Cool keybinds thread

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Cool keybinds thread

Post by Paw » Sat Aug 28, 2021 5:37 am

Yo! I usually see two sets of keybinds and I'm wondering what else others use. Maybe my tips can help you and yours me. ^^
I'm starting with my setup. Laptop w/o any gaming stuff. Using a simple mouse and english keyboard with numeric pad.
I'm not gonna move into extreme details at first but there are 6 bars so lets see...:

Bar 1:
MmSu (Middle mouse scroll up)
Shift + MmSu
Ctrl + MmSu
Alt + MmSu
Ctrl + Shift + MmSu
Ctrl +Alt + MmSu
Ctrl +Alt + MmSd (and from here the exact opposite but scrolling down)
Ctrl + Shift + MmSd
Alt + MmSd
Ctrl + MmSd
Shift + MmSd

/If I made a pic from my UI it would be easier to explain but I'm into the mood for some typing rn so I'll make it later in the Ui thread/

Bar 1 usually is somewhere in the center area for me with the most used skills.
Bar 2 and 3 are on the left and right and I use variations of 012345 (altho for me 3 is for free running shift + 3 walk/run alt+3 follow target). So those 6 digits and the usual Q E (for moving I use wasd only to free those two buttons) and some R F combinations and Z X C for camera options since I overwrite the scrolling bind.
I like having out Bar 4 and 5 as well most usually using Bartender for moving it to a comfortable place and that about sums it up. I put some binds on those too sometimes like T and G and shift ctrl alt variations.

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Re: Cool keybinds thread

Post by Pumpkinbot » Sat Sep 11, 2021 6:00 pm

That's interesting! I've heard of people binding things to their mouse wheel in FPS games, but not an MMO!

I use two bars for my most used spells. The top one is 1 2 3 4 5 6 R T F G V B. I rarely use 5 and 6. 1-4 are my main damaging spells, with 1 being my bread and butter spell. Fireball, Shadowbolt, etc. R and T are often instant cast spells or DoTs. Rend, Corruption (talented), Judgement, etc. F G V and B are utility spells and cooldowns. Just...whatever, basically.

My bottom bar is the same, but with shift. s1-s6 are heals on healers, combo finishers on my rogues, and other situational spells. sR and sT are usually wanding or autoshot. On my pet classes, sR is sending my pet to attack, and sT is wand or Hunter's Mark. sF sG sV and sB are utility spells with longer cooldowns.

I've also began using Alt+1 to Alt+4. On my pally, they're my 5 minute Blessings. On my warlock, they're to use my minion's spells manually.

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