Please report any bugs you encounter with this test patch, and delete it as soon as the new release version (patch-A) is out.
I am not a graphics person, nor a WoW mod creator. What I am, however, is a savvy user who can tinker with things to get them to deliver desirable results. What you see right now is a mostly working version of a Turtle WoW compatible conversion of the HD mod for Vanilla WoW servers, that I have painstakingly poured over to get into a state free of crashes and (mostly) free of graphical issues with player models. There are still a few fringe cases that makes this not quite perfect, primarily with Turtle custom mounts and player character skins. Fortunately, several passionate members of the community have been collaborating to refine this patch and make it better than I ever could have anticipated.
This patch successfully replaces all playable races with their Legion HD models. This patch updates all NPCs and creatures in the world with their Legion HD versions where available. This patch replaces several spell effects and sounds with future variations which are more impactful or otherwise improved. This patch replaces all world textures with higher resolution, redrawn textures that use vanilla as a base and aims to update without desecrating the old aesthetic. This patch adds Cataclysm music for zones to the existing Vanilla playlist for more ambience.
Known Issues:
- Strange lightshafts on Undead character creation screen. A corruption in converting the background UI M2 from Warlords to Vanilla caused the ground fog effect to behave this way. Work in progress to fix this.
Tools Used: DBCutil, Ladik's MPQ Editor v4.0.0.872
In order to make and test changes, you will need to use the MPQ Editor to open patch-A.MPQ (the mod) or patch-3.MPQ / patch-4.MPQ / patch-5.MPQ (Turtle patches) and find the file under DBClientFiles which handles the particular files you wish to work with. Extract it, then drag and drop the DBC onto DBCutil to spit out a CSV file which can be perused with Microsoft Excel or other spreadsheet viewing application. Make the necessary changes, drag and drop the CSV back onto DBCutil and it will spit out a new DBC file, which can then be put in a new test patch at the end of load order, for example patch-Z.MPQ. Use MPQ Editor to make a new World of Warcraft MPQ, and use that as your testing patch.
File Downloads
patch-A.MPQ - Legion Character + World Models / Music Pack / Spell Effects
patch-B.MPQ - Environment HD Retexture (reTEXTURE, not a reMESH or reMODEL, only replaces flat textures)
patch-C.MPQ - Optional weapon/attack sound replacement patch (all credit to Astricon)
To install, simply navigate to your Turtle WoW install folder, open the /Data/ folder, and drop these MPQs in. Simple as that!
"Spirit Healers have a strange white bubble around them with this patch. How do I fix this?"
Answer: Be sure that Smooth Shading is enabled in your Video Options.
"Where can I report bugs or missing features?"
Answer: Please use the GitHub link at the top of this post and make a new Issue on our repository for easier documentation of our existing bugs so that we may more easily track and resolve them.
- Astricon - Primary active texture and spell FX downporting developer; new spell sounds, new spell effects, fixing broken textures for NPCs and donation shop skins, etc
- Crestian - Texture work; HD black Night Elf hair, HD custom Tauren horns
- Samsam - Texture work; HD Male Orc facepaint skins
- Tonky - Major contributions to texture work; fixing broken textures for NPCs and fine-tuning HD skins
- Watchers3d - v1.17.1 new character customizations and NPC prebake patching