Make weekly quests!

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Make weekly quests!

Post by Sinrek » Thu Dec 20, 2018 11:24 am


I've seen some 60 lvl people strive to keep their interest in game to no avail and Turtle WoW isn't exception sadly. Therefore I have a suggestion to try and approach this issue with minimal troubles for implementing the solution for our estimable Turtles and still be somewhat useful for players to actually get bothered with these quests and tasks.

Weekly quests!!

How should this work? Well, as the name suggests you can take such quests once a week and these won't be a simple go fetch me some salty ... mackerels or something like that, no, these could be very much similar to those Craftsman's Writs but aimed at either killing some instance end boss or get some lower level dungeons reagents or drops from those dungeon mobs which would be available only to those who have the quest.

As it's stated such quests must be strictly available once per week and could include some easier requirements as few simple quests before the main weekly task.

As an example, there could be some Desolace weekly quests for a zone specific and Maraudon specific quests as a first step of the weekly task to find some rare ingredient in one of the level 50+ dungeons. Remember the quest to get some shards from those mobs at the dungeon? Well these mobs could drop something else besides these shards for players to collect and once turned in, next one could be available for completing, like some escort quest + kill some mobs on the way and gather some resources. This one I've still to think through, but I'm open to any suggestions. One thing I'd like to see though, these should be vanilla spirit related. turtle_tongue

Once the task is done and the quest have been completed there could be a choice for reward with tokens for any faction reputation (not very high but somewhat worth the troubles for a week challenge) or some monetary or useful consumables.

Let me know of your ideas with quoting some text from the original post. Thanks. satisfied_turtle
satisfied_turtle Slowly turtling my way up.

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Posts: 353

Re: Make weekly quests!

Post by Pompa » Thu Dec 20, 2018 2:06 pm

This is a good idea, thanks for your suggestion!

Posts: 44

Re: Make weekly quests!

Post by Xdrazen » Sun Dec 30, 2018 7:54 am

Mok'ra ( nelf: p)
I thought in some pvp weekly quest too, we need that kind of stuff
Maybe even a kinda custom quest for have t1 items. I know it is a bit custom but would be useful and could ew take the 60s to the server and make the dungeons way more viable

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