Demo Spec - Easy Fix!

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Demo Spec - Easy Fix!

Post by Krotux » Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:15 pm

I think it would be better if Demonology had a more clear identity. Right now it's just something you go into for a buff and that's it. I believe the original devs intended for us to use more powerful pets after sacrificing the normal pet, so that's what I aim to fix here, without a lot of dev time!

We have to nerf Demonic Sacrifice because it does too much, and instead redistribute that power to damage done by Demons (This is Demonology after all).

Imp / Succubus Demonic Sacrifice: 15% damage -> 10% damage (or 8% or whatever makes sense)

Standard Enslave Demon Spell: Penalties further increased, maybe twice as much
Improved Enslave Demon: Penalties further decreased, to offset the increase above. Maybe also increase duration to 10 minutes.

Now this talent is impactful!

Next, have to buff the demons themselves:
Infernal: Massive buff needed to base HP & damage, potentially like 3x the current stats.
Felguard: Buff needed as well, depending on other talent reworks. Maybe 2x current.
Doomguard: Massive buff needed, maybe like 4-5x the current stats.

This would already greatly improve things and potentially fix the spec. Making deep destro (with cc2) or affliction better if you do not want to use demons, but giving demo a stronger identity. No mechanic changes needed, only a few numbers were tuned!

Also great but not essential:

It would be nice if certain talents got improved/buffed to be more impactful and work with all demons:
Unholy Power: Should be a flat damage buff not melee damage to only a few pets.
Fel Stam & Fel Intellect: Should probably just be better overall. Maybe also increasing damage, armor, attack speed, etc.
Master Summoner: Perhaps could also offer attack speed to enslaved demons. So it doesn't buff the warlock becausse the warlock doesn't use attack speed.
Soul funnel: health and mana funnel now also gives your pet a massive damage boost (50%+) while channeling. Just so it has a use.

It would also be nice if there was some scaling. Maybe warlock items that increased damage of pets significantly. Like the black book from BWL, but more pieces. Like a neck that gives a passive damage buff, for example.

Also a cool thing is that it doesn't affect pvp because enslaved demons are not practical in pvp.
Last edited by Krotux on Fri Jul 05, 2024 1:16 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Demo Spec - Easy Fix!

Post by Majestik51 » Sat Jun 08, 2024 2:24 pm

turtle warlock for me as a pvp player is perfect optimized. Also DS ruin is good as it is.....
but im all in for some more pet damage boost items variety, after t1 theres nothing relevant....
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Re: Demo Spec - Easy Fix!

Post by Frantsel » Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:14 pm

Why would you set DS for the same as shadow mastery?

Who would use DS then if you could have both 10% + a pet and some other useful abilities?

Doesnt make any sense.

Warlock is actually in a pretty good spot and I also see no need to nerf DS in any way. I also havent heard a single person ever mentioning it would be too strong.

But we can talk about Soullink. Nerf that. Its very overpowered.
Reduce the 3% dmg and nerf it for 5% less dmg reduction.

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Re: Demo Spec - Easy Fix!

Post by Krotux » Sun Jun 09, 2024 5:31 am

Frantsel wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:14 pm Why would you set DS for the same as shadow mastery?

Who would use DS then if you could have both 10% + a pet and some other useful abilities?

Doesnt make any sense.

Warlock is actually in a pretty good spot and I also see no need to nerf DS in any way. I also havent heard a single person ever mentioning it would be too strong.

But we can talk about Soullink. Nerf that. Its very overpowered.
Reduce the 3% dmg and nerf it for 5% less dmg reduction.
You guys didn't read like 90% of the thread...the nerf would be more than overcompensated for in other ways

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Re: Demo Spec - Easy Fix!

Post by Frantsel » Sun Jun 09, 2024 4:19 pm

Krotux wrote: Sun Jun 09, 2024 5:31 am
Frantsel wrote: Sat Jun 08, 2024 8:14 pm Why would you set DS for the same as shadow mastery?

Who would use DS then if you could have both 10% + a pet and some other useful abilities?

Doesnt make any sense.

Warlock is actually in a pretty good spot and I also see no need to nerf DS in any way. I also havent heard a single person ever mentioning it would be too strong.

But we can talk about Soullink. Nerf that. Its very overpowered.
Reduce the 3% dmg and nerf it for 5% less dmg reduction.
You guys didn't read like 90% of the thread...the nerf would be more than overcompensated for in other ways
Why would you nerf a pve spec for warlock in the first place when its completely fine?

I read every word you typed, but what you typed makes no sense at all.

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Re: Demo Spec - Easy Fix!

Post by Diablowjob » Mon Jun 10, 2024 2:24 am

As a pvp player i think warlocks are on the same level of "broken" as Shadow Priests and Paladins.

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