Revantusk Trolls Guide?

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Revantusk Trolls Guide?

Post by Petter600 » Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:04 am

Is there a guide on how to increase reputation with the Revantusk Trolls faction? I couldn't find anything in the forums through the search function, but perhaps I'm just not adept at using it.

Stay safe and a happy new year all!

Posts: 13

Re: Revantusk Trolls Guide?

Post by Chyk » Thu Dec 28, 2023 7:51 am

Basically there are 3 ways to increase reputation, but only two of them are really effective.

1. Repeatable quest to donate 20runecloth for 50rep. Fastest and quite expensive.
2. Repeatable quests in different zones (from Ashenvale to Silithus and EPL). Takes a lot of time but not as repetitive as the last option.
3. Repeatable quest to kill a Hyppogriph in Hinterlands. THE BEST way if you're not ready to spend hundreds of gold. I think it's 1.4g + 150rep for a 5minute run, but that shit is really boring.

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Re: Revantusk Trolls Guide?

Post by Oomentaloo » Thu Dec 28, 2023 8:50 pm

All quests with reputation gain.
Sadly the links doesn't work directly you have to search for them with the quest names.

I think the best is to try to do the dailies while leveling from level 10 on to stretch it out a bit.
And do the rest later on. You need to really want it. :D
It's a grind.

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Re: Revantusk Trolls Guide?

Post by Frantsel » Thu Dec 28, 2023 9:02 pm

Dont do it. Its not worth it.

The runecloth is better used or sold and the money then invested in either gear or enchants.
You will need plenty of money if you get 60.

You can also get easily pretty good gear in the dungeons.
Hateforge quarry for example has plenty of good items.

The raventusk items have no stamina at all. Which might be ok for pve. But for pvp its absolutely useless.

Posts: 23

Re: Revantusk Trolls Guide?

Post by Fred25 » Sat May 25, 2024 12:27 pm

Thanks! I completely understand where you're coming from. Balancing work, school and play can be challenging. My advice? Consider outsourcing some coursework to experts. I had a good experience using for coursework. They offer quality work that meets your requirements. Check them out. It's all about finding that sweet spot where you can enjoy the game without sacrificing your academic goals. Hope this helps!

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