ANOTHER pvp idea...

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ANOTHER pvp idea...

Post by Pahacsinta » Mon Oct 04, 2021 4:43 pm

Hello Turtles I know pvp is a hot topic but i wanted to share my ideas. First things first the thing i wanna point out is to make ranking healthier or even reworked. I think removing honor decay would solve the problem of the rushed compete inside factions but if someone decide to no life rank they could still get their stuff sooner then casuals who doesnt have time to play 3-4months straight or straight up let us buy gear with honor . My other idea was that AV would only start if both side has 10ppl not like now where you can start it as a 5v5 or even less , also 3 man difference can be huge in BGs but i saw 8v1 AVs i think bgs like that shouldnt happen maybe under 7v7 AV should close. My other idea that if i remember correctly was announced but got delayed?/removed? the FFA zone i think a Zone that works exactly like Gurubashi Arena but in an entire zone with maybe random chest spawnsin given times and give elite mobs (rewards can be cosmetics/bags/ or even gear)and every week a tabella would show up who got the 3 most kills in the FFA zone and the first would get "King of Xyz" title for one week or somethin.
yeeee thats for now.

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