The Magna Herbaria - Herbalism RP Resource; Eastern Kingdoms

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The Magna Herbaria - Herbalism RP Resource; Eastern Kingdoms

Post by Parcival » Sat May 18, 2019 12:02 pm

Magna Herbaria: Chapter 1, known flora of the Eastern Kingdoms
A collection of known and researched herbs from the continent of Eastern Kingdom (or native to the before mentioned continent).

Image Akiris Reed
Type: Grass; Stems
Found: Eastern Kingdoms; Stranglethorn Vale (Harvested by Naga, presumably grown underwater.)
Description: Valuable in trade overseas and stuffed in mattresses. Can be made into medicines and poultices. Also used to line armour and wrap cigars.

Image Arthas' Tears
Type: Perennial; Flowers
Found: Stratholme
Description: This purple flower once bloomed all over Lordaeron, particularly around the city of Stratholme. They are best known for their great beauty, but their main alchemical use is for a draught that allows the user to sense the closeness of undead. The irony of this has not gone unheeded.
Medicinal: Flowers yield mild perfume, oil infusion reduces wind/sunburn.
Poison: Can cause severe skin rashes. Most cases of poisoning come from eating ripe berries. Severe gastroenteritis, frequent vomiting, watery stools, abdominal colic, collapse, kidney damage, and fall of blood pressure all culminate in death. Gastroenteritis may persist for 48 to 72 hours. Lethal dose can cause death in 2 hours.
Cure: Induce vomiting and treat symptoms. Fluids should be replaced to prevent dehydration.
Chance of survival: Slim to fair, depending on dose; in cases of survivable poisoning, kidney damage is highly likely. For lethal doses, poison and internal damage must be accounted for. (Roll for difficulty to heal, second to fix kidney. For lethal dose, a healer must roll three times; once for poison, twice for internal damage.)

Image Black Lotus
Type: Perennial; Flowers
Found: Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor; Very rare in the wild; seen in Silithus, Eastern Plaguelands, Blasted Lands, Frozen in Winterspring.
Description: Black Lotus has been described as a rather striking flower, for it is nearly black in color. It is also exceptionally rare. For most of its life cycle, it is little more than a thorny stalk, and may bloom only a handful of times over the course of its perennial lifespan. The Black Lotus has been used traditionally as an ominous symbol of impending disaster, and is often associated with treachery, poison, and murder, and for very good reason. When ingested, it floods the body with a deadly neurotoxin.
Black Lotus used to be fairly prolific, but due to overharvesting and its relatively sluggish growth cycle, supply simply has not kept up with demand. Medicinally, Black Lotus has no peer, but practicality typically forces one to seek more realistic alternatives.
A skilled alchemist can make use of the stamens, pollen, petals, and seeds by distillation and separating the venomous toxin, which should be promptly disposed. The remaining decoction is nothing short of legendary. Black Lotus extract promotes strong vitality, clarity of mind, mental sharpness, and focus. Alone, the extract is little more than an obscenely expensive mood enhancer, but when properly processed and handled by a skilled alchemist or apothecary, its effects can be increased dramatically.
Can be smoked with Dreaming Glory to create a relaxing combination and dulls the senses.
Medicinal: It is typically only used in the most severe of situations, such as cases involving magically induced curses, poisons, and diseases that do not respond readily to more traditional treatment.
Combination: Black Lotus is used in alchemical concoctions that ward against magic, clarify the mind, and in anabolic agents.
Dosage: Tincture, 5 – 15 drops. Infusion, 2 – 4 drams. Powdered extract, ½ – 2 grains. Fluidextract, 1 – 3 drops.

Image Blindweed aka Mouse Ear or Marsh Flower
Type: Perennial; Flowers
Found: Eastern Kingdoms / Kalimdor; Tropical and Subtropical forests
Description: This is a leafy plant with incised foliage. It flowers abundantly, ranging in shades of blue, pink, or purple in a single plant. The flowers have 7 petals and a bright yellow center. The foliage is lush green and covered in fine hairs, and their texture is said to be reminiscent of mouse ears. Blindweed grows rampant in warm, damp, marshy areas, particularly in loose, gravelly or sandy beds. It is easy to cultivate at home and a popular garden fixture.
Medicinal: The juice from its bulbous, garlic-like root has strong magic-amplifying and conducting properties. The stem and leaves can be juiced, dried, or ground, and are an effective remedy for nosebleeds. The flower buds may be dried and ground into a fine powder and applied externally to wounds.
This plant has a strong affinity for the respiratory organs. It is sometimes made into a syrup and given for pulmonary affections. This is a tradition that a decoction or juice of the plant hardens steel.
Tonics from various parts and preparations of the plant are used in a number of invigorating, refreshing, and soothing potions.
Dosage: Powder, ½ dram. Fluid extract, 1 dram. Juice, 1 – 2 drams.

Image Bloodvine
Type: Vine; Flowers, Leaves
Found: Eastern Kingdoms; Stranglethorn Vale; Zul'Gurub
Description: Bloodvine once grew in arching, twining vines in the dense jungles of Stranglethorn, overtaking anything in its path without regular pruning. Thhe simple, oval-shaped leaves and sweetly scented crimson flowers were highly coveted for medicinal purposes, and the strongly fibrous stems popular in high-end durable textiles. Once a well-kep secret of the Gurubashi Trolls, Bloodvine is thought to now be extinct. Almost as soon as it was discovered, over-harvesting decimated this slow-growing plant well beyond any hope of recovery in an effort to meet widespread demand for a multitude of commercial and military applications.
Previously, this plant could only be gathered with a Blood Scythe, a specific item carried by the trolls of Zul'Gurub.

Image Briarthorn
Type: Vine; Canes, Flowers
Found: Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor; Temperate forest and savannah biomes.
Description: Briarthorn is a shrub that grows in densely knotted, thorn-covered vines with a thick, woody outer coating. It prefers shady, dark areas, and has no leaves; it is often mistaken for being dead. In the center of the vine is a gooey sap that has incredible medicinal properties. According to legend, Briarthorn grows in places where the Ancient Agamaggan’s blood was spilled ten thousand years ago during the War of the Ancients. Appropriate protective equipment should be worn prior to harvesting, as the spines are extremely sharp.
Medicinal: This herb, much like Swiftthistle, and even found in similar locations, works as both a healing agent and an agent used commonly for mending even the worst of the wounds, including minor amputations. It can provide an increase in effectiveness when added to healing potions and salves. Sufficient concentration can mimic the legendary regenerative abilities of the trolls, especially when taken morning and night until the desired result is achieved.
Combination: Combined with Mageroyal, it can give clarity of mind and provide a further aid toward spellcasting.
Dosage: Fluid extract, ½ – 1 dram. Powdered herb, 1 dram.

Image Bruiseweed
Type: Perennial; Flowers
Found: Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor; Temperate forests and savannah biomes.
Description: Most commonly found near structures or hillsides, Bruiseweed is a tall thistle plant with flowers that range from pale blue to faded purple. It grows best in partial shade. The plant owes its name to its flowers which release a special pigment – one that, when touched or rubbed on the skin, leaves a purplish, bluish stain that bears an uncanny resemblance to a bruise.
Medicinal: The chemistry of Bruiseweed varies considerably between species, the most common variety being used in herbal medicine. The plant has been used for centuries by herbalists as an effective nerve tonic and sedative. Its common uses include relief of nervous tension, anxiety and nerve pain. Prep methods include infusions, tinctures, dried or fresh herb. Tinctures made from fresh herb are the optimal choice. Teas should be drunk hot with either young Peacebloom blossom or sprinkling of dried Stranglekelp.
Combination: Combined with Briarthorn, it produces an effective pain reliever and regenerative stimulant. Combinedwith specific venoms, it can produce an effective anti-venom.
Dosage: Fluid extract, ½ – 1 dram. 1 – 3 grains of powdered herb may be taken to relieve hiccups. Falling Sickness (epilepsy) may be treated with an infusion taken in half-teacup doses every few hours. The same infusion may be given in ½ teaspoon doses every few hours to soothe infant colic.

Image Earthroot
Type: Tuber; Root
Found: Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdom; Cliff walls and hillsides; rocky, well-drained terrain.
Description: A fairly common plant across Kalimdor and Eastern Kingdoms. It has a knack for growing along cliff walls and hillsides, and a habit of choking outother plants that surround it for up to several feet. It grows best on rocky, well-drained terrain. Earthroot has sparse, tiny evergreen leaves, but more of value is the thick, woody root that typically protrudes above ground. Due to the plant’s habit of growing high on rocky hillsides and cliffs, care should be taken while gathering to avoid falling and injury. Take care to maintain secure balance, as the plant can be difficult to pull.
Medicinal: Earthroot should not be taken in medicinal doses by individuals with high blood pressure. It is a diuretic and a stimulant. An infusion of the root is used as a remedy for water retention and is highly valued by pregnant women. Taken with large quantities of water, it can aid in the treatment of kidney and bladder diseases. Earthroot tea, taken night and morning, is considered excellent for a gouty disposition. A strong decoction is very useful in gravel and stone, and is good against flatulence. It has a pleasant, if strong, flavor, and is often ground to be used as a seasoning – it is too tough to eat whole.
Combination: When combined with the volatile oil of the deviate fish, Earthroot can stimulate muscle growth, enhance performance, and improve skeletal structure at the expensive of potentially dangerous side effects. It can also enhance the properties of Peacebloom.
Dosage: Infusion, taken in winelgass doses. Decoction, 1 – 4 fluid ounces. Extract of leaves, ½ – 1 dram.
When infusing, bring temperature to hot, but not boiling. Boiling will destroy the medicinal compounds.

Image Fadeleaf
Type: Shrub; Leaves
Found: Eastern Kingdoms (Native); Swamp of Sorrows; Lordaeron; Kalimdor
Description: Fadeleaf is a small evergreen shrub. It does not like sun, and is often most easily found in shaded areas. It is covered in an oil that causes significant irritation and temporary blindness if it comes in contact with the eyes, and causes a rash on unprotected skin. Always wear leather gloves if you are harvesting Fadeleaf, and take care not to touch the gloves with bear skin. Both wild and domesticated varieties of Fadeleaf share similar medicinal benefits.
Medicinal: Fadeleaf’s main use in herbal medicine is for all weaknesses of the eyes that cause shortness of vision. Fadeleaf’s centuries of use as a remedy for conjunctivitis and bloodshot eyes is world renown, owing in part to compounds in the herb are anti-inflammatory and antibacterial which significantly speed up the healing produce, and also to the herb’s own properties that further directly stimulate the healing and regeneration process. Fadeleaf is often combined with local grasses for use in allergies in the area.
Combination: Once the oil has been cleaned, the plant can be used in a compound to sharpen eyesight, or even temporarily become invisible. Use Fadeleaf and its compounds with care – even a little oil will ruin the compound and may blind the user.
Fadeleaf also has a seedy past, as it was a common ingredient in blinding powder, particularly the oil. While cheap to make and acquire, the creation process was long and tedious, and mistakes could cause the chemist to blind themself. The shelf life potency of the powder was extremely short, and humidity, dampness, and wetness completely ruined it. In the end, its weaponized uses were abandoned for safer, easier alternatives.
Goldthorn and Khadgar’s Whisker significantly boost the effects of Fadeleaf, and a concentrated elixir can improve even the best vision. Wild Steelbloom’s effects at warding off evil, combined with Fadeleaf extract, can ward off unwanted attention, making the imbiber virtually invisible.

Combined with equal parts Goldthorn, this can create a Catseye elixir, improving nightvision and allowing a person to see those hiding in the shadows better.
When combined with equal parts Khadgar's Whisker, it creates an elixir capable of detecting lesser magical invisibility, such as those from a mage. It is important to remember the elixir to detect lesser magical invisibility will not aid you in seeing darkness, and vice versa.
When combined with equal parts Wild Steelbloom, it can create a potion capable of becoming magically invisible for a short period of time.
When combined with four parts fadeleaf and four parts grave moss, it creates a shadow oil, capable of expending shadow magic. It is recommended not to drink this, but rather to be used as, or on, a weapon. A shadow rune is capable of draining a coated weapon's shadow oil if thrust into it.
Dosage: For all ailments of the eye, an infusion should be used and the eyes bathed three or four times a day. 3 – 4 drops infusion in the nostrils for hay fever, as needed. Fluid extract, ½ – 1 dram.

Image Firebloom aka Fire Lily or Scorpidsting
Type: Perennial; Flowers
Found: Eastern Kingdoms; Kalimdor; Hot regions
Description: This variety of lily flourishes in hot, arid terrain. It is bright red and orange in color, both leaves and flowers, with spindly, delicate stamens. Firebloom is extremely spicy; in small amounts, it can be used as a seasoning. The pollen and nectar of Firebloom will burn the skin when touched. It is advisable to wear gloves while gathering this herb. It may prove difficult to harvest, as the roots run very deep in the ground to find whatever water it can.
This plant may be difficult to cultivate at home, as it does not tolerate direct moisture well. DO NOT WATER. It will oversaturate and suffocate the roots. The plant should be sheltered from precipitation. The plant grows in blistering heat, and will not survive the winter in most climates when cultivated at home.
Combination: Potions made with Firebloom tend to be rather spicy. The oil may be extracted from the plant for alchemical purposes, and the leftover plant processed and added to red dye, which adds a lustrous shimmer to textiles. Firebloom oil is a key ingredient in rocket fuel. An infusion of Oil of Blackmouth and Firebloom stamens can provide a sense of clarity and focus.
By combining Firebloom oil with a magical catalyst, one can produce an oil searing hot to the touch, which is commonly applied to weaponry. Firebloom oil interacts with Goldthorn oil by producing potentially explosive effects. It has been CAREFULLY applied to weaponry with interesting results.
Dosage: Infusion in water or milk, up to 3 tablespoonsful. Powdered root, ½ dram. Infusion up to 2 fluid ounces.

Image Ghost Mushroom aka Fool’s Mushroom
Type: Fungus; Fruiting Body
Found: Eastern Kingdoms; Hinterlands (Native); Kalimdor
Description: The Ghost Mushroom has its name due to its pale, almost transparent coloration and bioluminescent glow. It originated in the Zangarmarsh region of Outland, but spores were brought over in the First War. These mushrooms can only be found in caves, as they cannot tolerate sunlight. They grow best in no-light conditions and as such can prove difficult to cultivate at home.

Originally from the Hinterlands, these mushrooms have spread to several far-reaching ends of Azeroth and even Outland. They grow in dark, wet caves.
Medicinal: They are generally considered, but very powerful alchemically, having strong ties to shadows and spirits. They are typically dried and ground into a fine powder just prior to mixing. The mushrooms are mildly hallucinogenic and can cause feelings of invincibility. Abuse can be dangerous, not only to the imbiber, but to those around him once he has detached from reality. However, when carefully prepared in small doses by a skilled alchemist, these effects can be beneficial.
Ghost Mushroom’s psychedelic compounds compliment the fel-devouring properties of Gromsblood, and both herbs have been included in weaponized concoctions to that end. Similar interactions between Ghost Mushroom and Blindweed lead to a mildly effective, albeit limited invulnerability property. Thanks to the mushroom’s latent magical properties, the powder can be used for potions that render the drinker invisible for a short time, or enhances their ability to use the power of spirits.
The mushrooms can also be powdered and processed into a dye, used in high end, rare textiles.
Poison: Two main poisons: one is slow-acting and produces hypoglycemia and is responsible for the major symptoms; the other acts quickly and produces degenerative changes in kidney, liver, and cardiac muscles. Usually the symptoms show 6 to 15 hours after ingestion, but sometimes take as long as 48 hours--the longer the delay, the deadlier the result, because the liver is attacked immediately. First physical symptoms are usually nausea, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. After an early feeling of discomfort, there is a sudden onset of extreme stomach pains, violent vomiting, intense thirst, and cyanosis (blueness) of the extremities. If the liver is damaged, jaundice occurs. The sufferer remains conscious almost to the end, with brief periods of unconsciousness before lapsing into a final coma and dying. Because of severe dehydration, potassium levels usually cause cardiac arrest. Death may occur on fourth or seventh day, or recovery may take up to two weeks.
Cure: No known antidotes. First recourse is to empty the stomach.
Chances of survival: Slim. Multiple operations needed to fix all the internal damage, one at the discovery of the poisoning to prevent further damage, one for each of the two poisons, and one to repair the liver. (Rolls to fix internal damage, discovery of each poison, and to repair the liver.)

Image Gloom Weed
Found: Eastern Kingdoms
Description: Many wiry, angular branches grom from a woody, bark-covered stem to form a shrub that rarely exceeds knee height. Gloomweed sports a sparse covering of dull, matte, leathery leaves, and bears waxy, foul-smelling dark berries.
Before the scourge and the plague of undeath swept the land, Gloomweed was known as the Northern Blueberry. It grows abundantly in those landsleast affected by the destruction of the Scourge, most particularly in the dense forests of Tirisfal and Silverpine, and may still grow in some regions of Gilneas. Be it Gloomweed or Blueberry, it is thought to be largely extinct in the plaguelands.
Its modern corrupted form has frequently been mistaken for other taint flora of similar appearance, including Doom Weed, Womb Weed, or Broom Weed. Or Doom Seed.
Medicinal: Despite its rotting, stinking, corrupted form, Gloom Weed still possesses some alchemical application. Care must be taken, however, for moderate to high doses, the plant is quite toxic. Small amounts cause a significant reduction in blood pressure and heart rate. It is an effective remedy with afflictions of the heart.
Dosage: Powdered extract, 1 ½ – 2 grains. Fluid extract, 1 – 2 drops.

Image Goldthorn
Type: Vine; Canes
Found: Eastern Kingdoms (Native); Kalimdor; Rocky Hills
Description: This thorny, dry plant grows in full or partial sunlight, often growing as a veritable golden crown atop hillsides. The plant resembles a stump nestled with spindly, thorny vines. The base andvines consist of a thick, fleshy outer layer and a soft, gel-like interior. The spines are not particularly sharp, no special equipment is needed to harvest save a sharp pair of loppers. Brambles up to one foot long may be removed from the plant without causing damage. The best time of day for cutting goldthorn brambles is mid afternoon, when the plant has moved a maximum amount of sap into the bramble stems.

This plant is notoriously hard to find, making it very valuable. It is used in a variety of elixirs, potions, and even teas.
Medicinal: Due to the plant’s many medicinal applications, it was once over-harvested. Domesticated varieties were produced, though selective breeding for more rapid growth has caused domesticated varieties to lose much of their medicinal potency. As such, wild Goldthorn is still highly valued.
Goldthorn is most popularly enjoyed in tea, either hot or cold. It’s known for its pleasant, fresh taste and invigorating properties. Goldthorn is a stimulant.
Goldthorn gel is soothing, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and stimulates skin regeneration. It is a popular burn remedy. The thick juice from a broken bramble of Goldthorn may be rubbed on the skin as a beauty treatment to nourish the skin and diminish wrinkles. Wash the face with hot water and vinegar, then rub on the Goldthorn juice and allow to remain onskin all night. Goldthorn brings cooling relief to fealbites, reducing itching and scratching, minor burns, and rashes.
Combination: Goldthorn has stimulant properties as well. Goldthorn oil combined with powdered Blindweed bulb has arcane-enhancing and awareness effects. In a correct preparation o oil-free powdered Fadeleaf, Goldthorn can help increase vision even beyond one’s normal level. A chemical reaction between Goldthorn juice and powdered Stranglekelp, Steelbloom, or Sungrass produces a powerful stimulant. Goldthorn reacts very strongly with the mineral Mithril. The chemical compound that maintains the gelatinous structure of the plant’s interior can be combined with powdered Mithril ore into a very strong lacquer, commonly used to reinforce heavy armor, though the concoction takes weeks to fully set and cure. The gel should be mixed with sufficient fluid to render a liquid and distilled to isolate this compound. Failure to distill and isolate may seriously compromise the integrity of the final product.
Dosage: Fluid extract, 5 – 30 drops. Powdered extract, 1 – 5 grains. Decoction of bark, ½ – 2 ounces. Tincture, ¼ – 2 drams. Goldthorn may be taken in recommended doses every hour.

Image Khadgar's Whisker
Description: Named after the famous Archmage. Khadgar’s Whisker is a sparse, grassy plant that grows in clumps in shaded areas. The plant starts with a deep green base that fades in yellow as it grows. This plant is exceptionally common, and in many farming communities, is regarded as an invasive weed. It isn’t particularly edible, as it tastes like grass.

(Most likely native to the Eastern Kingdoms, then transported to Kalimdor. However, seems to have travelled further than other native Eastern Kingdoms plants.
Combination: It’s easy to dismiss this weed as it has no medicinal or magical properties specifically of its own. However, oils from the roots, stems, and blades are very effective in boosting the potency of many other alchemical compounds. The oil from the grass blades also proves an effective insect repellent.
Khadgar’s Whisker is typically pressed and the oil reserved. The remains of the plant may be discarded or fed to livestock.

Image Musquash Root
Type: Root
Found: Eastern Kindoms; Wetlands
Description: A huge, thick, spike of a root found beneath Loch Modan’s dam, can be mixed with a Tear of Tilloa that is brewed into a poisonous drink. The creator calls it Blackclaw Stout, thought this may not be well-known outside of underground warlock circles. The drink tastes simply like a stout that packs quite a punch. The imbiber then falls dizzy, feels hot, and then dies.

Image Shimmerweed
Found: Eastern Kingdoms; Dun Morogh
Description: Grown by the trolls of Dun Morogh and used in their rituals, this plant can also be used in brews, often distributed by the Barleybrew brewery during Brewfest.

Image Wild Steelbloom aka Goathead, Bullweed, or Puncturevine
Type: Shrub; Flowers
Found: Kalimdor; Eastern Kingdoms; Mountain ridges
Description: Wild Steelbloom tests the creativity and daring of herbalists, often growing on steep hills and making it a real challenge to get to. A pretty shrub with pale steel colored blossoms, it difers from its tamed counterpat by retaining its hardness and alchemical value. Care should be taken when picking it, as the petals and leaves possess sharp spines and have been known to cause serious injury to unprotected flesh.
Wild and domestic Steelbloom have long been believed to ward against evil. It is commonly planted at the edges of property in the hopes that the old superstition holds true, and its leaves can be rendered into an effective potion that wards against magic.
Medicinal: The main role of Wild Steelbloom lies in its anabolic properties. It acts as a muscle stimulant and pain reliever. It has been shown effective in athletic training and development of warriors and paladins. Wild Steelbloom also demonstrated to possess antisceptic properties as well, and may be used internally and externally to treat infections such as influenza, bronchitis, and the common cold.
Combination: Interesting interaction noted when processed with Fadeleaf – there is a chemical reaction that triggers latent magical properties within the Fadeleaf, a plant with an already shady past. Magical applications of this mixture have been used to render the imbiber temporarily invisible. As always, Fadeleaf should be completely stripped of its external oil. Steelbloom enhances the stimulant properties of Swiftthistle.
Dosage: Powdered root, 1 – 4 drams. Fluid extract, 1 – 4 drams.Tincture, 5 – 20 drops. Infusion, 3 tablespoonfuls.

Image Wildvine
Type: Vine; Flowers
Description: This ropy, fibrous, creeping vine is often found symbiotically entwined around Purple Lotus. Its flowers are similar in appearance to Kingsblood, though they are smaller and sparse. Wildvine is most notable for the offensive odor released when bruised, and the plant is rejected by most grazing beasts.
The innards of the plant consist of long, thin, durable strands that may be removed, cleaned, dyed, and used in textiles, either as thread or for weaving into cloth.
It is an effective treatment for anxiety and nerves, as well as insomnia, but is unpopular with more modern herbalists (and their customers) due to its particularly unpleasant taste and smell. It can also be applied externally as an astringent on oozing or irritated wounds. With the right knowledge, Wildvine is a potent antivenom for some snake and insect bites, but its rarity and need for freshness limit its potential applications. However, a good herbalist, physician, or alchemist should know when Wildvine is best suited.
Dosage: Wildvine is taken medicinally as liquid extract, 1 – 5 drops 3 times daily. It may be applied to poultices and fomentations, or applied directly to wounds or venomous bites.

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Re: The Magna Herbaria - Herbalism RP Resource; Eastern Kingdoms

Post by Kazgrim » Sat May 18, 2019 2:15 pm

Awesome! +1
Chieftain of the Dreadskull Clan

Check out my patches in the modding section!

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