... drive_link
It's far from perfect, but it works. I did the best I could. Please let me know if you find any errors.
Patch A - New models and textures for characters and creatures (DO NOT USE WITHOUT PATCH H)
Optional Patch A - no mob model changes (only player models) (can't be used with Patch H)
Patch B - Textures for ground, buildings, new water textures.
Patch H - Additional textures for creatures (DO NOT USE WITHOUT PATCH A)
Patch Y - Increased view distance (Vanilla tweaks required)
Patch E - Alternative softer trees in Elwynn Forest. (Optional, you can not use)
Use the command (/console farclip [distance]) to change the view distance. (Recommended distance is 1000, do more at your own risk)
All patches must be placed in the "Data" folder
Update: I know about the warlock mount issue, still trying to figure it out.
Some creatures/monsters may not display correctly. Right now I can't fix this without deleting all HD creature models. We'll have to be patient...
For the least amount of bugs I recommend using the optional patch A (with only player models)