MC Loot Reserve: Working as intended?

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MC Loot Reserve: Working as intended?

Post by Ezuba » Wed Sep 09, 2020 1:16 pm

Hey all,

I wanted to voice some concerns I've had with the loot system, since it's implementation, that, at the time, were relatively unimportant but as time passes have become, in my opinion, larger issues. At the time we implemented the soft reserve everyone that had been raiding for some time knew what issues it was attempting to address.
  • Giving veteran members a way to lock in on the last item or two they are missing from months of raiding MC
  • Ensuring the very best of MC loot goes to the most invested members
  • Giving members a bit of control over how they prioritize their own loot instead of a central group deciding how loot gets prioritized or random chance
There was almost weekly drama of a brand new raider coming in, not having anything drop for them from the first 9 bosses of MC and then winning a prized piece of loot off Rag over someone who had been raiding for half a year or more. More often than not the new player would attend a raid or two more and then fade out of the game leaving behind dedicated veteran members still without the loot they need.

In addition, at the time we implemented this loot system we were still able to transfer items when things didn't shake out as intended which, I think, is what made it continue working mostly as intended.

At that point in time we were also still of the notion that MC raids would continue for the indefinite future so there would still be plenty of time for everyone to get the last of their loot. With AQ on the horizon we have started talk of dropping MC off the weekend raid schedule entirely so it is more important now than ever that we get the last of the core raid group the items they need.

How has the loot system been working?
It has actually done quite well, so long as a form of etiquette is maintained. When working as intended veteran players have been able to reserve the last items they need, mostly off of Ragnaros such as Band of Accuria, Onlslaught Girlde, Choker of the Firelord, Cauterizing Band, Ring of Spellpower, etc. New members have been able to reserve specific set pieces, Garr weapons, T2 legs, and accessories from the first 9 bosses that make the biggest impact on their current gear set up.

When has it faltered?
When new members intentionally game the system. No, there is nothing stopping you from reserving Band of Accuria, OS rolling everything else in the dungeon then capping that prized piece of loot off Rag except ETIQUETTE. I think some new members either don't know why the system was implemented in the first place or just don't understand the etiquette, which is fine, as long as we can have a conversation about it and redirect people in a better course.

I have quite literally heard comments in discord voice during raid "That's a good item but I wouldn't MS roll that, I don't want to lose my reserve on X item." This is exactly against the spirit of this system.

What can be done?
  • Two ideas, one thought is that if you have a reserve in you are ineligible for any other loot at all. This allows the people who really need just one last item to put in the proper reserve so they have an advantage on that one item. If you show up in all blues/greens and are reserving something and ineligible for any other loot then you are not actually trying to progress your character and contribute to the raid and those people might just be left in Stormwind.
  • Second idea, we are more vocal about the etiquette of the system and how it is intended to be maintained. As someone who no longer really needs any loot from MC, I have taken to this method and just let people know who have a reserve that seems unfit know that that's what I think of their reserve. I think that being outside the need of any of these items puts someone like me in a position that it's not coming from personal greed when I bring up a reserve with someone but I can understand those who still have highly contested reserves not wanting to come off as greedy by speaking up.
Anyway, just some food for thought. I doubt we are actually going to change the system but I think maybe even just the newer members seeing this and getting a grasp of why/how the systems was intended to work might help the system continue to work as intended. That being said, there are new members every week and not all of them are going to see this or the original thread about the loot system and it might take having this conversation individually with those people so that they know why/how this system has been implemented.

Astrld — 60 Nightelf Rogue
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Re: MC Loot Reserve: Working as intended?

Post by Chilltools33 » Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:27 pm

As someone who doesn't raid due to the times it's held and if I do manage to get into a raid it's at the tail end.

I do understand that people who raid regularly should get some upgrades that they have been waiting for does anything else count

Ie AQ warr effort
Helping others out in five or 10 mans
Also would players in this situation have any roll rights with loot council or this new system. I'm also willing to be LAST on the list if that helps but would be concerned if the list resets all the time etc etc etc
Also concerned that this will be apart of all raids.


Posts: 123

Re: MC Loot Reserve: Working as intended?

Post by Pfwg » Tue Sep 15, 2020 6:54 pm

Chilltools33 wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:27 pm
I do understand that people who raid regularly should get some upgrades that they have been waiting for does anything else count

Ie AQ warr effort
Helping others out in five or 10 mans
None of this factors in to the soft reserve system, if it's being ran by its predefined rules.

Chilltools33 wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:27 pm
Also would players in this situation have any roll rights with loot council or this new system. I'm also willing to be LAST on the list if that helps but would be concerned if the list resets all the time etc etc etc
Also concerned that this will be apart of all raids.

The loot council awards loot however they see fit, as is the wont of all loot councils.

Hope this helps.
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of Gifted."

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Re: MC Loot Reserve: Working as intended?

Post by Ezuba » Fri Sep 18, 2020 1:12 pm

Thanks Edd for some clarification.
Chilltools33 wrote:
Mon Sep 14, 2020 8:27 pm

Also would players in this situation have any roll rights with loot council or this new system. I'm also willing to be LAST on the list if that helps but would be concerned if the list resets all the time etc etc etc
Also concerned that this will be apart of all raids.

I don't think we should be implementing a LC for MC raids. As a casual or newer raider you almost certainly will get loot. The raid generally consists of 20 or so people who have almost all gear they need so lesser geared raiders generally have little to no competition for set pieces and the non-BiS until AQ/Naxx items.

The biggest take away from this is that, in the past, when something went screwy with loot we could ask the GMs to transfer the item. We can't do that anymore so a bit more attention needs to be paid to who is being awarded the most contested loot.

Astrld — 60 Nightelf Rogue
Nachichi — 60 Nightelf Priest
Snapcaster — 60 Gnome Mage
Tazri — 60 Human Warrior
Rafiq — 59 Human Paladin

Posts: 13

Re: MC Loot Reserve: Working as intended?

Post by Cerzis » Tue Oct 06, 2020 1:39 pm

hi there.

to be honest the idea of the softreserve is good and it seems to be a way that people that raided about 6 month or even 18 finally get there last items. and that s a thing i support in all ways.

but saddly there are some new players theat reserve too on these items, still needing items from bosses before.
to explain myself, i m morrgoth. have been part over 4 month at the mc-raids of TABC-and friends and still part of the BWL-raids. i left MC and building a second group. i didn t left cause i have trouble, i left to give new players their chances.
in the last weeks i m looking for members for my raid i had many talks with players. not all but also not less (pardon my english) told me that they join TABC cause they get there loot, and can reserve the Endboss-items... i asked some -knowing their gear- why don t they reserve the items that they need before. some answert: "i get them too, cause nobody rolls on it so i roll offspec, that doesn t count..."

at first as i know that s wrong, it counts too. second it shows how some (not all new people) think and give s a sad picture of new guys. and of course a false one. and for many of the real old guys the fell confused when they look in the reservelist. how these reserves of the newbies are hold if a think of the Leads, but first people feel confused.

so as my fazit it s a wonderful idea but there are some people trying to abuse it.


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