Paladin Class Racial - Feedback Appreciated!

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Re: Paladin Class Racial - Feedback Appreciated!

Post by Freddofooz » Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:32 pm

It's a nice idea.

side note how do you get that gold armor the High Elf is wearing?

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Re: Paladin Class Racial - Feedback Appreciated!

Post by Whalemilk » Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:46 pm

Freddofooz wrote:
Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:32 pm
It's a nice idea.

side note how do you get that gold armor the High Elf is wearing?
Found the picture online, not sure. You can probably find it on the wowhead dressing room

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Re: Paladin Class Racial - Feedback Appreciated!

Post by Ghola » Sat Dec 31, 2022 11:33 pm

Freddofooz wrote:
Sat Dec 31, 2022 10:32 pm
It's a nice idea.

side note how do you get that gold armor the High Elf is wearing?
looks like peacekeeper set from zg

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Re: Paladin Class Racial - Feedback Appreciated!

Post by Allwynd01 » Sun Jan 01, 2023 9:50 am

I like the idea. My character is a Paladin so this is important for me.

But I think other classes should also have different racials, it will make it more interesting and add RP value to what race/class combination you pick.

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Re: Paladin Class Racial - Feedback Appreciated!

Post by Ugoboom » Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:43 pm

Human pallies are already the meta in pve thanks to weapon skill, and this would skew to them even harder for naxx min-max
The dwarf one could be pretty good for pvp, but it would become more and more useless for a prot pally as they gear up, block more damage and get crit less. Redoubt was changed from being crit based because of this.
The high elf one seems okay in pvp in combo with bubble and for leveling sustain, but completely useless in raiding.

The general idea of adding and rebalancing is that you look at the meta of the hardest activities in the game, where every advantage matters, and you balance around those. In the case of wow, that's 40man raiding and organized PVP. Think of those when you design these abilities, and their effect on the leveling and dungeon meta will be negligable no matter which way you tune things, as those low pressure environments arent reliant one way or another on balancing.

If you ignore this, then we end up with the massive disparity on shaman and priest racials we see now, like how troll hex is completely useless in raiding while spirit link is insanely god tier right now with a permanent 15% mitigation on the tank, or like how 1 fear ward dwarf will completely allow strategies or playstyles on the tank that are forbidden without that dwarf. Awful stuff.
Zaas - 60 High Elf Warrior
Saere - 60 Night Elf Priest
Splendra - 59 Inferno Mode Warlock
I play a few other classes on my friends' accounts.
Slowly leveling a Resto Dryad and a dorf pally with my buddy.

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Re: Paladin Class Racial - Feedback Appreciated!

Post by Whalemilk » Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:02 pm

Ugoboom wrote:
Mon Jan 02, 2023 7:43 pm
Human pallies are already the meta in pve thanks to weapon skill, and this would skew to them even harder for naxx min-max
The dwarf one could be pretty good for pvp, but it would become more and more useless for a prot pally as they gear up, block more damage and get crit less. Redoubt was changed from being crit based because of this.
The high elf one seems okay in pvp in combo with bubble and for leveling sustain, but completely useless in raiding.

The general idea of adding and rebalancing is that you look at the meta of the hardest activities in the game, where every advantage matters, and you balance around those. In the case of wow, that's 40man raiding and organized PVP. Think of those when you design these abilities, and their effect on the leveling and dungeon meta will be negligable no matter which way you tune things, as those low pressure environments arent reliant one way or another on balancing.

If you ignore this, then we end up with the massive disparity on shaman and priest racials we see now, like how troll hex is completely useless in raiding while spirit link is insanely god tier right now with a permanent 15% mitigation on the tank, or like how 1 fear ward dwarf will completely allow strategies or playstyles on the tank that are forbidden without that dwarf. Awful stuff.
Good to know... I've never really done a lot of raiding or organized PVP so I don't expect to create balanced abilities. I just try to avoid making the OP.

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Re: Paladin Class Racial - Feedback Appreciated!

Post by Kairion » Mon Jan 02, 2023 11:43 pm

While i currently think palasins do not need morw buffs in racials i wanna give some feedback independant of paladins overall performance. As i am a big fan of racial class spells.

Holy vengeance can be massive for tanks since it also turns gnomish death ray, sapper, grenades or weaponprocs into holy damage. If im reading it correct the effect basically blocks you form attacking non undead targets. But its unclear to me if this limitation also extends to your spells.

Im lead to believe this is a skill you forget exist except when fighting undead. And for 6 seconds on a 5min cd, while good i dont think its too exciting to press.

Divine fortitude i like the idea but i think its too clunky. In pve getting crit is quite rare. Predicting it is really difficault. Id rather make it a spell that can only be cast after you have been crit (think warriors vengeance but getting crit instead lf blocking)
And then quickly or instantly healing you. That way you guarantee that you get use out of the spell whn you cast it.

High elf fits very well with the regular high elf racial. If the goal was to make these racials weak, i think its fine, but akin to starshards this is a spell i would probably only press once in a blue moon. 5 seconds for 20% hp while being channeled is not sonething you realostically will get use out of often.

I think they all went a bit low in powerlevel and do not feel good to press even in the situations when you want them. Id rather have decently strong racial paladin spells but withheld their implementation until other classes were proped up a bit too

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Re: Paladin Class Racial - Feedback Appreciated!

Post by Jmaximus » Wed May 10, 2023 3:41 am

While ideal in purpose I could see these being not useful most of the time for 1 - 2 specs. I think the ideal racial should be useful for all specs, desired in several different situations, but if used incorrectly is wasteful or dangerous thus rewarding strategic and intelligent players, while penalizing the unimaginative or unskilled. I thought a lot about the theme, culture and 'personality' of each race and how would each paladin manifest that in their work into these class racials.

Here are my proposals for Paladins Racial abilities.

Human Paladin - Pursuit of Truth - 2 min cd. 12 second duration - During this time the Human Paladin's spells, abilities and attacks can not glance or miss, be parried, dodged, blocked or resisted. They will also be pierce and be unaffected by line of sight obstructions. Heals will be unaffected by healing reduction effects.

I felt this fed into the theme of Human Paladins ensuring the light's will is brought to the light's enemies regardless if they try to hide, escape or evade. That the compassion and healing is brought to the light's allies regardless of forces trying to inhibit it from doing so. "Light's will be done".
This has more than just a dps increase if you think about it. The possibilities of being able to pierce line of sight obstructions are very much unexplored but I think very useful if used strategically. Also the reliability of being able to guarantee that certain things happen in absolutely critical do or die scenarios could be very useful.

Dwarf Paladin - Stubborn Faith - 3 min cd - 6 second duration - During this time the dwarf can not move nor be moved. They are immune to fears and stuns for the duration. Only the dwarf paladin's death can cancel this effect.

When I think of a dwarf paladin I think of a fearless living rock that if they decide to plant their feet, no force of evil could move them. Even in the darkest night or the fiercest storm.
I feel that this is not as good as the original dwarf priest stone form as they can only use it on their self, has triple the cd, a lesser duration and the opportunity to use it incorrectly with negative consequences. This can easily be messed up. If the dwarf decides to Stubborn faith in the wrong spot at the wrong time he could get himself killed or even wipe his raid as faith can be sometimes misplaced. I see dwarves as a stubborn folk that once they decide to commit to something their pride won't let go until they see it done. "Upon this rock, I shall not be moved".

High Elf - Blessing of Spell Warding - 5 min cd - 10 second duration - A targeted party member is protected from all magic attacks and effects but during that time they can not use magical spells. Players may only have one Blessing on them per Paladin at any one time. Once protected, the target cannot be made invulnerable by Divine Shield, Divine Protection, Blessing of Protection or Blessing of Spell Warding again again for 60 seconds.

I wanted the High Elf Paladin to have some kind of mastery over magic while also something that protects their allies. Blessing of Spell Warding is the perfect hybrid of the two. There is already a precedent for a Blood Elf Paladin using Blessing of Spell Warding. Gathios the Shatterer on the Illidari Council encounter in Black Temple in TBC.
On a mechanical note the possibilities of this spell have the potential to be very powerful but only if used creatively or strategically. Imagine all the ways you've ever seen blessing of protection to make an ally protected or relieve them from physical threats (and the ways it can be misused). Think of the ways Blessing of Freedom can be used to relieve and protect from movement inhibiting effects. Then imagine all the ways Blessing of Spell Warding could be used to protect and relieve from magical threats which often are more numerous and threatning than physical. In the same way a paladin should not use Blessing of Protection on a melee, physical or tank player, Blessing of Spell Warding should not be used on a magical caster or healer as it prevents them from doing their role. Use discretion. Personally I think this has more hidden depth and possibilities than the other two abilities combined but also the much more opportunity to waste it. "No magic formed against you shall prosper".

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