Anselm Meyer: Journal Entries 5

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Anselm Meyer: Journal Entries 5

Post by Rudi2 » Mon Jun 10, 2019 9:24 am

Journal Entry 5: Loch Modan to the Wetlands
Little Randis has followed me from Loch Modan to the Wetlands, after a long and arduous process of helping those who fall prey to the vermin that inhabit this world. Kobolds, ogres, troggs, the Dragonmaw orcs which I myself have encountered in the pocket of Dun Algaz. Randis stayed behind, until I cleared the area. I haven't sat foot in Menethil Harbour for years, to be quite frank. It still looks the same as it did five years ago, aside from different faces.
My first priority was to get a drink and a warm meal in me, as I have lost the taste for saltless lakes and fish which I have been feasting on these past weeks.

Now that I mention the Wetlands and Menethil Harbour, I believe it is high time that I mention why I became an adventurer; to those reading who may find this on my corpse or in my satchel when I'm blackout drunk.

The Light has been on my side since I came from my deceased mother's womb around fifty years ago. She had passed away from bandits who rai.ded our cart we were dragging from Dalaran to Stromgarde, my home city. My father, who couldn't bear with the grief took his own life and left a letter with a considerable sack of coins. The letter, which I still hold in my hands, cannot be copied onto this journal, as the ink has faded away after fifty years of holding it in my satchel.
I was able to avoid conscription during the First War by signing up with the Knights of the Silver Hand, which I had served under for many years until it's reformation into the Scarlet Crusade. During my tenure, I was promoted to sergeant under the ranks of many, many brave footmen which had no training in the ways of the Light, but made it up in tenacity and courage. I could've trained to be a paladin, but giving up my sword and shield for a warhammer would be sacrilege in it's own right.
After witnessing the collapse of the Dark Portal and the sacking of Stormwind: I stayed with the holy order before merging into what little men still stuck with Alexandros Mograine at the time; then continuing into the Scarlet Crusade as a guardsman in the chapel which Renault and Inquisitor Whitemane resided in. Those were the best years of my life. My time under those orders still remain with me in the very recesses of my soul and in my nightmares.
I fled afterwards, catching a boat from my home city of Stromgarde before it fell to ogres and the Syndicate to Menethil Harbour, then a flight to Ironforge to take the tram to Stormwind. I was not greeted a hero's welcome, as many citizens of Stormwind City were refugees from the Third War. They threw food and trash at me the moment I left the Dwarven District to the Cathedral, shouting at me saying their relatives had been murdered by my brothers. I guess it was the isolation in the Monastery which left me dumbstruck as to why those poor citizens were so grudged towards me. Now that I'm in my later years, I do not blame them.
That is when I decided to do better with my life and those around me. I bought a plain suit of chainmail and leather, and a nice two-handed sword and walked to Goldshire, seeing what little I can do. To think that was weeks ago, and here I am taking care of a little boy on my own while at the same time putting gold in my pocket.

Needless to say, I'm doing good.

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