to see the exotic and mythical oceanic creatures that lived in this magically created haven. During the great sundering, many thought all of this was lost to the sea and so did I in fact, until moments ago.

If these translations are correct, I believe this gate will open if we present the very magic that helped build it. And I may know where we can find such an item. Southwest of here lies a descrated temple of Elune by the name of Blackfathom. Scholers speculated that this may indeed once have been part of Lathar'lazal; however, it is now home to all manner of dark and twisted things.

Enter this temple, find me the shard and let's discover together what was lost all those years ago.

My apologies for tasking you with such a heavy burden <NAME> but trinkets and baubals no longer matter. Countless historic truths may live behind this gate. We must gain entry; we must open the gate...we must.
*The shard gently glows a sickly pale blue light as you hand it over to Theo; its gentle ebb and flow thrum leaving your fingertips*

You truly are a gift and a blessing, friend. I spent most of my days drifting from project to project, but this is the first time I have ever felt purpose.

It may take some time but with this key I'll unlock secrets that may shape the very fabric of my people. We have lost so much, but with this, we will gain more than we ever dreamed. My work...our work—is not done here, but for now yours is. Revel in the fact that you gave us a chance for a future.

And who knows? We may meet again. For the gate shall be open and soon all will know the truth. All of us.


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Re: Quest storyline idea - The deep one's call (Darkshore)

Post by Galendor » Fri May 31, 2024 5:16 am

That's something I'd like to see in game.

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