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Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Sat May 13, 2023 4:38 pm
by Morgananeruda
Re: Vagrant's Endeavor challenge
There are so many food crates and water/milk etc boxes that are generally ignored, with this Vagrant's Endeavor challenge we would look for them more often. Clams with food in them, Elementals that drop water, etc etc etc. Fishing and wreckage, there are so many ways to forage off of the land of Azeroth!
pfquest and its database will make every Race be able to find chests with dots on the map. (good imo)

I don't think the suggestion that "gear should not be able to be repaired" you wear/mend whatever you want till you find something else you like better. Vagrants, as you call them, would get every second of use out of any item they could, to avoid expenses.

Do they have to be called Vagrants? (granted it has an ancient definition)
How about Nomads? Today the word vagrant is seen as "pejorative", which is the sense I get too.
The theme of this challenge suggests we will strive to use every option we can to survive off the land, imo the word Vagrant is kind of a heavy tone when the theme of this challenge is to be creative, resourceful and make do with what you have, which is indeed a challenge.
How about The Nomads Endeavor Challenge or The Wanderer's Endeavor Challenge? Something a bit more upbeat.

Im really looking forward to this challenge as, since day one, I found it unfortunate that we had no use for all the gear the regular merchants offered, as there was always something better elsewhere (as a rule). lol Im already worried about wands,
I dont think Ive ever used a white wand ever, ever.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Sun May 14, 2023 7:07 am
by Allwynd01
I think the Vagrant award at 60 should be some kind of a customized cape that when people see it, they know what's up.

LOTRO has a quest where you have to transform into a chicken several times and travel great distances (across multiple zones) while being slow and having low HP (but you get some special chicken abilities like sprint or play dead) where you have to "warn other animals of the impending doom". The quest is very hard and tedious, but those who complete it get some special cape: ... _the_Cluck

And this item shows you are one of the very few who had the patience and mental fortitude to go through that torture of a quest.

That's why I think this Vagrant quest needs a more "practical" reward for people's troubles.

Something like "Vagrant's Cape" that is not just cosmetic, but has something like a bonus:

- increases all stats by 5% or something like that so it's really cool and useful.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 7:02 am
by Drifnur
Geojak wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 8:14 am
i disagree on this take. let them enchant. its a uique challange and up to the palyer to seek solutions
They could enchant when taking on the prof, not by being fed high tier enchants by other people.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 7:24 am
by Kairion
Drifnur wrote:
Wed May 17, 2023 7:02 am
Geojak wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 8:14 am
i disagree on this take. let them enchant. its a uique challange and up to the palyer to seek solutions
They could enchant when taking on the prof, not by being fed high tier enchants by other people.
It really is a self imposed challenge. Using enchants is like cheating on your diet. Its only hurting you, noone else. Sure, it slightly devalues the title you get, but its not a "hard" thing to complete, but a time consuming boring one (e.g. stick to just barely green lvl mobs for easy combats)

Sure, in an ideal world this is removed, but with the current goldseller plague, i'd rather have that policed than someone using enchants on a self imposed challenge.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 7:59 am
by Vaporizer7
What you guys are doing with wow is super cool ! especialy the lore respected extension, and your LFT addon is super practical !
The only small thing that miss to be perfect is the TP stone working like in BC; it would be so convenient and time saver!
and rp acurate as it works like warlock invocation and need 2 people.
With this feature, the server would be really perfect.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 9:18 am
by Xudo
Kairion wrote:
Wed May 17, 2023 7:24 am
Drifnur wrote:
Wed May 17, 2023 7:02 am
Geojak wrote:
Thu May 11, 2023 8:14 am
i disagree on this take. let them enchant. its a uique challange and up to the palyer to seek solutions
They could enchant when taking on the prof, not by being fed high tier enchants by other people.
It really is a self imposed challenge. Using enchants is like cheating on your diet. Its only hurting you, noone else. Sure, it slightly devalues the title you get, but its not a "hard" thing to complete, but a time consuming boring one (e.g. stick to just barely green lvl mobs for easy combats)

Sure, in an ideal world this is removed, but with the current goldseller plague, i'd rather have that policed than someone using enchants on a self imposed challenge.
I sincerely hope that devs implement level restrictions on enchants.
With level restrictions, it will be good idea to use enchants for this challenge.
Both things will boost low level enchanting economy.

I think it is good idea to add hard technical restrictions on this challenge.
You can play self-imposed HC challenge with your normal character without any additional help from devs.
But when devs implemented technical rules, it became part of the game.
So if devs introduce something, it is good idea to add hard restrictions.
Enchanting restriction should not be policied by mods because it could be implemented technically. (Unlike boosting HC with nonHC 60)
If it is possible to add restriction, then it should be added.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 11:16 am
by ForumOLV
It would be amazing to see for transport routes section if at all possible:
1. a three way boat going from Rachet - Steamwheedle Port (Tanaris) - Booty Bay.
2. A replacement for the Auderbine to Wetlands boat with Menethil Harbor to Southshore. (Menethil has a vacant spot in the dock and Southshore has an unused port).
3. Auderbine to Feathermoon Stronghold.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 3:59 pm
by Torta
The work-in-progress changelog for Patch 1.16.6 has received some updates. Check them out!

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 5:18 pm
by Aeliren
The usage of Alpha Ironforge's gnome quarter for the Reclamation Facility is interesting. I'll admit, having found the gnome NPCs and quests in the database a few weeks ago, a part of me was hoping that the gnome update in this patch would mean that Ironforge would expanded on with the addition of some parts of Alpha Ironforge, and that the tram would be going between Gnomeregan and Ironforge as well as between Stormwind and Ironforge. But this looks very nice.

Interesting that Stillward Church seems to be the Horde's main point of entry into Gilneas. I would've thought that Blackthorn's Camp would've served that purpose.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Wed May 17, 2023 7:35 pm
by Roa7175
Hysorn wrote:
Tue May 09, 2023 11:41 pm
Maan, can't wait for human hunters, having a hard time bringing myself to level anything else knowing they are just around the corner.
Still not out yet...? Lol. It's been around 5 months now. That corner might be quite a while lmao.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 2:09 am
by Shroudedsoul
That Gnome update coming has convinced me to make my main a Gnome Mage.

I'm glad to see Gnomes getting some respect and treated seriously.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 8:12 am
by Endlessfishing
Am I the only one who feels that the Gnomegeran Reclamation Facility will be just another unfinished city next to Alah'thalas?

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 8:54 am
by Xudo
Roa7175 wrote:
Wed May 17, 2023 7:35 pm
Hysorn wrote:
Tue May 09, 2023 11:41 pm
Maan, can't wait for human hunters, having a hard time bringing myself to level anything else knowing they are just around the corner.
Still not out yet...? Lol. It's been around 5 months now. That corner might be quite a while lmao.
I think devs/admins wait until current amount of online players go down to some stable values.
Too high amount of players produce a lot of problems. So releasing new patch during peak times is bad idea. It potentionally increase amount of people even more.
It is not clear when previous peak has started. Previous top was at 2022-08-21 and previous bottom was at 2022-12-26
Current peak was 2023-04-23. So I think that in 4 months it will go down.
So if I would be server admin, I'd published next update in August or September.
In addition, summer usually a quiet season with low online. It is bad time to release update when people prefer to go out and enjoy good warm weather.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 8:22 pm
by Heine

Does it mean nothing in pvp or to bee updated ?
Thats sad that huge update dodges all pvp aspects and problems qq

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 9:03 pm
by Xerilin
Heine wrote:
Thu May 18, 2023 8:22 pm

Does it mean nothing in pvp or to bee updated ?
Thats sad that huge update dodges all pvp aspects and problems qq
Most titles had ... below them at some point. New stuff is added to the announcement all the time. So all it means nothing is announced yet.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Thu May 18, 2023 9:59 pm
by Galendor
Endlessfishing wrote:
Thu May 18, 2023 8:12 am
Am I the only one who feels that the Gnomegeran Reclamation Facility will be just another unfinished city next to Alah'thalas?
Devs make a huge progress in zones' creation since release of Alah'Thalas so I believe your thoughts are incorrect.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 8:52 am
by Endlessfishing
Galendor wrote:
Thu May 18, 2023 9:59 pm
Endlessfishing wrote:
Thu May 18, 2023 8:12 am
Am I the only one who feels that the Gnomegeran Reclamation Facility will be just another unfinished city next to Alah'thalas?
Devs make a huge progress in zones' creation since release of Alah'Thalas so I believe your thoughts are incorrect.
I hope you are right.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 2:40 pm
by Badrussian1945
Great news!!!
What's up with pvp fixes? For example backdoors AV))

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Fri May 19, 2023 8:16 pm
by Jesterjacks
Any updates on class balance?

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 8:38 pm
by Endlessfishing
Regarding the Vagrant's Endeavor challenge, I would like to give you a little idea so that you can not only carry poor and common items. you can also wear uncommon, rare, and epic items, but they would debuff while wearing, reducing all damage by 50% (example).

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Mon May 22, 2023 8:58 pm
by Greese
Endlessfishing wrote:
Mon May 22, 2023 8:38 pm
Regarding the Vagrant's Endeavor challenge, I would like to give you a little idea so that you can not only carry poor and common items. you can also wear uncommon, rare, and epic items, but they would debuff while wearing, reducing all damage by 50% (example).
I am not sure about that. I might take a vagrant in my dungeon group with the understanding that they will have a reduced output but won't be taking any gear. If they are only 50% effective AND take gear, I would never invite them.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 5:30 am
by Endlessfishing
beat-up mule = donation mule?

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 7:55 am
by Allwynd01
I think in the future it might be cool to add Quel'thalas back into the game - what are Eversong Woods and Ghostlands in TBC, but different in Turtle WoW.

Like the city is completely destroyed and not partially like in TBC. Eversong Woods is more corrupted and doesn't look nice and picturesque like it does in TBC, I mean, more around that "scar" that Arthas made, but the rest is more or less the old Eversong Woods.

Ghostlands is not called Ghostlands, but South Eversong Woods or something like that and is also not as corrupted as Ghostlands in TBC, instead only the "scar" is tainted, but the rest is "almost" like Eversong Woods, but maybe the trees are more dead and the sky a little gray.

The eastern side where there are trolls, I think the Amani tribe, that place is still pristine and to the south where the Undead Horde is, this is where it's most tainted.

But overall the taint should be different than in TBC, it should have that "orange/brown" fog like the air in Eastern Plaguelands tha looks like a giant fart by Godzilla or Mothra.

I think I read somewhere that the reason why Eversong Woods and Ghostlands were not part of Eastern Kingdoms was due to some technical limitations that required the Eastern Kingdoms (or Kalimdor) landmass to be a certain size and they could not extend it so they added the 1-10 and 10-20 zones for Blood Elves and Draenei on the same plane where Outlands are, I know, because I've used the WoW Machinima tool for WoTLK 3.3.5 and if you increase draw distance to see from Teldrassil to Tanaris, you can see all three - Outland, Eversong, Azuremyst.

So I don't know if this is true or Blizzard were already exploring options how to be lazy and incompetent and if there is a plan to add this place to Turtle WoW, if it will be possible to do it by expanding the landmass or does it have to be instanced again.

Also Azuremyst and Bloodmyst (in whatever state they can exist in Turtle WoW) will also be interesting to see before the Exodar crash-landed and messed them up. those will be nice places for alternative leveling locations, like how Lapidis, Gilijim and Tel'Abim are. Lapidis and Gilijim kinda sucked with quest placement, mob placement, traveling between them, mobs for some reason were too strong, but Tel'Abim was awesome, it's only sin is it was too short.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 8:08 am
by Jammyxx
Allwynd01 wrote:
Tue May 23, 2023 7:55 am
I think in the future it might be cool to add Quel'thalas back into the game - what are Eversong Woods and Ghostlands in TBC, but different in Turtle WoW.

Like the city is completely destroyed and not partially like in TBC. Eversong Woods is more corrupted and doesn't look nice and picturesque like it does in TBC, I mean, more around that "scar" that Arthas made, but the rest is more or less the old Eversong Woods.

Ghostlands is not called Ghostlands, but South Eversong Woods or something like that and is also not as corrupted as Ghostlands in TBC, instead only the "scar" is tainted, but the rest is "almost" like Eversong Woods, but maybe the trees are more dead and the sky a little gray.

The eastern side where there are trolls, I think the Amani tribe, that place is still pristine and to the south where the Undead Horde is, this is where it's most tainted.

But overall the taint should be different than in TBC, it should have that "orange/brown" fog like the air in Eastern Plaguelands tha looks like a giant fart by Godzilla or Mothra.

I think I read somewhere that the reason why Eversong Woods and Ghostlands were not part of Eastern Kingdoms was due to some technical limitations that required the Eastern Kingdoms (or Kalimdor) landmass to be a certain size and they could not extend it so they added the 1-10 and 10-20 zones for Blood Elves and Draenei on the same plane where Outlands are, I know, because I've used the WoW Machinima tool for WoTLK 3.3.5 and if you increase draw distance to see from Teldrassil to Tanaris, you can see all three - Outland, Eversong, Azuremyst.

So I don't know if this is true or Blizzard were already exploring options how to be lazy and incompetent and if there is a plan to add this place to Turtle WoW, if it will be possible to do it by expanding the landmass or does it have to be instanced again.

Also Azuremyst and Bloodmyst (in whatever state they can exist in Turtle WoW) will also be interesting to see before the Exodar crash-landed and messed them up. those will be nice places for alternative leveling locations, like how Lapidis, Gilijim and Tel'Abim are. Lapidis and Gilijim kinda sucked with quest placement, mob placement, traveling between them, mobs for some reason were too strong, but Tel'Abim was awesome, it's only sin is it was too short.
It was due to the areas been restricted to people who bought Tbc.... If you hadn't upgraded your account to Tbc, you could not zone in to Eversong woods / Outland / Azuremyst and Bloodmyst isles.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 8:30 am
by Balake
Azuremyst and Bloodmyst were fabricated from nothing for TBC, while they're certainly beautiful places in my opinion it's better for turtle wow to focus on adding things that already exist in vanila/warcraft 3 lore, before adding completely new stuff (whether it's from future expansions or from the dev's own ideas)

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 1:25 pm
by Allwynd01
Jammyxx wrote:
Tue May 23, 2023 8:08 am

It was due to the areas been restricted to people who bought Tbc.... If you hadn't upgraded your account to Tbc, you could not zone in to Eversong woods / Outland / Azuremyst and Bloodmyst isles.
Interesting, you may be right, I've never thought about it this way, if true, this just shows Blizzard's greed was already ruining the integrity of Azeroth. They are willing to make the world look disjointed just so they can make more money, despicable.
Balake wrote:
Tue May 23, 2023 8:30 am
Azuremyst and Bloodmyst were fabricated from nothing for TBC, while they're certainly beautiful places in my opinion it's better for turtle wow to focus on adding things that already exist in vanila/warcraft 3 lore, before adding completely new stuff (whether it's from future expansions or from the dev's own ideas)

I did not know about the two -myst islands that they were made up. Azuremyst sure looked so magical, but if they don't really exist and people can already play them in TBC, then maybe focusing on new places will be better. I really wish the empty places on Eastern Kingdoms' map to be made into zones, that would be so great... and to give Badlands a beach again.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 1:25 pm
by Allwynd01
Allwynd01 wrote:
Tue May 23, 2023 1:25 pm
Jammyxx wrote:
Tue May 23, 2023 8:08 am

It was due to the areas been restricted to people who bought Tbc.... If you hadn't upgraded your account to Tbc, you could not zone in to Eversong woods / Outland / Azuremyst and Bloodmyst isles.
Interesting, you may be right, I've never thought about it this way, if true, this just shows Blizzard's greed was already ruining the integrity of Azeroth. They are willing to make the world look disjointed just so they can make more money, despicable.
Balake wrote:
Tue May 23, 2023 8:30 am
Azuremyst and Bloodmyst were fabricated from nothing for TBC, while they're certainly beautiful places in my opinion it's better for turtle wow to focus on adding things that already exist in vanila/warcraft 3 lore, before adding completely new stuff (whether it's from future expansions or from the dev's own ideas)

I did not know about the two -myst islands that they were made up. Azuremyst sure looked so magical, but if they don't really exist and people can already play them in TBC, then maybe focusing on new places will be better. I really wish the empty places on Eastern Kingdoms' map to be made into zones, that would be so great... and to give Blasted Lands a beach again.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Fri May 26, 2023 8:25 pm
by Morgananeruda
Could you please put treasure chests in Feralas, its so wonderful there and its the one thing imo is missing.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 8:55 am
by Trymv1
After plotting some silly challenge ideas Ive realized that yall need to just make Tauren Rogues a thing.

Only race that cant once Human Hunter goes live, and no real point to argue against them for any reason outside of a short extra stun that wouldnt make them god-tier anyway.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Sat May 27, 2023 11:05 pm
by Ganasoth
How about fixing and balancing OP Paladins in PVP first..... ? Just an idea.....

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Mon May 29, 2023 7:18 am
by Allwynd01
Trymv1 wrote:
Sat May 27, 2023 8:55 am
After plotting some silly challenge ideas Ive realized that yall need to just make Tauren Rogues a thing.

Only race that cant once Human Hunter goes live, and no real point to argue against them for any reason outside of a short extra stun that wouldnt make them god-tier anyway.
That will never happen.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 5:28 am
by Calimox2020
This rocks I can't wait looks awesome.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 5:31 am
by Calimox2020
Forgot to ask. Will that instance looking portal behind that gate in SW ever be utilized?
If I recall correctly that was suppose to be some sort of player housing but blizzard scrapped it and later covered up the portal with a wall.

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Tue May 30, 2023 5:36 am
by Holyhorrorr
Ganasoth wrote:
Sat May 27, 2023 11:05 pm
How about fixing and balancing OP Paladins in PVP first..... ? Just an idea.....

Re: Patch 1.16.6 — Work in progress!

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2023 9:43 pm
by Whalemilk
Do we have an ETA?