Add New Mage Portals

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Add New Mage Portals

Post by Akalix » Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:54 am

Suggestion: Add new mage portals!

I would suggest one/two new portal(s) for each faction, and I have multiple options for each.

Alliance Opt 1: Southshore
The lore justification for Southshore is that the local mages of Dalaran have provided the citizens of the city with a closer link to the capital of Stormwind as the threat of the Forsaken grows ever stronger.

Alliance Opt 2: Theramore
The lore justification for Theramore is much more simple: it’s Jaina’s city, and she’s the most highly known Alliance mage. Further, she could want closer ties with Stormwind.

Alliance Opt 3: Feathermoon Stronghold
The lore justification for Feathermoon is that while the Night Elves generally dislike magic, they require additional reinforcements from the full might of the Alliance in hopes of winning against the (either Horde or AQ war effort).

Horde Opt 1: Revantusk Village
Lore: The trolls of the North have decided to tighten their bond with the Horde as the Wildhammer dwarves have done with the Alliance.

Horde Opt 2: Stonard
Lore: The Horde have decided to reinforce Stonard as the threats located in nearby Blackrock Mountain become a pressing matter with little other means of access besides Grom’gol.

Horde Opt 3: Hammerfall
Lore: The Horde have deemed it highly valuable to establish a stronghold in the Arathi Highlands, giving them valuable access to important Alliance routes, in hopes of separating them from the Wildhammer dwarves.
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Re: Add New Mage Portals

Post by Paw » Fri Oct 22, 2021 6:16 pm

Akalix wrote:
Wed Oct 20, 2021 12:54 am
Suggestion: Add new mage portals!
We have too many portals as of now so maybe not now but a great idea overall I would say!

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